game master

Chapter 248 - First Victory

Chapter 248 - First Victory
Not only that, but the mechanism division also has some passive skills. [Boost of Mech Beast Attack], [Buff of Mechanism Beast’s Life], [Boost of Mechanism Beast’s Defense], [Buff of Mechanism Beast’s Speed]... There are many such skills, many Mechanism masters do not have a large area of ​​distribution of skill points, resulting in machine Beasts lack combat power, and are easily killed in fighting monsters and PK.

This also makes many players feel that the profession of mechanism engineer is too weak and has little effect.

But without losing style, he never thinks so, he allocates all skill points carefully.Especially for these passive skills, he will give more bonus points.

At this time, many players in the auditorium also stopped their initial discussion.Because of the performance without losing style, everyone changed their initial views.At this time, the battle situation was more intense, and many players who were paying attention to other gang battles were also attracted.

Qin Haonan looked at the current situation, smiled and said to Hou Yue beside him: "As long as we can keep calling without losing style, we will surely win this game."

"Yeah, seeing his mechanism beast, I thought of the helplessness I felt when I was fighting you." Hou Yue joked.

Qin Haonan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, and then he laughed loudly: "Monkey, you really are, why did you bring this up again?"

"One-to-many, I don't feel very good. I don't like to compete with guys with strong summoning power like you." Hou Yue said.

Charlotte has also been paying attention to the development of the situation here, and he asked in a low voice: "Brother Ruomeng, I always feel that the style is much better than the average mechanism master. When he was doing missions with us before, he didn't show it. Such a powerful side. How did he do it?"

"You're right. His style is much better than the average mechanism master. First of all, his position is very flexible, and he can avoid the damage that can be avoided. His attack is also very accurate, and he has never missed a shot. "Qin Haonan explained, "Look again, all of his summoning skills have reached the full level. Not only that, but several passive blessing skills are also above level 8."

"It's not that powerful just now, is it? And where did he get so many skill points?" Charlotte continued to ask.

"Equipment without losing style shouldn't be bad, right?" Hou Yue analyzed.

"The two of you are right in your analysis. You don't lose your style when you usually do tasks, and you pay great attention to the task of gifting skill points. When you are fighting monsters and leveling up, he often upgrades slowly, so you have to focus more on skill points. He spends 18 hours a day in the game, do the math, if he tries his best to level up, he will probably be around level 68 now." Qin Haonan said.

"Brother Ruomeng, you are so subtle in your observations, this kid is hiding everything without losing his style!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Equipment without losing style, you didn't discover it just now. In fact, this kid has a set of level 65 suits for PK, which he just changed before going on the field." Qin Haonan continued.

After hearing this, Hou Yue couldn't help touching his forehead: "I'm dizzy, there is such a skill without losing style, I admire it!"

"Okay, let's watch the game. Maybe he will bring more surprises to everyone!" Qin Haonan laughed.

Besides, on the other side of the ring, Luoxue Tianqing didn't expect that she had just dealt with the Mechanism Beast and was about to fight her opponent one-on-one, when 6 more Mechanism Scorpions appeared.

Without losing style, he commanded the organ scorpion, lined up cleverly, surrounded Luoxuetianqing and couldn't get out.

The tragic Luoxue Tianqing was also poisoned in the attack just now, and her health was continuously declining.Without losing style, he looked at the right time and used [Scatter] from a distance several times. When he didn't have skills, he used normal attacks.

Not Losing Style is a mechanic who focuses on summoning, and he has only practiced one [Scattering] attack skill.

But in Qin Haonan's opinion, this combination is very good.Mechanism divisions with attack skills below level 80 have mediocre combat effectiveness.Qin Haonan felt that it was an extremely wasteful thing to spend precious skill points on these skills in the early stage.

Luoxue Tianqing had already fallen into a passive state. He had just taken the medicine and his health had recovered to 80%.This also indicates that the cooling time for him to take the medicine will take a long time.In the poisoned state, he must minimize his attacks, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

But the trap scorpions would never give him such an opportunity. They scurried left and right to block, blocking the way out in snowy weather.

A confident smile suddenly appeared on the face that did not lose style, and the circle on the ring was opened, and the 6 mechanism bears were summoned again.Seeing this situation, Luoxue Tianqing's face almost turned green.How could he have forgotten that the cooldown time of the summoning had passed? Luoxuetianqing was extremely passive in this case.

Luoxue Tianqing was going to hide behind the ring, but the mechanism scorpion didn't give him any way at all.

The 6 Mech Bears had already moved over, and another round of attacks began.

After summoning the mechanism bear without losing style, he immediately summoned 6 mechanism wolves.At this time, the battle situation in the arena was already one-sided. Without losing style, he set up his hand crossbow again, and continuously attacked Luoxuetianqing in the gap.

Facing 18 mechanism beasts, Luoxue Tianqing only dealt with 4 of them, and her HP was cleared to zero and she collapsed.

"Yao Le VS Mengran Jiangshan, the first single match, Mengran Jiangshan wins! +1 point." The referee NPC immediately announced the result.

At this moment, the auditorium was full of excitement. I didn't expect the mechanism division's battle to be so exciting.Mengran Jiangshan ushered in their first victory, and the victory without losing style made many players see that Mengran Jiangshan is not only strong in the gang leader, but also in the gang.

"Brother Ruomeng, I'm going to teleport. My match will start soon. Do you have any instructions?" Charlotte saw that he had walked off the ring in style, so he stood up and said.

Qin Haonan patted Charlotte on the shoulder and said with a smile: "There is no order, you will have no problems. It is difficult for a contracted beast with a hidden profession and a beast level to lose."

"Haha, I'm so confident after hearing you say that! Then I'm ready to fight." Charlotte said as she walked out of the auditorium and walked towards the teleportation circle.

When he walked to the entrance of the teleportation array, he happened to teleport back without losing style.The two met and shook hands, and Charlotte entered the teleportation and headed for the ring.

In the second match, Charlotte is fighting against one of Yao Le's deputy gang leaders, a level 65 swordsman, Xue Wuhen.

Charlotte's level at this time is 67, 2 levels higher than the opponent, and she has an advantage in terms of level.

Xue Wuhen looked at Charlotte, who was only 169cm tall, and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, I said little brother, you should surrender as soon as possible. What do you gang leaders think, let you, a little baby, come and fight with me?"

Xue Wuhen is very tall, at a height of 190cm.Charlotte originally had a baby face, and her appearance was cute and fresh, but it was the first time for Charlotte to be ridiculed by her opponent.

"Blame uncle, don't be complacent, be careful that it will be ugly to lose later. You look so clumsy, I'm fast, and you will suffer later." Charlotte has a rather poisonous mouth, and it is impossible not to let him answer at this time of.

"Stinky boy, let's see the truth in the competition." Xue Wuhen snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"You won't ask for mercy then!" Charlotte said as she took out her dagger.

The referee NPC was still standing in the middle of the ring and announced: "The second round is about to start, please get ready. The countdown is 10, 9, 8..."

The referee NPC retreated to the edge of the ring while talking.

"3, 2, 1, 0!"

Charlotte didn't give the other party a chance to think about it at all. As soon as the countdown ended, the contracted beast Wushuang was summoned.In addition, Charlotte's body rushed out like an arrow off the string.

(End of this chapter)

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