game master

Chapter 249 - The Power of Hunting Dragons and Gods

Chapter 249 - The Power of Hunting Dragons and Gods

At this time, Charlotte's speed was faster than ordinary shadow killers. Xue Wuhen set up a two-handed sword to defend, but he didn't expect that Charlotte had already rushed in front of him, and he was hit head-on.But this blow was obviously a false move, he didn't use any skills, and he didn't use all his strength.

The figure in front of him flickered, and Charlotte had already injured Xue Wuhen's left side. After hitting [Shadow Thorn], it was followed by [Death Blow] and [Poison Blade].These three combos came so fast and violently, Xue Wuhen couldn't defend at all, and her health dropped very sharply.

At this time, the players watching the game in the auditorium not only exclaimed, the game started less than 5 seconds ago, and the two sides had already attacked many times.Xue Wuhen's health dropped to 51%, and he was showing faint signs of being poisoned.

Many players know Charlotte's name, after all, she is a top 10 player on the PK list.Xue Wuhen's provocative behavior as soon as he took the stage, many players felt that he was courting death again.

Who would have thought that Xue Wuhen would pay the price for his fault-finding just 5 seconds into the game.

Besides, on the stage, Xue Wuhen was obviously stunned.It took him a few seconds to remember that he needed to take the medicine to recover his blood. As soon as he took the medicine, Charlotte's next round of attacks began.

In order to be fast, Charlotte didn't use skills, and has been attacking continuously with basic attacks, using both hands and feet.The dagger swiped left and right, and the attack on the leg did not break.

Xue Wuhen was a little flustered by the sudden attack, and could only defend but not attack for a while.

But at this moment, Dragon Girl Wushuang hovered in mid-air, and released [Water Control Technique] and [Longteng] towards the target Xue Wuhen.A small piece of thundercloud covered the top of Xue Wuhen's head, and the thunder and lightning accompanied the rain, instantly drenching Xue Wuhen into a drenched chicken, looking very embarrassed.

Xue Wuhen felt that the situation was not good for him, so he quickly backed away, preparing to distance himself from Charlotte.It's a pity that he is a swordsman, and his speed is really inferior to the Shadow Killer.Oh no, Charlotte's profession belongs to the branch of Shadow Killer, Dragon Hunting God.

At this point in the game, Xue Wuhen hadn't even made a formal counterattack, and the audience had already booed him.

"Anan, I bet that within 50 seconds, Charlotte can win the game." Hou Yue joked.

Sitting in the auditorium, Qin Haonan couldn't help but smile: "Monkey, then you probably will lose to me. I bet that within 35 seconds, Charlotte can win the game."

"35 seconds, it's almost 20 seconds now." Hou Yue looked at the time.

"If you don't believe me, just see if it's 35 seconds or 50 seconds." Qin Haonan said calmly.

There was a lot of discussion in the auditorium, some cheered and some booed.

But the two of them competing in the arena have no idea what's going on outside.Charlotte was very angry at the other party's rude words, so she didn't plan to show mercy and prepared to make a quick decision.

Charlotte didn't want to play a game of cat and mouse with the other party, so she used [Shadow Lock] directly, and the black shadow jumped on the ground, directly nailing Xue Wuhen to the ground.

Facing this living target, Longnu Wushuang launched a series of skill attacks.

[Tornado Rain Strike], [Dragon Roar], [Water Control Technique], [Dragon Soaring]...

Charlotte will never let go of the opportunity in front of her. When she rushes up, there are [Poison Blade], [Shadow Stab], [Dragon Hunting Soul Blade]... During the skill attack, several critical strikes were issued.

The entire match took 32 seconds, and Xue Wuhen's HP fell to zero.During the entire match, Xue Wuhen had no time to counterattack, and was always passively beaten.

"Yao Le VS Mengran Jiangshan, the second single battle, Mengran Jiangshan wins! +1 point." The referee NPC immediately ran to the center of the ring and announced the result.

Charlotte looked at Xue Wuhen who fell on the ground, and didn't continue to ridicule him, but just smiled, turned her head and walked towards the teleportation array.

This game can be said to be the shortest game in the entire game.As Charlotte walked back to the auditorium, the players burst into applause.

Charlotte waved vigorously towards the auditorium. At this time, Fang Zhen had stood up from his seat and was about to walk towards the teleportation array.

"Brother Fang, you just need to do your best in this match, don't pay too much attention to it. Try to delay the time as much as possible, I want to see the real strength of the opponent." Seeing Fang Zhen standing up, Qin Haonan hurriedly reminded him.

Fang Zhen was startled, then turned his head and said, "Well, I see. Why do you say that, do you think I can't win the other party?"

"Brother Fang, your opponent is Drunk Dream Qingcheng. I have fought against him. He is very cunning and has a frighteningly high level." Qin Haonan said.

Fang Zhen turned his head and looked at the man in black who was walking towards the teleportation formation from the opposite side at this time. His entire face was covered by the hood, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

"Brother Fang, come on!" Qin Haonan added.

"I know, I'll try my best, maybe I'll win!" Fang Zhen was more optimistic, he waved to Qin Haonan and walked towards the teleportation array alone.

Qin Haonan didn't tell Fang Zhen that he had just secretly checked the level and attributes of Drunken Dream Qingcheng with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic], but the attributes were still not visible, but the level was 85.Fang Zhen is level 67, a full 19 levels less than the opponent. This is definitely not a joke. If you want to win, it is basically impossible.

Up to now, Qin Haonan doesn't know what Zuimengqingcheng's occupation is.Qin Haonan only hoped that Fang Zhen could hold the other party for a while longer, and see the other party's moves clearly, so as to understand Drunk Dream Qingcheng better.

"Anan, this Drunken Dream Allure is so powerful, do you think Big Brother Fang has no hope of winning?" Hou Yue asked curiously.

"Well, there is basically no hope, unless Drunken Dreams wants to lose on purpose. Let's just watch the game. Whether we win or lose this game, it doesn't have much impact on us. I value the team battle more. If we win that game, we will Successful promotion." Qin Haonan said.

"Well, I see." Hou Yue said.

At this time, Fang Zhen has already passed through the teleportation array and arrived at the competition venue.

Drunk Dream Qingcheng never took off his cloak and hood, his whole body was wrapped in black, mysterious and dangerous.Drunk Dream Qingcheng is already standing on the ring, waiting for Fang Zhen's arrival.

Watching Fang Zhen walk into the ring, the voice of Drunken Dream Qingcheng sounded: "I originally wanted to duel with your gang leader, but I didn't expect that the gang leader can't participate in the solo battle according to the rules of the competition. I'm a little disappointed."

Drunk Dream Qingcheng's voice was very hoarse, it was coming through a thick mask, his original voice could not be distinguished at all.

"Hmph, I can fight against you." Fang Zhen didn't say much, but he spoke powerfully.

Zuimeng Qingcheng was not a talkative person either, so everyone stopped talking.


As soon as the countdown ended, the referee NPC had retreated to the edge of the ring.

At this time, Drunken Dream Qingcheng actually took the lead in launching the attack.

(End of this chapter)

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