game master

Chapter 268 - Northern Desert Island

Chapter 268 - Northern Desert Island (1)

"Since this is the case, we have reached a consensus." Qin Haonan said happily.

"Okay, if that's the case, you guys can go to the dungeon with me." Jiaqi Rumeng said with a smile, "Let me see your levels... Well, it's okay, this time the dungeon is considered a level 75 dungeon."

"So it's similar to the last dungeon of Shadowy Desolate City?" Qin Haonan asked.

"Yes." Jiaqi Rumeng said and nodded, and she sent Qin Haonan an application for joining the team.

Qin Haonan asked Jiaqi Rumeng to join the team, and checked the ranks of the team members at this time.Qin Haonan's level is 75, Yao Ruoxi is 71, and Jiaqi Ruomeng is 71.

Qin Haonan saw the level status of the team, and then looked at the player's level leaderboard again.

Level leaderboard:
No. 1: Floating Life Like a Dream, Male, Comprehension Summoner, Level 75

No. 2: Enchanting, female, Immortal Dancer, Level 71

3th place: Brick of Rampage, Male, Sword Immortal, Level 71

No. 4: Monkey fishing for the moon, male, space stalker, level 70

No. 5: Long Xingtian, male, Ba Dao, level 69

6rd place: Di Xianren, male, Sword Immortal, level 69

7th place: Charlotte, male, Shadow Killer, level 69

8th place: Yelan Tingyu, male, Shadow Killer, level 68

9th place: Xia Ming, male, illusion dancer, level 68

No. 10: Ghost blood stab blood, male, poison master, level 68

At this time, the player rankings of the entire leaderboard fluctuate greatly.It seems that this time the guild team battle PK, the rewards given have greatly improved everyone's level.

And the level of Jiaqi Rumeng, like Drunk Dream Allure, was not included in the leaderboard.

"Okay, since we have nothing else to do, let's brush up the dungeon right now?" Qin Haonan tidied his backpack before he spoke.

Jiaqi Rumeng nodded, and said directly: "The coordinates of the map show that it is the northeast of the large map of China, and we should head in this direction."

"Okay, let's go." Qin Haonan said.

Since the speed of the two girls' rides was not as fast as that of the Bishui Qilin, Qin Haonan deliberately slowed down all the way down.On the way, Qin Haonan simply said to

After a teleportation array, a team of three of them arrived at their destination soon.

According to the coordinates on the map, Qin Haonan had reached the northeast seaside at this time.There are more pine and cypress trees here, and because it is in the north, the surrounding air is obviously much lower.Occasionally, a little snow can be seen, which is a scene of the northern country.

It is close to the sea, and you can see the vast blue sea when you look up.Hearing the roar of the sea breeze and looking at the vast and boundless sea, my heart became very peaceful in an instant.

"According to the map, it should be here." Qin Haonan looked at the surrounding environment and said.

"Well, there must be an entrance to the dungeon here." Jiaqi Rumeng said, pointing directly to a small tree trunk next to her.

Qin Haonan looked down and saw that it was a small dead tree with its trunk broken in two. There was a small groove on the stump in front of him.Qin Haonan checked the coordinates again, and sure enough, the coordinates were the dead tree.

Holding the map, Qin Haonan approached the dead tree, the map suddenly shone brightly, and then slowly turned into a small black spar.This is consistent with the situation encountered in the previous Dungeon of Desolate Shadow City. With previous experience, Qin Haonan directly put the black spar towards the groove.

The size is really just right, even the position of the edge fits perfectly.

"Boom..." The dead tree suddenly trembled and made a loud noise.

The brilliant light surrounded Qin Haonan's team, so dazzling that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

When the light faded, Qin Haonan's team opened their eyes and found that the surrounding scene had undergone earth-shaking changes.This is no longer the seaside before, and there are no stones and grooves.

They have entered the copy.

At this time, Qin Haonan was leaning against a big tree, with the land covered with leaves under his feet. Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng were standing beside Qin Haonan.

If you look around, you will find that this is a forest with lush trees.But the trees here have no leaves and are bare. At a glance, except for the gray-brown trunks, there is almost no green.

At this time, the light in the woods is not too dim. Looking at the position of the sun in the sky, it should be in the evening.

"This is the hidden dungeon?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously since it was the first time she encountered such a dungeon.

"Well, yes." Qin Haonan said and nodded.

At this moment, the long-lost system sound rang in everyone's ears.

"Ding dong~ Player is like a dream, you have entered the hidden dungeon 'Northern Deserted Island', this dungeon has no time limit, it is the only dungeon, please find a way to leave the deserted island, and you can pass the level. Clearance reward: EXP +95000 , 30 gold coins, +3 attribute points, +3 skill points, and a random magic weapon."

Since this time a team of three came to clear the dungeon, the experience and gold coins this time were obviously less than last time.But in the end, there was an extra random magic weapon. The quality of such hidden dungeon rewards must not be much worse.

"Judging from the name of the dungeon, this place should be an isolated desert island." Jiaqi Ruomeng analyzed.

"Let's check around now. If it's really a deserted island, there should be boats by the sea. In this kind of hidden dungeon, it has its own independent plot and mission. When we trigger the corresponding plot during the dungeon, we will accept it." When you arrive at the task, you can get rewards for completing the task." Qin Haonan said and led the team to move forward in one direction.

Yao Ruoxi looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly at this time, and said, "Such a hidden copy should have its own independent plot, right?"

"Yes, there will be an independent plot." Jiaqi Ruomeng replied.

"Everyone, be careful. I seem to have heard a strange sound just now, as if something was secretly staring at us." Yao Ruoxi reminded carefully.

Qin Haonan heard Yao Ruoxi's reminder, and immediately summoned all the contracted beasts.

Linglong, Erbai, Daji, Feimeng and Muqing, the five contracted beasts protect the three of them.

"Everyone, be careful, let's go around and look at the terrain first." Qin Haonan said as he walked through the woods and walked straight ahead.

This piece of woods should be very big. After walking for a while, the surrounding scenery has not changed, it is still a piece of woods.Qin Haonan also observed the surrounding environment vigilantly. He faintly heard that there seemed to be something following them behind them.

The ground was full of fallen leaves, Qin Haonan signaled everyone to stop.There were no footsteps of the three of them, and there was a faint sound of objects crushing fallen leaves in the woods.

"Hush...listen." Qin Haonan whispered.

Sure enough, the sound was getting closer and closer. This way of walking should not be a four-legged beast. The sound was more like crawling on the ground with its body.

"Could it be a snake?" Yao Ruoxi didn't pronounce a word, but just made a mouth shape, but Qin Haonan still understood her meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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