game master

Chapter 266 - Anonymous Letter

Chapter 266 - Anonymous Letter

"The guild that won No. 8 in this competition will get guild funds + 2000, silver coins + 60, and guild member experience points + 8000." NPC Fei Ya said.

"In addition, the top three guilds, guild leaders, deputy guild leaders, and guild members will all receive corresponding titles. The titles have already been issued. Please check them in their respective personal attribute columns."


As the rewards were announced one by one, according to their respective rankings, the gangs participating in the competition more or less received the rewards given by the "Century" online game.

Qin Haonan looked at the gang funds of Mengran Jiangshan at this time, and donated the gold coins he had just obtained to the gang.With the increase of gang funds, Mengran Jiangshan has reached the standard of upgrading again.

Qin Haonan directly clicked to upgrade, and at this time, the rankings among the various guilds changed slightly again.

Guild leaderboard:
Gang 1: Dream dyed Jiangshan, guild level 10, living like a dream
Gang 2: Yao Le, guild level 10, runaway brick
Gang 3: Dragon Fights the World, Guild Level 9, Long Xingtian

Gang 4: Assassin League, Guild Level 9, Listening to the Rain at Night
Gang 5: Fairy and Demon League, guild level 9, enchanting
Gang 6: Shengshi Shengge, Guild Level 8, Fallen Leaf Shengge
Gang 7: Tyrant Dynasty, guild level 8, Tyrant @fanchen
Gang 8: The realm of the gods, guild level 7, god-level guild leader
Gang 9: Disdainful of all heroes, guild level 7, Murong Tianshang
Gang 10: Sea of ​​Freedom, Guild Level 6, Feng Jiangling

Next, NPC Fei Ya said a lot of words of congratulations, and the whole competition officially kicked off.And what Qin Haonan was thinking at this moment was to ask the runaway brick for the bet money that he had agreed on before.

As the game ended, the entire stadium disappeared bit by bit.Finally, back to the original scene of the vast grassland, members of various gangs gathered on the grass.

"Let's go, the game is over, let's go back!"

"I retreated. I didn't expect that the first place in this competition would be Mengran Jiangshan."

"To be honest, I originally thought that the first meeting would be Long Zhan Tianxia. After all, their background is there. Who would have thought that Mengran Jiangshan would become a blockbuster!"


There was a lot of discussion in various gangs, and everyone withdrew from the map of the Fenghuo school ground one after another.

"Master, look, is there someone from the Yaole Guild in front?" said a member of the Mengran Jiangshan Guild.

Qin Haonan looked not far away, and the runaway brick led the team to come here.

"Life is like a dream, the previous bet... cough cough... I will send you the money directly. The game currency is relatively short now, and I won't be able to take out so much in a while." Brick faced violently. His expression was obviously not very good, and he coughed several times in embarrassment.

Qin Haonan smiled slightly, and said seriously: "Yes, I will tell you the account number, and you can call my card as soon as possible."

"Okay, since that's the case, let 'Li Huo Qiong Qiong' talk to you." Brick who ran away said a few words, then found a reason to leave first.

Qin Haonan saw the other party's psychology, and probably lost face.

However, the runaway brick was beyond Qin Haonan's expectations. Although he lost the bet, he could afford it, and he didn't delay the matter because the bet was too high.

Qin Haonan asked Fang Mengjie to come over and connect with Lihuo Cangqiong. Fang Mengjie knew better about the company's finances.

Because of the bet this time, Qin Haonan got another share in the account.This account went to the account of the studio, which made Mengran Jiangshan a large sum of money all of a sudden, which just solved the urgent need.

"A'nan, come and brush up the dungeon with us later? Or are you going to act alone?" Hou Yue walked to Qin Haonan's side and patted him on the shoulder.

Qin Haonan turned around and said, "I'm going to act alone for the time being, you and Big Brother Fang will take everyone to practice."

"Okay, then I'll take everyone to level up later. Our guild won the first place today, and everyone is probably very happy." Hou Yue said, and saw that many guild members hung up the cards they had just obtained. title.

The strongest clansman, this is the title won by the gang member who ranks first in the competition.

"Well, okay, monkey, if there is nothing else, I will retreat first."

"Okay, you retreat." Hou Yue said.

Qin Haonan bid farewell to the members of the guild, left the Fenghuo school ground map, rode on the clear water unicorn, and stopped in a forest where there were not many players.

In fact, Qin Haonan received a letter just after the finals.

Qin Haonan didn't pay much attention at first, but when he found out, he just read the simple beginning, and he was ready to investigate this matter.In the game before, after defeating Drunk Dream Qingcheng, he found that the opponent was actually a BOSS, which surprised Qin Haonan.

The letter just now was sent anonymously.The letter told Qin Haonan that if he wanted to know the truth about Drunk Dream Allure, please meet him at the "Deciduous Forest" north of the Fenghuo school field after the game.

Although Qin Haonan didn't know what the purpose of this letter was, he still planned to find out.

At this moment, Qin Haonan heard footsteps in the woods behind him. He thought it was the person who sent the letter, so he hurriedly turned around, but he didn't expect to see Yao Ruoxi.

"Ruoxi, why is it you?" Qin Haonan was taken aback.

Yao Ruoxi smiled and said, "I see that you rushed this way as soon as the competition was over. I planned to ask you to do missions together, so I chased after you."

"Oh, that's right, I'm sorry. I just received an anonymous letter, saying that I have something to discuss here." Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide it from Yao Ruoxi, so he opened his mouth and said.

"Anonymous letter, isn't it a prank?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

"It's hard to say, just wait here first. If no one comes after a while and we don't receive any reply, let's just leave." Qin Haonan said frankly.

"That's right, let's wait." Yao Ruoxi said, "But I want to know what the anonymous letter specifically said? What made you so troublesome?"

"It's about drunken dreams..." Qin Haonan hesitated for a moment, but still told Yao Ruoxi about the ins and outs of the incident.Of course, Qin Haonan just said that Zuimeng Qingcheng once attacked him and dropped a mysterious map.Also, in today's game, after defeating him, the system showed that he had killed a BOSS.

Yao Ruoxi also frowned after hearing this, and analyzed: "There is such a miraculous thing? Ruomeng, I will go back and ask the brick who ran away, that guy can be the first to know Zuimeng Qingcheng, and Zuimeng Qingcheng is still there. Not in their gang, I think I can only find out by asking him."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Qin Haonan said.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi observed the surrounding environment together, waiting with peace of mind, and soon heard the sound of light footsteps in the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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