game master

Chapter 244 - Fighting the Boss

Chapter 244 - Fighting the Boss
At this moment, the wind here suddenly blew more violently.

I saw a huge two-headed demon-eating beast rushing down from the sky, making piercing screams as it swooped down.

As the two-headed demon-eating beast approached, Qin Haonan could clearly see that it was not an ordinary two-headed demon-eating beast.He is a more powerful "mutated double-headed devil" who has undergone mutation.

He has feathers, huge wings, sharp claws, and two heads.It is very close to the appearance of the double-headed Demon Eater, but his body is even bigger. Not only that, the feathers on his body are darker than the former, and his eyes are blood red.

This is a level 68 mutated double-headed monster (spiritual beast), exactly the BOSS everyone is looking for.

"Great, he is the BOSS. It seems that there is no gang to fight with us, and it is not difficult to get the customs clearance order." Charlotte said happily.

"Even so, we can't be careless." Qin Haonan hurriedly reminded.At this time, the long sword in his hand was clenched tightly, and he was ready to fight.

Feimeng and Muqing saw that the boss was about to dive down, and they had already vacated. Feimeng added [Level 10 Liuguang Immortal Shield] to everyone, adding a magic shield to the owner and all contracted beasts.

When the Mutated Two-Headed Demon approached, Mu Qing's [Water Control Technique Level 10] and [Dragon Soaring Level 10] were sent out one after another, and the Mutated Two-headed Demon was directly attacked.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and the two sides officially exchanged fire.

Qin Haonan has already directed the gang of hunters and mechanics to launch a round of attacks. The mutated double-headed demon is very smart. He knows that if he really lands, the situation will become very passive.So he hovered in the air, the original plan of the dive attack had been destroyed by Mu Qing, so he changed it to throwing stones in the air.

Speaking of which, the skills of this BOSS are quite strange, [Stone Throwing] will automatically generate a big stone in the claws of the mutant double-headed demon, and let the BOSS throw it down as much as it wants.

Charlotte was hit by this [Stone Throwing] skill just now, only then did she realize that the damage of this single attack skill is not small.Charlotte's health dropped directly from 100% to 72%.Glutinous Rice Tangtang hurriedly tossed the blood skills back and forth to Charlotte to replenish blood.

"This won't work, we have to find a way to lure the boss down. If we continue to attack in the air like this, most of our players will not be able to truly display their combat effectiveness." Hou Yue said with a frown.

At this time, Yue had just activated the [Magic Breaking Arrow], and it hit one of the boss's eyes accurately.

"This BOSS is also a traitor, and it is precisely because of this that he keeps attacking in the air and refuses to come down." Fang Zhen said.

"Let me think of a way..." Qin Haonan made a move [Royal Sword Art Level 15] while speaking, and the illusory long sword pierced the boss's chest.

"Let me try it." Fang Zhen walked up to Qin Haonan with a big knife in his hand.

Qin Haonan nodded in agreement. To be honest, after Fang Zhen specialized in hiding the profession "Slaughter God", he rarely saw Fang Zhen activate his skills.

Fang Zhen's whole body was suddenly surrounded by streaks of red light, and the huge fighting energy made him look murderous.He swung the big knife in his hand towards the sky violently, and countless air waves rushed towards the mutant double-headed demon.

I saw that the boss in the air was hit by grudge many times in a row and lost blood frequently.But at this time, Qin Haonan discovered the real key to Fang Zhen's attack.Strips of red vines were like blood vessels, connecting the weapon in Fang Zhen's hand to the mutant double-headed demon.

The red vines of the mutated double-headed demon dragged and descended from the sky.Not only that, but his health continued to decrease, and the lost life was added to Fang Zhen.Fang Zhen originally only had 75% of his health, but now it has recovered to 92%.

"The sub-guild leader's skill attack is so powerful, this is the first time I have seen the sub-guild leader use it."

The mutated double-headed demon was already very close to the ground. Thirteen suddenly rushed forward, flying the long sword in his hand, and froze the boss's claws and half of his body with black ice, freezing them together with the boulder on the top of the mountain.

"Thirteen, well done." Qin Haonan said in admiration.

Fang Zhen and Thirteen's joint attack directly alleviated the difficulties that the gang just encountered.

Taking advantage of the BOSS being controlled, the 60 members of the gang launched a fierce offensive together.The gorgeous skill attack hit the boss with a thunderbolt, and the life value of the boss was also continuously declining.

"Charlotte, get ready, as soon as the boss is released, you will find a way to lock it again with your skills." Qin Haonan said.

"No problem." Charlotte responded quickly.

Before the mutated double-headed monster activated a large-scale skill to refresh its prestige, it had already been hit by the Mengran Jiangshan Gang with less than 30% of its health.

As soon as Fang Zhen's skill [Blood Sucking and Soul Killing Formation] ended, the thirteen-raised ice tended to loosen.Seeing this situation, Charlotte activated [Shadow Lock] without saying a word.Long black shadows replaced the red vines, trapping the boss firmly again.

The mutated two-headed demon looked up to the sky and wailed in pain. Perhaps he had sensed his own crisis and called for help to the two-headed demon-eating beast in the sky.

Immediately there was a response from the sky, and about 30 two-headed monsters flew down from the sky, ready to help.

"Don't worry, everyone. Let's hurry up and kill the BOSS first. His HP has reached 20%, and he will soon enter a rampage state. He will use a large-scale skill attack at most. We will try to kill him as soon as possible." Qin Haonan commanded calmly.

The other members of the gang still have great trust in Qin Haonan, the leader of the gang.Hearing Qin Haonan's order, everyone obeyed directly and unconditionally.

Erbai added [White Tiger Phantom Level 10] to himself, and rushed towards the trapped mutant double-headed demon with the clone, [White Tiger Claw Level 10] and [White Tiger Breaking Block Level 10] came accordingly.

Qin Haonan also rushed up, and jumped onto the back of the boss, [Phantom Hidden Kill], [Cut Wind and Demon Blade], [Level 10 Thunder Sword Art]...

At this time, the mobs had swooped down, and they didn't land to attack, they just fought guerrilla like this, and after one attack, they rose into the air again.It adds a little difficulty to the whole process of killing monsters. The BOSS health here is already 10%, and the mobs over there are more harassing.

"Monkey, you take hunter and mechanics players to attack mobs, Tangtang, pay attention to regenerating their blood, and the others concentrate on attacking the boss." Qin Haonan quickly changed his strategy when he saw the situation.

Hou Yue had already drawn his longbow and changed the target of the attack. "Okay, I know."

Besides, on the boss side, with the decrease of health, the mutated double-headed demon has entered the berserk mode.His eyes turned black and red, more ferocious and bloody, and the power on his body increased dramatically.He waved his wings vigorously, finally broke through the comfort, and flew high into the sky again.

Qin Haonan was still on the back of the boss at this time, and with the mutated double-headed demon rising into the sky, Qin Haonan was unable to land.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly launched skill attacks on the back of the boss.

The mutated double-headed demon let out a mournful cry, obviously also angry.

(End of this chapter)

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