game master

Chapter 234 - Coordination

Chapter 234 - Coordination
Qin Haonan led the team and continued to walk forward, his goal was to find the brightly feathered woodpecker.The trees here are getting taller and taller, Qin Haonan walks slowly through the grass.

"Brother Ruomeng, look ahead, there is a strange bird there." Charlotte said and pointed to the front.

Qin Haonan looked in the direction Charlotte pointed, and as expected, there was a woodpecker that was not very big but had a very bright color.

"We are going in that direction, it should be that direction." Qin Haonan said, leading the team to walk directly in that direction.

The light rain was still falling, and after a while, a team of players passed through the woods and came to the depths of the tropical rainforest.

"What happened to that woodpecker?" Hou Yue said after observing.

At this time, the woodpecker was tilting his head to look at Qin Haonan and the others. His eyes were emitting a fiery red light, making everyone who saw him feel like he was being watched.

"Who are you and why did you break into my territory?" The woodpecker didn't open its mouth, but a woman's voice came from him.

Qin Haonan looked at the other party, but didn't reply.

"This bird actually spoke, could it be the final boss this time?" Charlotte guessed boldly.

"That's right, it doesn't seem to be the case either." Qin Haonan opened his mouth.

The woodpecker turned around and stared at Qin Haonan. It suddenly said, "In that case, I won't be polite. The intruder will have to pay the price. Haha..."

With the sound of laughter, the woodpecker suddenly flew up and became bigger in the air.

Qin Haonan could clearly see the opponent's attributes, the level 65 little elite monster "Colored Feather Woodpecker".Judging by the name and level, it is indeed not a real BOSS.It is very likely that it is the little guy next to the BOSS, and the BOSS is talking to the outside world through it.

At this moment, many mobs that appeared before ran out from the entire tropical rainforest. Level 61, Level 62, and Level 63 are available in a wide variety of quantities and types.

"Damn... we are surrounded." Ban Tang Du Zun said.

"Don't worry, this boss seems to be able to attract mobs. As long as we get rid of the boss as soon as possible, we won't be harassed by mobs again. Brother Fang, you take a few brothers to clean up the mobs outside, and the main force is here to attack the mobs." Kill the boss." Qin Haonan looked at the current situation and said hastily.

Fang Zhen nodded: "Okay, no problem." As he spoke, he led a few people towards the periphery of the team.

"Master, this boss hasn't shown up yet, how do you know the characteristics of the other party?" I thought Jing Jing was very curious.

"I think Jingjing, you should focus on fighting monsters first, and stop guessing. After you finish fighting monsters, it's not too late to ask Brother Ruomeng for advice!" Charlotte interjected.

"It's the same reasoning." I wanted to speak quietly and raised my long sword, ready to fight.

Qin Haonan was staring at the sky intently at this time. While observing, he added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and at the same time summoned Sword Slave and Shadow Wolf.Several contracted beasts also lined up, ready to attack at any time.

At this time, the "Iroba Woodpecker" flapped its wings in the air, and a woman with outstanding figure slowly appeared from the side of the Iroha Woodpecker.

The woman's appearance is not considered beautiful, because she wears a huge mask with feathers on her face, covering half of her face.With a pair of colorful wings on her back, her body is suspended in mid-air, and the bow and arrow in her hand are raised.

"Is she a shooter or something?" Hou Yue asked in surprise.

"Well, yes. Her medium and long-range attacks are very powerful, so don't take it lightly." Qin Haonan hurriedly reminded.

Level 66 - Soul Witch (Spirit Beast)
In fact, facing this boss, Qin Haonan was not very worried.If there is a group of novices standing here, they may be discouraged by so many mobs, or directly organize a team to attack the mobs first.That BOSS is a medium and long-range attack, which is even more annoying.But Qin Haonan won't be like this, because he generally understands how to deal with it.

First of all, the mobs here are all attracted by the boss.If the BOSS cannot be eliminated, these mobs will be attracted wave after wave. It is just pressure, and it can make a team of players depressed.

Secondly, although the boss's medium and long-range attack is very powerful, it can only attack alone, and it is impossible to attack this boss in groups.So there is no need to put too much pressure on himself, Qin Haonan is still very confident in his gang members.

Facing this boss, the most important thing is to force her down from the sky.Otherwise, this battle will be very difficult. It is difficult for players on the ground to attack the BOSS, but the BOSS can attack players in the air.

Seeing that the Soul Witch had appeared, Qin Haonan sent out a move [Level 15 of Yu Jian Jue], and immediately started the monster.

None of the other members of the guild thought that the guild leader would be so straightforward, and he would open the monster as soon as he said it.

After Qin Haonan's first skill hit, Qin Haonan commanded Feimeng and Mu Qing to fly into the air.The boss in this game is very annoying, because she has wings and can fly.In addition, it is a medium and long-range attack, which can almost make her attack the player without injury.

But Qin Haonan has contracted beasts that can fly into the air, not only Qin Haonan's contracted beasts, but also Charlotte's Wushuang can also fly.Among the other contracted beasts of the guild, there are also some who can be vacated for a short time.

"Come on everyone, let's kill the boss first." Qin Haonan said, with his hands behind his back and swinging, hinting important information to Hou Yue and the others. "All other contracted beasts that can fly will be vacated."

The gang members also understood Qin Haonan's meaning at this time, and immediately commanded the flying contracted beast to fly into the air, preparing to force the boss down from the sky, otherwise it would be difficult to attack.

As soon as Mu Qing was in the air, he used [Water Control Level 10] and launched an attack.

Feimeng did not show weakness, and together with Charlotte's Wushuang, released skills again and again.The hunter profession and the mechanics profession had a huge advantage at this time, and they attacked the boss in a uniform manner.

The battle was extremely fierce, but within a short while, the boss in the sky was bombarded by contracted beasts, hunters on the ground, and mechanics.

Hou Yue rushed up quickly, and directly released [End Moment], and Charlotte released [Shadow Lock] after him, successfully immobilizing the opponent.This is the combination of skills they used to capture mounts before, but they didn't expect it to come in handy here.

[Tianxuan Curse Level 10], [Rejuvenation Curse Level 10], [Tianyin Curse Level 10], [Leiyin Jue Level 10]...

[White Tiger Divine Might Level 10], [White Tiger Phantom Level 10], [White Tiger Breaking Block Level 10]...

[Wind and Smoke Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 10], [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10]...

The attacks of the contracted beasts and the players instantly overwhelmed the BOSS, and the BOSS's HP also dropped all the way, falling by 22% soon.

The cooperation of a team of players has become more and more tacit, and the speed of fighting monsters has increased significantly.

(End of this chapter)

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