game master

Chapter 270 - Northern Desert Island

Chapter 270 - Northern Desert Island (3)

"Ruomeng, he seems a little delirious." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Well, I saw it." Qin Haonan said while looking in the direction of the finger of the man with the broken arm, but he didn't see any big snake.

Jiaqi Rumeng looked at it, walked up to the man with the broken arm, and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, speak slowly, tell us what exactly happened, and we can help you."

"...the big snake...all the creatures on this deserted island...have been demonized, and they want to eat me..." The man with the broken arm continued to speak intermittently.

From the man's incomplete language, a little information can be heard.All creatures on this deserted island were attacked by demonization.Judging by the runes on the face of the man with the broken arm, it should also be eroded by demonization.

At this moment, Qin Haonan heard a slight sound from the woods.Looking carefully, a black black snake with a thick bowl mouth crawled down from the nearby tree trunk.After it, there were many black snakes and black snakes hovering on the tree trunk, sticking out their tongues in this direction.

Level 74 - Enchanted Black Snake (Little Elite)

"These are all small elite monsters, there are about 30 of them, everyone be careful." Qin Haonan looked at the black black snakes around him with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic], and hurriedly reminded.

"Ah! The big snake... the big snake is coming... ah!!!" The man with the broken arm fell to the ground and kept struggling.

A huge black and red snake with patterns all over its body was poking its head out of the woods.This big snake is really a huge monster. I didn't know where it was hiding before, and I didn't find it for so long.

The body of this big snake is ten times that of the "Demonized Black Snake". It spit out scarlet letters and a pair of abyss-like eyes, which made people shiver.

Level 75 - Enchanted Bloodthirsty Snake (Elite)

"This big snake is an elite boss." Qin Haonan said again.

"Ding dong~ Player is floating like a dream, you have triggered the 'Elimination of Demonic Snakes Mission', please destroy all the demonic basilisks in front of you within 30 minutes, and ensure that the life value of the man with the broken arm is not less than 5%. The countdown begins. Task reward: experience value +8900, 10 gold coins. Plot progress +1."

Hearing the prompt from the system sound, Qin Haonan hurriedly said to Jiaqi Rumeng: "Jiaqi Rumeng, you are a charmer, you can recover blood, you stand next to the NPC with the broken arm to protect him, don't let his life value be too low."

"Okay, I understand." Jiaqi Rumeng answered, and immediately sacrificed the spell in her hand.

"Ruoxi, the elite boss is not moving yet. We attack with all our strength and destroy these mobs as soon as possible." Qin Haonan looked around and said to Yao Ruoxi.

Yao Ruoxi nodded, the two-handed fan in her hand was already waving, and skills such as [Moonlight Dance], [Flying Flower Butterfly Feather], [Thousand Sakura and Luoyue Dance] were frequently activated.

Qin Haonan summoned all 6 sword slaves, 4 phantom wolves, and 6 flamingos, formed a circle, and attacked the nearest "magic black snake".

Qin Haonan didn't feel threatened by these little elites.Throwing out a few skill attacks, coupled with the cooperation of Yao Ruoxi and the contracted beasts, quickly wiped out a large number of demonized black snakes.

【Cut Wind and Extinguish Demon Blade】, 【Level 10 Lightning Sword Art】, 【Level 10 Setting Sun and Meteor】...

The flames of the flamingos in the sky continued to spew out, and after a while, there were only a few demonized black snakes left.At this time, the "Magic Bloodthirsty Snake" boss saw such a scene, and led his huge body, and was crawling towards Qin Haonan quickly.

"Ruomeng, let's kill the boss with all our strength. Are the summoned beasts and contracted beasts that those little monsters handed over to you okay?" Yao Ruoxi immediately said to Qin Haonan when she saw the current situation.

"No problem, let's do it like this." Qin Haonan said, and he had already rushed towards the "demonized bloodthirsty snake".

Adding [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, Qin Haonan directly attacked the boss in front of him.At this time, all the summoned beasts are attacking the few remaining mobs with all their strength.While protecting the man with the broken arm, Jiaqi Rumeng used a spell to attack the mobs next to him.

The little monsters were quickly wiped out, and the contracted beasts rushed over to help the master.

The demonized bloodthirsty snake saw that it was surrounded, it was not stupid at all, turned around and ran away.How could Qin Haonan let the sweet potato slip away like this, and quickly stepped forward to block the path of the demonized bloodthirsty snake.

At this time, 6 flamingos flew over, hovering over the boss's head, and immediately attacked with flames.The demonized bloodthirsty snake has been ignited, and it is always bleeding.

Feimeng also flapped her beautiful wings and flew over the demonized bloodthirsty snake, [Phantom Immortal Yin Level 10], [Nightmare Level 10], [Dream Returning Technique Level 10], [Mengyue Huaguang Level 10]...

While helping everyone, Feimeng launched an illusion attack.

The demonized bloodthirsty snake is originally worth one to many, and Qin Haonan and others are so powerful and lethal, it is really too much for it.The demonized bloodthirsty snake flicked its tail fiercely, and it launched several large-scale skill attacks, but they were all blocked by Linglong's [Ground Formation Level 10], which made it very depressed.

Seeing that the attack was hopeless, the demonized bloodthirsty snake tried to escape many times, but to no avail.

Qin Haonan has already let the summoned beasts and contracted beasts surround him to death, no matter what supernatural abilities it has, it is impossible to escape.Under the trend of siege, the demonized bloodthirsty snake retreated repeatedly.After persisting for a while, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground, exploding all the equipment on the ground.

"The big snake is dead, the big snake is dead!" The man with the broken arm shouted excitedly when he saw that the demonized bloodthirsty snake had died.Seeing his crazy appearance, he seemed to have forgotten the pain of his broken arm.

"Yes, the big snake is dead, you don't have to be afraid. Can you tell us what happened on this deserted island?" Jiaqi Rumeng comforted the NPC in front of him, trying to get some news from him.

The mental state of the man with the broken arm was obviously much better at this time.It may be that the creature that threatened him before was finally dead, and he woke up from the extreme fear.

After calming down for a while, the man with the broken arm opened his mouth and said, "Thank you three for your help. This is a crew member. Our ship encountered a violent storm on the sea, and was washed up on this deserted island by the waves. Our The ship is falling apart, and after three days on the island, I can't find a way to leave the mission."

"Then how many people are there in total?" Qin Haonan asked.

"We have a total of 36 people on board, including the captain. But they all died, and were eaten by snakes, tigers, wolves... and other magical beasts on this island." The man with the broken arm said sadly .

(End of this chapter)

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