game master

Chapter 243 - To the top of the mountain

Chapter 243 - To the top of the mountain
Seeing the situation in front of him, Qin Haonan didn't find it difficult to fight.

Feimeng and Muqing had already vacated, and the order they received from Qin Haonan was to knock out the little monsters one by one and kick them to the ground.

The two contracted beasts cooperated very well, and quickly defeated one after another of the mobs.The other gang members waited on the ground, and when one fell, everyone attacked one collectively.According to this method, the Mengran Jiangshan Gang also solved many mobs in a short time.

The two-headed demon-eating beasts here have already experienced the strength of these players, and many of them dare not act rashly for a while.They hovered in the sky and let out a strange cry, but they no longer swooped down to attack without hesitation like they did at the beginning.

As expected, strength is the most important thing. If you don't have strength, mobs will attack you, but if you have strength, mobs will guard against you.

Qin Haonan didn't want to waste time on these mobs, his goal was the boss flying high.

"Everyone, clean up the little monsters that are attacking us now, and then we will continue to walk up the mountain. Our goal is not here, so don't waste any more time." Qin Haonan said while killing a two-headed monster. .

"Okay, I got it." Hou Yue responded.

The little monsters here are cleaned up very quickly. After cleaning up, there are no two-headed monsters in the sky that dare to rush down.

The mountain road here is not as steep as imagined, and you can also ride a mount along the road.Occasionally, a few wild wolves and leopards will appear along the way.But they are all level 65 mobs, and it doesn't take much trouble to fight them.

Qin Haonan led the team to walk, but at this moment there was no way to go.Because the mountain in front is really steep, the mount can no longer pass through here.

This mountain is full of trees, but the huge rocks and cliffs are very steep and not easy for people to climb.

"Brother Ruomeng, what should we do? We can't climb rocks, can we?" Charlotte looked at the high mountain in front of him and couldn't help sighing.

"Let's find the way again. I believe that the game design will not allow us to climb rocks. We can't fight if we climb rocks. The range of this mountain is very large. Maybe there are some paths leading to the top of the mountain at some point." Qin Haonan guessed.

"That's right. Let's divide into two teams and find our way along this mountain. We'll meet up here after 20 minutes, so we can save a lot of time." Hou Yue suggested.

After hearing this, Qin Haonan couldn't help but nodded, thinking that the monkey's idea was good. "Okay, in this case, do what you want. Let's divide into two teams, 30 people in each team, and come back to gather in 20 minutes."

In this way, Qin Haonan and Hou Yue divided the teams according to this arrangement.The two teams of players, led by the gang leader Qin Haonan and the deputy gang leader Hou Yue, went in two directions and circled the mountain to find a path to the top of the mountain.

The side led by Qin Haonan began to search along the left side of the mountain. The trees here began to increase, and it was lush and lush.Soon, Qin Haonan discovered that there was a hidden path here, but the path did not lead to the top of the mountain, but to a cave.

The entrance of this cave is not very big, the light inside is not good, and it looks dark.

"Master, this cave is so deep!" Eternal|Zi Ye probed into the cave and observed it before opening his mouth.

Qin Haonan took a brief look first, and then said: "You are waiting for me at the door, I will go in and have a look."

Qin Haonan walked into the cave and found that it was really deep, and the space in this cave was very, very large.In the cave is a hole within a hole. After walking for a while, I found that this road is actually an uphill road, which means that walking along the road in the cave is always moving upward.

After figuring out the situation in this cave, Qin Haonan decided to go back and discuss with everyone first, and take a look at Hou Yue's wayfinding situation by the way.

So, Qin Haonan exited the cave, and went back the same way with the helpers.

When Qin Haonan came back, Hou Yue's team was already waiting for him at the appointed place.

"Monkey, what's the situation over there? Have you found the way to the top of the mountain?" Qin Haonan asked.

"I don't have any here. They are all cliffs. Did you find anything on your side?" Hou Yue said.

Qin Haonan nodded and said: "I didn't find the road, but I found a cave. The cave is very deep. I suspect that this cave may lead to the top of the mountain."

"In this case, let's go to the cave to have a look." Hou Yue said.

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Qin Haonan said.

A group of people walked towards the cave together, and soon came to the entrance of the cave.Qin Haonan stood in front and led the way for everyone. It was rather dark in the cave, but he got used to it after walking for a while.

As I went deeper, I found that there are still many mobs in it.The cave has always been uphill, and there is a feeling of climbing this way.

The underground of the cave is all mud, and it feels muddy when you step on it.The first mob that appeared was the poisonous scorpion at level 65, followed by giant rats.

Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and summoned all contracted beasts and summoned beasts.The road in the cave is relatively narrow, and only three people can pass side by side at a time.

So Qin Haonan walked in the front and opened the way for the whole team.The mobs who charged up first were basically eliminated by Qin Haonan and the contracted beasts.

Eternity|Zi Ye and Qin Haonan walked ahead together, he has been investigating to see if there are any valuable treasures in this cave map.But unfortunately, on the field map of the second round of competition, so far there is no such setting as hidden treasures.

Walking all the way like this, Qin Haonan was surprised to find that there was a bright light ahead.

"There should be the exit." Eternal|Zi Ye said.

"Great, let's hurry over and see if it's the way to the top of the mountain." Qin Haonan said and quickened his pace.

The front became brighter and brighter. When Qin Haonan was the first to walk out of the cave, he was completely shocked by the scene ahead.The wind outside is very strong, here is the top of the mountain, and a huge nest is entrenched here.

"Master, what's the situation outside? Can we come out?" Eternal|Ziye asked in the cave.

Qin Haonan turned back and said, "Come out, this is the top of the mountain."

After hearing Qin Haonan's words, the whole team slowly walked out of the cave.

The top of the mountain is a smooth boulder with only a small tree that does not grow very high.Other than that it was bare, with a huge bird's nest set up beside small trees and boulders, but there was nothing else here.

"This should be the lair of the BOSS. Let's wait here. He will definitely come back soon." Charlotte said.

"Well, wait here for a while, the top of the mountain is very large, so there is no problem in fighting." Qin Haonan looked at the surrounding environment and said.

(End of this chapter)

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