game master

Chapter 265 - Final Victory

Chapter 265 - Final Victory

Relying on the fact that he was still invisible, Qin Haonan quickly rushed behind the Immortal Doctor player who had just replenished Long Xingtian's blood. At this moment, Erbai launched [Tiger Roaring Level 10] in this direction. Qin Haonan saw that Immortal Doctor He was resisting Erbai's attack with all his strength, so he swept two swords behind him.

Qin Haonan's attack is very high, and one of the two normal attacks must be a critical strike.Cooperating with Erbai's skills, the blood-thin medical fairy had already fallen to the ground before he could react.

"What happened? How do I show that the leader is dead?"

"What's going on, what's going on? Where's the boss?"

"Isn't life like a dream again? This guy always likes to use his stealth skills to sneak up on other gang leaders and medical immortals..."

"The guild master is really dead, everyone be careful, Floating Life Ruomeng is probably in our team. He is invisible now, everyone can't see him, everyone gather here, calm down!"


I saw that the players of Long Zhan Tian Xia had already raised their vigilance because Long Xing Tian was attacked.They gathered together in twos and threes, and the last team gathered together again, back to back, ready to resist Qin Haonan's sneak attack.

Qin Haonan secretly smiled, thinking that this was absolutely necessary.Because Qin Haonan's invisibility will end soon, Qin Haonan doesn't plan to stay in the enemy camp for too long.

At this time, Qin Haonan had already retreated back with Erbai. He commanded the flamingos in the sky to attack this group of players.

Originally, everyone in Longzhan Tianxia gathered together to resist Qin Haonan.Who would have thought that Qin Haonan didn't attack them, but let the flamingos in the sky spit fire at them.

It doesn't matter this time, under the gust of wind, the gathered players of Dragon War World were like a ball of straw, which was instantly ignited by the raging fire.

At this time, Qin Haonan had already lifted his invisibility, and returned to the team of Mengran Tianxia.

"Brother Ruomeng, let's take advantage of the victory and pursue it!" Charlotte looked at the current situation and said to Qin Haonan, "I want to take a group of Shadow Killer players and go over to make trouble for them."

"Okay, you can go." Qin Haonan nodded.

At this point in the game, Qin Haonan already had a premonition that victory was beckoning to him.

At this time, there are 52 players in Longzhan Tianxia, ​​and 156 players in Mengran Jiangshan.

"Leader, let's launch a frontal attack. I rushed over with the helpers of boxers, sword masters, and swordsmen. Now we are obviously outnumbered by the opponent. We will take them down in one fell swoop. In this game, we will Victory." Fang Zhen, who has always been relatively quiet, walked over at this time, and said beside Qin Haonan.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Qin Haonan agreed.

Soon, Mengran Jiangshan launched a full-scale charge, and the melee players led by Fang Zhen rushed directly into the team of Long Zhan Tianxia.At this time, Long Zhan Tianxia is led by a deputy guild leader, but unfortunately their number is too small. In addition to the attack in the sky, under such a powerful offensive of Mengran Jiangshan, they can only retreat in a row.

Qin Haonan commanded his contracted beasts, and also formed a small team, and together with the players of Dream Ran Jiangshan, rushed towards the world of dragon war.

【Cut Wind and Demon Blade】, 【Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10】, 【Phantom Hidden Killer】, 【Sunset Meteor Level 10】...

By this time, the entire gang battle had already been decided.The last player in Long Zhan Tianxia finally fell to the ground under a feather arrow, and Mengran Jiangshan finally won the victory.

As soon as the last person in Long Zhan Tianxia fell to the ground, the NPC referee quickly appeared in the center of the field, and hurriedly announced the result of the match: "Dragon Zhan Tianxia VS Mengran Jiangshan, 200-person team battle final, Mengran Jiangshan won ! Congratulations to the Mengran Jiangshan Gang, you have become the champions of the first gang PK!"

At this time, the huge teleportation array had been activated, and Qin Haonan was teleported back with the gang members.

Back to the sports field, the field has undergone earth-shaking changes at this time.

The original stage was enlarged several times, and the 200 members of Mengran Jiangshan who participated in this competition were all teleported to the stage.The beautiful host Fei Ya was rather excited and walked to Qin Haonan's side.

"Welcome our champion. The champion of this gang battle is our Mengran Jiangshan Guild." NPC Fei Ya announced happily, "Now, please keep your eyes on the big screen to see the results of this competition. Guild ranking."

There was warm applause in the auditorium, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the big screen.

No.1: Dream dyed Jiangshan
No.2: Dragon Fights the World
No.3: League of Assassins
No.4: Outshine the crowd

"I think everyone wants to know what the special prizes for this competition will be. It was said on the official website before that the top three will get extra rewards. Now I will announce it to everyone." NPC Feiya continued. "I announce that the No.1 guild will receive guild funds + 12000, gold coins + 99, guild member experience points + 90000, a sacred artifact - a dragon scale knife, and a guild mascot panda."

As soon as NPC Fei Ya finished speaking, Qin Haonan heard the system sound of "Ding Dong".Then these guild funds, gold coins... were all added in.All the members of the gang also received 90000 experience points.

Qin Haonan's happiest thing is to get this lovely mascot.

The mascot in the online game "Century" can only be obtained by gangs.Different mascots have different attributes, and according to the different attributes of mascots, the blessing effects of gang members are also different.Mascots can be accumulated and superimposed, that is to say, the more mascots there are, the more beneficial it is for the members of the gang.

Qin Haonan can be sure that the panda mascot that Mengran Jiangshan obtained at this time is definitely the first among the gangs in the "Century" online game, and the attribute value will not be too low.

When I opened the mascot column of the guild, I suddenly found a cute baby panda.Fat body, fat limbs, the most interesting thing is the oversized "sunglasses." The image of the whole mascot can be described as naive and very lovable.

Qin Haonan looked at the attributes of the panda again, adding 2000 life points and 2000 true energy for all guild members.Qin Haonan sighed in his heart, this attribute is really good.

"The No.2 guild will receive guild funds +8000, gold coins +80, guild member experience points +60000, a fairy weapon - a poisonous dagger and a cold moon blade, and a purple gold tool - a Tianshuang sword."

"The No.3 guild will receive guild funds + 4500, gold coins + 50, guild members' experience points + 20000, a Zijin artifact - a Yaole piano, and a Zijin artifact - a Zilan bow."

With the announcement of NPC Faiya, other gangs also received their special rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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