game master

Chapter 242 - The Little Monsters in the Sky

Chapter 242 - The Little Monsters in the Sky

Groups of rabbits first hid in the grass, and then ran all the way towards the mountains.

The mounts of the Mengran Jiangshan Gang were faster, and everyone followed suit.Running like this, the rabbit group did not lose track.

The group of wild rabbits quickly reached the edge of the mountain, and there were already rolling hills ahead.

The group of rabbits seemed to know that a player was following them, ran to the foot of the mountain, and suddenly stopped moving.Qin Haonan, the big rabbit who took the lead, also saw it. It was a level 65 elite monster "Elite Rabbit".

"What do they mean by this? They don't want to run away and attack us again." Charlotte guessed.

This time, Charlotte's guess was not wrong, this group of mobs was ready to turn around and attack.And it's not just them, there will be other little monsters and little elites joining in.

The Elite Rabbit issued another order, and the original more than 200 wild rabbits quickly surrounded them.Not only that, at this time, many level 66 mountain hedgehogs and mountain pheasants emerged from the forest in the mountains.

"They are preparing to besiege us!" Hou Yue couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

To be honest, gangs like Mengran Jiangshan are really not worried when they see five or six hundred mobs in front of them.

Qin Haonan alone can deal with a large area.What's more, there are still 60 members together at this time, plus powerful contracted beasts, there is no pressure to face this group of mobs.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qin Haonan quickly put away his mount, added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and summoned all the contracted beasts.

Other members of the gang also entered the state of confrontation. At this moment, a huge shadow shrouded Qin Haonan and others below.This sudden change made Qin Haonan startled. Many members of the gang looked up and saw a huge flying bird.

Because the speed of the flying bird was too fast, the huge shadow also passed by in a flash.So most people didn't see clearly what kind of bird it was.

Qin Haonan didn't see clearly at that glance just now.But he can be sure of one thing, that is a level 66 boss.Not the elite level, but the spirit beast they were looking for.

"Monkey, we don't need to waste time with the mobs in front of us, let's chase the boss in that direction together?" Qin Haonan turned his head and said to Hou Yue.

At this moment, Yue Ye was squinting his eyes, looking at the boss that just flew away.

"Anan, that boss seems to be at the level of a spirit beast, I can roughly confirm it." Hou Yue said firmly.

"I also paid special attention to its level just now, it is the boss of the spirit beast." Fang Zhen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Since Hou Yue and Fang Zhen both said so, basically there is no problem.

Qin Haonan nodded and said, "In that case, let's get on our mounts and go after the boss."

Just as they were talking, Qin Haonan had already mounted the clear water unicorn, and quickly ran towards the direction where the boss was flying.The other members of the gang followed closely behind, and a group of people ran towards the mountain next to them.

"Are you saying that the one that flew over just now was an eagle? I think it looks like it." Ban Tang Du Zun asked Charlotte beside him while driving his mount wildly.

Charlotte was not in a hurry to answer, looked at the team behind her, and then said, "If it's really an eagle, how can we go up to kill the boss on the cliff on the top of the mountain?"

"Eh... I don't know about this either." Ban Tang Du Zun said helplessly.

At this time, the little monsters who were left behind looked confused, and they were preparing for a big fight just now, but who knew that the appearance of the BOSS would change the whole situation of the battle.

Qin Haonan ran for a certain distance, then looked back at the group of mobs, and found that they did not follow.Judging by their expressions, they seem to be a little afraid of the mountains here.

Qin Haonan couldn't pass that much, so he urged his mount to chase after him.The figure of the boss can still be vaguely seen, but at this moment, the number of those flying mobs in the sky in front of them increased by a large amount.

A group of level 65 "two-headed demon-eating beasts" hovered in the sky. Only then did Qin Haonan realize that this kind of mob had a relatively large body and looked very similar to an eagle.They have feathers, huge wings, and sharp claws, but they have two heads.These two heads are like human heads, with round faces, eyes, nose, and mouth.

But when they flew low, Qin Haonan could clearly see that they had two rows of extremely sharp fangs.To be bitten by such teeth is really unbearable.

"Brother Ruomeng, the mobs seem to be attacking us." Charlotte said looking at the sky.

Hou Yue had already raised his weapon, but did not take the initiative to attack. "Anan, that boss is probably not an eagle, but a two-headed demon-eating beast similar to these mobs. Let's be careful later, the boss's home is probably on the top of this mountain."

"Well, the mobs in this area are all flying mobs, everyone should pay more attention." Qin Haonan hastily issued an order to everyone, "Mechanism masters and hunters, get ready, if the mobs attack later, you will also attack from long-distance first." Launch a counterattack. Everyone should also pay attention, don't be taken to the sky by them, otherwise it will be more passive for us."

"Well, I see, leader." The members of the guild replied.

At this time, another two-headed demon-eating beast swooped down quickly, its sharp claws pointing directly at the team of immortal doctors behind the team.

"Protect the Immortal Doctor." Qin Haonan hurriedly shouted.

Hou Yue's long bow had already been drawn, and the long arrow that left the string accurately hit the double-headed monster's chest.The other hunter players launched a series of arrow rain after Hou Yue.

In addition, the phantom dancer and spell master standing in front of the medical fairy all launched attacks, and the two-headed demon-eating beast had already died.But the current situation has not turned the corner, because the two-headed monsters in the sky have already discovered this team of players who broke into the mountain.

It can be seen from the appearance that the two-headed monster is a very aggressive mob.

Groups of two-headed demon-eating beasts began to swoop down. They opened their mouths full of fangs, roaring and flew towards Qin Haonan.

At this time, Mu Qing and Feimeng had already vacated, and Linglong had also set up [LV10 Earth-carrying Formation] for everyone.

The rain of arrows has been shot neatly without Qin Haonan's special command.

[Magic Arrow], [Soul Devouring Slash], [Three Plum Blossoms], [Mechanism Wolf Call], [Sword Overlord], [Sky Feather Arrow], [Cloud Piercing Arrow], [Mechanism Bear Call], [Fantasy Rain Fairy Dance]...

Fighting against enemies in the sky, the two professions of hunter and machine engineer have a huge advantage.

As for other professions, they launched attacks towards the sky.There is always a feeling of intentional and insufficient power.

On Qin Haonan's side, the directly summoned Shadow Wolf and Sword Slave couldn't fly into the air, and if the mobs couldn't be pulled to the ground, it would be more troublesome to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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