game master

Chapter 235 - Instance Clearance

Chapter 235 - Instance Clearance
Qin Haonan took advantage of the boss being fixed and launched several consecutive attacks. [Illusion Hidden Kill], [Wind and Demon Blade]...

Fang Zhen has almost dealt with the mobs, but as Qin Haonan said before, this boss will attract the mobs by itself.When a wave of mobs is cleared until there are only a few left, new mobs will be attracted from the tropical rainforest again.

The other members also saw the increasing number of mobs, and everyone speeded up, preparing to deal with the boss in front of them as soon as possible.

The immobilization time has not yet ended, and the boss's life has dropped rapidly to below 15%.But judging from the current situation, before killing the boss, she will definitely release the immobilization and unleash a big move.

Sure enough, when the time came, the Soul Witch's wings vibrated and she quickly lifted off into the sky.She knew that she had to stay away from this group of powerful players. At this time, her HP was less than 10%, and if she continued like this, she would die soon.

"Mu Qing, Fei Meng, stop the boss." Qin Haonan commanded.

"Wushuang, you also go into the sky." Charlotte gave instructions to her contracted beast.

Sensing the crisis, the Soul Witch swayed and hid behind the "Colored Feather Woodpecker".At this time, Caiyu Woodpecker's life value is also on the verge of crisis, and it can be said that it is difficult to protect itself.

But when the two bosses and the small bosses with critical health came together, the situation of the battle changed slightly in an instant.The wings of the Iroba woodpecker vibrated, stirring up rain and wind in the sky.

Seeing this situation, Feimeng hastily added protection [Liuguang Xianshield Level 10] to everyone.The protective shields were being formed one by one, but at this moment, Feimeng's movements in the sky suddenly stopped.

"Feimeng, Mu Qing, come back quickly." Qin Haonan seemed to sense that something was about to happen, and shouted.

Only Mu Qing's blue body returned from the air, and Fei Meng's petite purple figure seemed to be frozen in the air, motionless.The strong wind slowly slowed down with the raindrops, and this attack did not cause too much damage to everyone.

"What happened? What's the situation?" Hou Yue asked in surprise.

Qin Haonan's expression was serious: "Monkey, can your arrow hit the boss in the sky? My contracted beast seems to be controlled by the other party. If the boss doesn't die, there will be other contracted beasts or players around us who will be controlled. Become an enemy against us."

"Ah, is this boss so powerful?" Charlotte was also surprised when she heard that.

"Yes, her name is Soul Witch, and she is good at soul attacks. Before, she could talk to us with the help of other mobs, but of course she can control us now." Qin Haonan said.

Hou Yue measured the distance with his eyes, frowned and said, "Let me try, it may not succeed, after all, the distance here is a bit far..."

This side is talking, and Feimeng has been controlled over there.Her purple figure suddenly attacked Qin Haonan, and a move [Nightmare Level 10] was thrown towards him.

[Nightmare] This skill is acquired by Feimeng at level 30. It releases a nightmare magic circle. Within a square area of ​​8 meters in front, all targets' attack will be reduced by 30%, and their defense will be reduced by 30%.It lasts for 30 seconds, cools down for 15 seconds, and consumes 60 points of true energy.

This skill was originally used to attack the enemy, but now it has become a weapon to attack one's own people.

"Everyone, spread out!" Qin Haonan yelled, although the team members were already moving, it was still a bit late, about 10 gang members were attacked by Feimeng, and all attributes dropped a lot.

"Monkey, forget it, otherwise it will be more troublesome to alarm the BOSS. I have a solution." Qin Haonan hurriedly said, "You avoid the attack of my contracted beast. After all, her attack power is quite high. Leave it to me, BOSS The life value is not much anyway."

"What do we need to do?" Charlotte asked quietly.The reason why she whispered was because she was worried that the boss would hear her.

"I need a little time for you to attract the boss's attention." Qin Haonan also lowered his voice.

The soul witch's attention was always on the players of the entire team, Qin Haonan retreated quietly, and finally hid behind a big tree nearby.Fortunately, all of this was not noticed by the Soul Witch.

Qin Haonan stood behind the tree and immediately used the [Hidden] skill.As soon as he was invisible here, he quickly climbed towards the top of the tree.At this time, the position of a thick branch of this big tree is very close to the position where the soul witch is hanging in the air.

Qin Haonan climbed the tree quite fast, but Hou Yue didn't understand the situation, only to see that the gang leader disappeared in a blink of an eye.Dodging the attacks of BOSS, mobs and Feimeng here is a bit powerless.

Linglong was on the side skillfully returning blood to everyone, and Erbai was on the side, ready to attack at any time.

After a while, Qin Haonan had already climbed to the last branch on the top of the tree.Taking advantage of the invisible time, he quickly approached the Soul Witch.

The time of invisibility is coming soon, Qin Haonan has already calculated the time in his mind.He stepped forward quickly, and jumped towards the direction of the soul witch. He had already clenched the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword tightly in his hand, and he slashed forward with a move of [Phantom Hidden Kill].

The Soul Sorceress was concentrating on attacking the players below, never expecting to be attacked suddenly.She didn't see the figure of the player in the sky at all, so she couldn't help but be stunned at this moment.

Under the huge impact, the Soul Witch was grabbed by Qin Haonan's arm and fell from the sky.Qin Haonan used a back pad made of a soul witch, so the impact force of the fall was blocked by the opponent, and he didn't lose any blood.

But the Soul Witch's side was even more miserable. First, she was suddenly attacked by an unknown person, and then hit the ground by an invisible object, and her health continued to drop.

Qin Haonan had just released his invisibility at this time, he had already jumped up from the ground, and made up with a move of [Chop Wind and Demon Blade].Erbai had already rushed over at this time, [White Tiger Claw Level 10] and [White Tiger Break Level 10] came correspondingly.

The skill attacks of other team members were also thrown over at once. The boss didn't hold on for a few seconds before dying magnificently.

After the boss was eliminated, Feimeng's state was immediately restored.She was in a daze in the air, completely unaware of what had just happened.

"Feimeng, Mu Qing, go and destroy that little boss in the sky." Seeing Feimeng's recovery, Qin Haonan didn't say anything else, and directly gave Feimeng and the others an order.

After the Soul Witch died, the number of mobs did not increase.Qin Haonan commanded the team, and quickly wiped out the little elite monsters in the sky and the little monsters on the ground.Then I quickly picked up the items that exploded with everyone.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the Mengran Jiangshan Guild. You became the first guild to clear the dungeon. It took 20 minutes and 05 seconds. Guild member reputation +100, guild funds +8000. After 10 seconds, you will be sent to the competition venue."

"We turned out to be the first guild to clear the level?!" Nuomi Tangtang was quite happy to hear the system tone.

"Everyone check again to see if there are any equipment items that have not been picked up?" Qin Haonan heard that he would be teleported in 10 seconds, and hurriedly reminded him.

When the team members heard it, they hurriedly checked beside them.

At this time, the scene in front of everyone's eyes began to become blurred, and the scene of the dungeon disappeared little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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