game master

Chapter 267 - It's Her

Chapter 267 - It's Her
Qin Haonan heard the sound of fallen leaves being crushed in the woods, and the sound of soft footsteps coming from far to near.Qin Haonan raised his vigilance, immediately formed a team, and pulled Yao Ruoxi into the team.If the other party makes another sneak attack, he should be prepared.

Holding the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword tightly in his hand, he was on guard when he saw a familiar figure walking out of the woods.

"Life is like a dream, we meet again. Hey, there is someone else here, glad to meet you, Lord Enchanting!" The person who came was Jiaqi Rumeng, who came out of the woods with a smile in her hand.

Qin Haonan was startled, he never expected that it would be her.

"Jiaqi is like a dream, why is it you? Could it be you who sent me that anonymous letter?" Qin Haonan asked curiously.

"Ruomeng, do you know each other? Let me introduce you." Yao Ruoxi was also quite surprised at this time, and hurriedly said.

At this time, Jiaqi Rumeng was wearing a clean and tidy robe of a charmer, and said calmly: "Sect Leader Enchanting, I just met Sect Leader Floating Life Ruomeng today. I asked him to come here today, mainly to ask him to help with some tasks."

"A good day is like a dream, then why did you send me an anonymous letter and tell me that you want to talk to me about drunk dreams?" Qin Haonan said.

"Drunken Dreams and Qingcheng are also within the scope of today's conversation." Jiaqi Rumeng said, "Floating life is like a dream, is the enchanting leader a trustworthy person? My next topic is related to demonization!"

When Yao Ruoxi heard what Jiaqi Rumeng said, it turned out that she was asking her to avoid it for a while.She turned her head to look at Qin Haonan, and found that Qin Haonan shook his head at her, signaling that she didn't have to leave.

"Ruoxi is a very good friend of mine. If you have anything to say, just say it." Qin Haonan replied seriously.

"Well, I can tell you very seriously that Drunk Dream Allure is just a bunch of data generated by the system." Jiaqi Rumeng smiled.

"This answer is pretty close to what I guessed. I still have a question. Who are you? Why do you know so much?" Qin Haonan continued to ask.At this time, Qin Haonan had many doubts in his heart. Is the wedding day Rumeng in front of him the same wedding day Ruomeng in his guild in the previous life?
There are two possibilities for the current situation.

First, the Rumeng of the happy period in front of me is the data generated by the system, not the Rumeng of the happy period that I knew originally.Second, this Celebration Rumeng is the original Celebration Rumeng, but if this is the case, then they can be said to have known each other a long time ago, and Qin Haonan's time travel may have a certain relationship with this person.

"Me, I'm Jiaji Rumeng. If Floating Life Rumeng wants to know more things from me, you can consider cooperating with me to do tasks. In this way, you can deepen your understanding. Maybe one day I will take you I've told you what I want to know." Jiaqi Rumeng said with a smile.

Yao Ruoxi didn't fully understand what the two of them were talking about at this time, so she could only ask in confusion: "Ruomeng and you don't know each other very well, why do you want to help you with the task?"

"Sect Leader Enchanting, you are mistaken. At this moment, Sect Leader Floating Life Ruomeng needs to find information from me. Because he has been investigating the demonization issue during this time, he is still very concerned about this matter." Jiaqi Rumeng explain.

Yao Ruoxi looked at Qin Haonan, and then asked: "Ruomeng, is it true?"

"Well, yes. Ruoxi, I'll tell you about this in detail later." Qin Haonan said, then turned his head and said to Jiaqi Rumeng, "That's right, I'm investigating the matter of demonization recently, you Tell me what you need me to do, and I can think about it."

"Okay, Ruomeng." Yao Ruoxi said.

Jiaqi Rumeng smiled, and then took out a map from her arms.She traded the map in her hand to Qin Haonan for free, and then said: "You should know this map, right? I got a similar one from Drunk Dream Qingcheng before."

"Yes, this is the map and key to the hidden copy." Qin Haonan read it several times before reaching a conclusion.

Jiaqi Rumeng nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, that's it. I need you to form a team with me, and you can also bring the enchanting leader. Let's go to clear the dungeon and purify those demonized creatures by the way."

"Then we go to clear the dungeon with you, will you tell me what I want to know?" Qin Haonan started bargaining after hearing this.

"Haha, you can do the math yourself. It won't hurt at all to clear the dungeon with me. First of all, the experience points and rewards of this hidden dungeon are extremely rich. Secondly, if you take the task by yourself, team up to practice Level, the upgrade effect may not be as good as brushing the hidden dungeon with me. Besides, in the process of brushing the dungeon, you can better understand the ins and outs of the demonized creatures. Finally..."

"Okay, okay, just tell me, can you tell me the truth of the matter." Qin Haonan pointed out the key point.

"Okay, but I won't tell you all at once. How about this, you help me clear a hidden dungeon, and I'll answer your question. Is this all right?" Jiaqi Rumeng said after thinking.

When Qin Haonan thought about it, that was the only way to go.So he nodded: "Okay, listen to what you said, you should still have a lot of maps in your hand, all about hidden copies."

"That's right, only I have these maps. If I didn't take the initiative to give them, no one would be able to get them." Jiaqi Rumeng said confidently.

"Well, I believe you. Then let's form a team to clear the dungeon. But let's talk about it first, if you ask me for help, you will get paid." Qin Haonan raised his right hand, thumb and middle finger Rubbed against the index finger.

This movement is a standard posture for counting money, and Yao Ruoxi raised her forehead when she saw this movement.It seems that Qin Haonan's property of being a money fan can't be changed no matter where he goes.

Jiaqi Rumeng saw his actions still very indifferent, as if she already knew this person very well and knew that the other party would do this for a long time.Jiaqi Rumeng said indifferently: "I have promised you before, you can ask a question. Besides, I provided the map, and you actually ask me for a reward."

"Hey... You can't say that. You ask me for help. If you can finish it yourself, what else can you ask me to do? But that is to say, the map is in your hands, and its true value cannot be realized. You can only ask I helped, so the value of the map can be reflected, right? So, I said..."

Jiaqi Rumeng heard that Qin Haonan began to explain his money-making experience at length, and hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, okay, I understand, you don't need to explain it in such detail. I promise you that it will be obtained by clearing all hidden dungeons. I don’t want anything, as long as you help me clear these dungeons one by one.”

"It's that simple?" Qin Haonan was taken aback this time, he didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.

"Yes, this is considered a long-term cooperation, so I will naturally give you a discount. You can ask me a question if you haven't cleared a copy. At the same time, all the coins, equipment, medicines and other items obtained during the process of clearing the copy, I don't want any of them." Jiaqi Rumeng reaffirmed.

(End of this chapter)

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