game master

Chapter 264 - The Fierce Final

Chapter 264 - The Fierce Final
Seeing the current situation, Qin Haonan knew that Mengran Jiangshan had the upper hand for the time being.

Long Xingtian saw the situation at this time, but he was not in a hurry.Long Xingtian commanded the team to retreat quickly.The boxers who had been severely injured in front slowly backed away, but Qin Haonan was not prepared to let the opponent get a chance.

The mechanism scorpions and mechanism wolves of Mengran Jiangshan were chasing after them. Suddenly, a row of arrows rained and trapped these mechanism beasts within the attack range.After a while, a large number of mechanism scorpions and mechanism wolves were wiped out.

It turned out that Long Xingtian directed the boxer and the team to retreat just now, but none of the hunter players moved.When the mechanism beasts entered the range, the hunters launched an attack in unison.

However, all of this was within Qin Haonan's expectations. After all, the one rushing forward was the summoned beast, and it could be summoned again later if it died.After the opponent's first round of arrow rain offensive, Qin Haonan also arranged the hunter profession of his team to the front row, and the hunters on both sides began to shoot each other.

And the mechanism bear took advantage of the offensive from both sides to continue to move forward, blocking the attack for everyone.

The two gangs collided again.

[Magic Arrow], [Soul Eater], [Plum Blossom Three Lanes], [Mechanism Wolf Summoning], [Sword Overlord], [Heavenly Feather Arrow], [Cloud Piercing Arrow], [Mechanism Wolf Summoning], [Fantasy] Rain Fairy Dance]...

Without losing style, he looked at the surrounding environment, and suddenly commanded his own mechanical bears to vigorously charge the enemies standing in the front row.It is very clear without losing style. Although some enemy players cannot be killed in a short time, they can use the power of the mechanism bear to knock the enemies on the edge and fall off the bridge.

The rules of the game are also quite clear. If a member falls from the sky during the game, his health will be reset to zero and he will quit the game.

The mechanical bear is relatively strong, and a mechanical bear can lift a player with all its strength.Without losing style, he ordered his own mechanism beast in the front row to throw out one enemy player after another.

Long Xingtian did not expect that Mengran Jiangshan would use such a method, grasping one of the rules of the game, and making such an application.Qin Haonan saw the style of his movements, and couldn't help but sigh that his method was just right.

The battle between the two gangs is still going on, and Qin Haonan is not going to hide his strength.Before this guild team battle started, he had gone to the firmament master Deadwood to learn a skill, which was the unique skill of a comprehension summoner [Flamingo Summoning].

[Flamingo Summoning] Comprehension summoners use skills, a total of 12 levels, to summon a flamingo of the same level as themselves to participate in the battle. The flamingo will use the fire magic, which can last for 20 seconds and consume 120 points of true energy. .

Qin Haonan has trained this skill to the top level 12, and can summon up to 6 at the same time.

Flamingos are summoned beasts that fly in the sky and launch attacks. They can also use fire magic. At the current level of everyone, except for hunters and mechanics, they have no way to deal with air combat.

Qin Haonan used [Flamingo Summoning Level 12] to summon 6 flamingos.

As soon as they come out, they fly high in the sky.Pieces of flames spit out toward the area of ​​Long Zhan Tianxia.The huge fiery red body, graceful figure, and the gust of wind whipped up by the flapping of the wings made the fire more and more intense.

The entire team of Long Zhan Tianxia suffered heavy losses in this flame.

Many players began to avoid these flames, but these flames were blown by the wind and spread quickly.It was originally just a few small balls, but after a while, it spread into a prairie fire.

Long Xingtian hurriedly commanded the hunters to attack towards the sky, but Qin Haonan had already prepared for this, and immediately commanded the flamingos to fly into the sky.As soon as the height of the flamingos rises, the hunters' arrows will not be able to attack them.

"Damn it... How come there are summoned beasts attacking in the sky? Among the mass players, how many can practice air combat? Isn't this a foul?" Some players in the Long Zhantianxia team were already cursing.

"TNND, this is not enough, how can I fight?"

"This is the summoned beast that lives like a dream again? It's really hurt. Which of you can hit them?"


At this time, more than 10 minutes have passed since the battle started.Qin Haonan took a rough look at the number of personnel on both sides. There are 139 people in Longzhan Tianxia, ​​and 190 people in Mengran Jiangshan.

It seems that the advantage has been drawn, but it is not yet time to relax our vigilance.

"Feimeng, Mu Qing, both of you can fly. Muqing, cover Feimeng and let Feimeng help the flamingos." Qin Haonan hastily issued an order to his contracted beast.

"Okay, master." Feimeng and Muqing agreed, and flew towards the sky quickly.

Among Feimeng's skills, there are many skills that use attacks to make the enemy fall into illusion. 【Fantasy Immortal Attraction Level 10】, 【Dream Back Art Level 10】, 【Nightmare Level 10】...

A few tricks of skills were thrown continuously, and many players in Longzhantianxia fell into the illusion.

The flamingos also landed from a high altitude at this time, and started a new round of flame attacks.

Qin Haonan saw the right moment, and immediately sent Ban Tang Duzun to lead a team of poison masters to make a sneak attack.Pieces of [Poisonous Fog] were thrown out. Although the damage of this skill was not very large, the dark patches of poisonous fog caused a large area of ​​unclear vision and increased the number of poisoned players.

"Now is the best time to attack, everyone launch a fierce attack!" Qin Haonan gave an order, and the players of Dream Ran Jiangshan worked together to attack the opponent.

Qin Haonan also took advantage of the black mist to rush directly to Long Zhan Tianxia's team.Adding [Concealment] and [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, Qin Haonan has already rushed to the vicinity of Long Xingtian.

With one move [Royal Sword Art Level 15], the illusory long sword just stabbed Long Xingtian.Not only that, but miraculously launched a crit.

The super high damage made Long Xingtian immediately alert, but Qin Haonan was already invisible, no matter how alert he was, it would be useless.Qin Haonan was already approaching at this time, followed by [Phantom Hidden Killer], [Wind and Demon Blade], [Nine Elements Sword Formation Level 10], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10]...

Although Long Xingtian fought back again, he didn't hit the invisible Qin Haonan at all.

Qin Haonan's figure quickly changed positions beside Long Xingtian, and every attack hit right.Long Xingtian's health dropped from 89% to 20%.Although he was not bleeding during this process, he was quickly chopped off by Qin Haonan.

At this moment, Erbai flew forward.

[White Tiger Claw Level 10], [Baihu Duan Ban Killing Level 10], [Sound Killing Level 10]...

With Erbai's assist, Qin Haonan activated his skills a few more times. Although there was a medical fairy behind Long Xingtian who was replenishing his blood, he still couldn't handle the high damage.

In this kind of team battle, Qin Haonan's favorite is to sneak attack players like Yixian who replenish blood.

(End of this chapter)

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