game master

Chapter 263 - Dragon Fighting the World VS Dream Dyeing the Country

Chapter 263 - Dragon Fighting the World VS Dream Dyeing the Country
Qin Haonan looked at the list of finals displayed on the big screen, and then looked at the game time. It was still half an hour before the finals.These times are the preparation time for the final guilds in the game, which can be used for the guilds to discuss battle plans and adjust personnel.

To deal with Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​Qin Haonan still arranged a lot of mechanism divisions.With the help of a powerful summon, suppress the dragon war world in terms of numbers.

At this time, on the side of Longzhan Tianxia, ​​the lineup of the entire team has also undergone a large-scale adjustment.

The game map this time was automatically arranged by the game.10 minutes before the start of the game, a new game map was displayed on the big screen.

Qin Haonan and Long Xingtian saw it at the same time, this time it was the map of the ruins of Tiangong.Above the nine heavens with billowing white clouds, there are heavenly palaces standing one after another.The scenery here is like a dream, with Qionglou Yuyu, which is daunting.

There will be some ruins in some areas, but the whole sky is still majestic.The area of ​​the Tiangong Ruins map is still quite large, and 400 people have enough space to fight here.

"The competition between the two gangs of Long Zhan Tianxia and Mengran Jiangshan is about to begin. I think everyone has seen by now that the map this time is above the sky. Please pay attention to the players of the two gangs. Competition Knowledge If any member falls from the sky, their HP will be reset to zero and they will quit the competition." NPC Fei Ya stepped onto the stage and began to explain.

At this time, the players in the auditorium were silent, listening to the new rules of the game quietly.

"I repeat, the time for the final is still one hour. The two gangs each send a team of 1 people to participate in the battle. The team must have the gang leader and a deputy gang leader. Players who die during the battle will have their bodies It will disappear automatically and teleport out of the competition field."

"The two sides fight, and the gang that persists until the end wins. If there is no winner within an hour, the gang with more players left will win."

"During the game, a chat channel will be opened specially. This chat channel is used for the calls of 200 players in the guild, and the other guild cannot see it. In addition, the players who hang up will automatically exit the chat channel." NPC Fei Ya explained the rules of the competition in detail.

At this time, Qin Haonan was paying attention to the game map on the entire big screen, and found that this map can be said to divide the entire game field into two halves.

The stone bridge in the center is the dividing point between the north and the south.There is a main hall on both sides of the north and south, and outside the main hall there are jade platforms, corridors, and platforms...

"Master, it's almost time, you can go to the teleportation array and wait for the teleportation."

"Understood, let's go there right away." Qin Haonan said and nodded.

After seeing that his team had been formed, Qin Haonan led the team towards the teleportation formation.At this time, it was already possible to enter, and after a while, 200 people were teleported in together.

Qin Haonan looked at the huge ruins of Tiangong and began to survey the terrain.

"Guild Master, our current location should be the south of the map of the ruins of Tiangong. If we want to fight with the opponent, we must cross the stone bridge ahead." Ban Tang Du Zun said after looking at the surrounding environment.

Qin Haonan said: "Well, I see. Let everyone prepare, the competition will start soon."

Just as Qin Haonan was speaking, the NPC referee had already walked over.After explaining a few words to Qin Haonan, the game entered the countdown.


As the countdown ended, both gangs took action.On Mengran Jiangshan's side, Qin Haonan asked boxer players to stand in the second row of the team, and the first row was completely occupied by the mechanism bears summoned by the mechanism masters.

"A'nan, shall we rush to fight, or wait a while?" Hou Yue asked suddenly.

"There's no need to waste time in the match against Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​let's go straight up." Qin Haonan said firmly.


"All members of Mengran Jiangshan get ready and move forward!" With the order of the leader, the 200 members of Mengran Jiangshan moved together.

At the same time, Long Zhan Tianxia also moved towards the location of the stone bridge.According to the current speed, the two gangs will be able to fight in a short while.

"The stone bridge is very wide. After a while, we will change one row into two rows. In this way, the bears can stand in two rows, and the hunters can stand forward and stand behind the boxers. Medium and long-range attacks will be used in this battle. Take advantage." Qin Haonan said, walking towards the front of the team.

Mengran Jiangshan's team quickly changed their formation after hearing the leader's order.

At this time, there is a huge heavenly palace, and the two teams are getting closer and closer.Long Zhan Tianxia adopts the most traditional fighting method, with the boxer at the front, followed by Ba Dao and Jian Hao.

Qin Haonan quickly calculated the distance between the two gangs and the skill attack range.

"All the mechanism masters are ready to summon the mechanism scorpion." As soon as Qin Haonan opened his mouth, all the mechanism masters followed Qin Haonan's instructions and summoned the mechanism beast.

The mechanism scorpion is very fast, and its body is smaller than other summoned beasts.They quickly moved through the crowd, and rushed to the boxers in the front row first.

Everyone did not expect that Mengran Jiangshan would let the agency scorpion take the lead.The poisonous mechanism scorpion ran rampant in the team of Longzhan Tianxia, ​​attacking and poisoning many players in the opposing team.

At this time, the mechanism bear of Meng Ran Jiangshan and the boxers of Longzhan Tianxia also fought together. Qin Haonan immediately gave an order for the hunters to start attacking.

Another row of arrow feathers fell densely, and Mengran Jiangshan was the first to launch a large-scale skill attack.

Mengran Jiangshan's attack was very fierce, and Long Xingtian didn't expect that in just ten seconds, Mengran Jiangshan really had a big advantage by launching multiple attacks first.

At this time, five boxer players in front of Longzhan Tianxia had already died.As for Mengran Jiangshan's gang members, their HP is still in a very safe range.

At this time, Qin Haonan summoned 6 sword slaves and 4 phantom wolves, and let them rush to the forefront of Mengran Jiangshan's team.Qin Haonan's level is high, and the summoned beast's level is naturally high.

Relying on their high level and high life, the 6 sword slaves and 4 phantom wolves played a big role in the battle ahead.

However, Long Zhan Tianxia is also one of the four major gangs, so it is impossible for Qin Haonan and the others to suppress and beat them all the time.Long Xingtian commanded the tyrannical swords and heroes in front, and quickly rushed to the front, chopped down a few mechanism bears, and rushed into the Mengran Jiangshan team.

Charlotte used her [Shadow Lock] to directly lock the few enemy players who just rushed in.The Mengran Jiangshan gang from all directions immediately surrounded these enemy players and launched another round of offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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