game master

Chapter 271 - Northern Desert Island

Chapter 271 - Northern Desert Island (4)

"Then how big is this deserted island, do you know?" Jiaqi Rumeng continued to ask.

The expression of the broken-armed man became dazed again, and he said fearfully, "I don't know, we were in a boat to find a way out on a deserted island, and then we encountered demonized snakes, demonized wolves, demonized wolves, and so on. The demonized tiger, the demonized crocodile...the companions died one after another, and then...later...later..."

Qin Haonan found that this person lost his mind again. It seems that he encountered a more terrifying thing later, so that he was overstimulated.

"I don't think there is anything to ask from this person's mouth." Yao Ruoxi said after thinking.

"Later... then the captain and I went to the center of the deserted island, where... that's where... we were also attacked by demonization..." The man with the broken arm spoke intermittently. become weaker and weaker.

"And then? Can you elaborate?" Qin Haonan asked hastily.

"...I...we...I..." At this moment, the breath of the man with the broken arm was extremely weak, and he was about to lose his breath.

"Ruomeng, it looks like he's dying." Yao Ruoxi reminded.

Jiaqi Rumeng came over immediately and tried to use the [Guanyin Talisman] on the man with the broken arm, but after replenishing blood for a while, she found that it had no effect at all.Linglong and Feimeng also ran over to add blood to the NPC, but it also had no effect.

"What should I do? It doesn't work!" Linglong said anxiously.

Qin Haonan looked extremely calm, he patted Linglong's head to signal her to be at ease.

At this moment, the man with the broken arm died. After the NPC died, his body slowly disappeared, leaving only a piece of broken sheepskin in the end.

"What is this?" Jiaqi Rumeng asked in surprise.

Qin Haonan hurried forward to pick up the sheepskin, only to realize that it was a broken map.

[One of the Sheepskin Maps] A dungeon mission item that cannot be taken out of the dungeon, a deserted island map made of sheepskin, an important item for plot advancement.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the task of 'Eliminate the Demonic Snakes'. Task rewards: experience +8900, 10 gold coins. Story progress +1."

Hearing the sound of the system, Qin Haonan was sure that the task was completed.After killing the mobs and the boss before, he hadn't heard the prompt for the mission. Qin Haonan was still wondering if there were mobs hiding somewhere, and they haven't been cleaned up yet.

It turns out that this sheepskin map must be obtained in order to promote the plot.

Yao Ruoxi looked at the map and analyzed, "According to this situation, we must find all the sheepskin maps. These maps are probably distributed in different areas of the deserted island, and we need to find them."

"Well, the analysis of the enchanting gang leader makes sense." Jiaqi Rumeng looked at the map and continued, "I think the main task of this road should be about this map. Think about it, if we get a complete desert island With a map, we can see the whole picture of the deserted island at a glance, so we can find the way out even more.”

"Yes, from a logical point of view, this conclusion is correct." Qin Haonan nodded.

"Then let's keep going, maybe there will be new discoveries ahead." Jiaqi Ruomeng said.

In this way, a group of people continued to walk towards the sea.After walking for a while, he killed a few mobs along the way, and soon he walked out of the woods and came to the seaside.

The sand here is very fine and soft, and it is very comfortable to step on it.The sea breeze blows slowly, making people fascinated for a while.

On the entire beach, some broken ship wrecks, broken boards and so on can be seen from a distance.In addition, there are only sporadic shells and a few crabs running fast.

Before a group of people waited to take a good look here, Jiaqi Ruomeng suddenly jumped from the spot to the side.

"Something attacked me!" Jiaqi Ruomeng yelled, and Qin Haonan saw a row of numbers floating above her head, obviously under attack.

Not knowing where the mob that attacked her was, Qin Haonan looked around but saw nothing.

"It's not on land, it's under the sand on the beach." Yao Ruoxi observed carefully and quickly reminded everyone.

A group of people took a few steps back, and saw that there was something stirring under the sand where Jiaqi Rumeng was standing just now.Jiaqi Rumeng didn't panic at this time, she immediately used the [Avalokitesvara] for herself, and the lost life value was quickly added back.

At this time, a big pincer protruded from the sand, which looked like a crab's pincer.

Erbai is very curious, he doesn't care about 21, he rushes up and hits the pliers with a single attack. [White Tiger Divine Might Level 10], [White Tiger Phantom Level 10], [White Tiger Breaking Block Level 10]...

I didn't expect this little monster to be so ungrateful, before it fully emerged from the sand, it was wiped out by Erbai with a few paws down.But having said that, Erbai is a white tiger, and among the beasts, it also belongs to the beast with relatively high attack damage. There are really few mobs of the same level who can withstand Erbai's several attacks.

Erbai saw that the little monster was dead, and looked at Qin Haonan with a depressed face, as if saying that he didn't mean it, but that the little monster was weak.

"It's okay, I'm just a little monster, I'll die if I die." Qin Haonan comforted Erbai with a smile, but at this moment, Yao Ruoxi beside him also let out an exclamation.

"There are mobs attacking me." Yao Ruoxi quickly took a step back after being attacked, only to see a large pincer protruding from the sand under her feet.The pincers were still moving, and the crab in the sand was struggling to crawl out.

Jiaqi Rumeng smiled and said: "It seems that the mobs here are crabs."

"It's more troublesome. If the crabs don't come out, we really can't attack them." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Then we'll wait for them to come out before attacking. If they don't come out, we don't need to spend any more time here." Qin Haonan threw a [Phantom Hidden Killer] at the crab that had just emerged, before continuing to attack, Erbai rushed forward and pawed a few more times.

Before the little crab got out completely, it hung up again.

"Erbai, you like catching crabs so much, I will leave all the crabs here to you to deal with." Qin Haonan hurriedly arranged a task for Erbai. Unexpectedly, Erbai shook his head and accepted it happily.

Next, Qin Haonan led the team and walked towards the seashore with confidence. All the mobs that appeared along the way were wiped out by Erbai.

Qin Haonan walked to the seaside, where there were more wrecks of ships.Qin Haonan wanted to see if there were relatively intact ships here, and if he could go on the road after tinkering, he might leave this dungeon.

"Did you find anything?" Yao Ruoxi asked.

"No, the boats here are so damaged that they probably won't be able to go into the sea. Have you found anything?" Qin Haonan shook his head, but he didn't stop working.

Jiaqi Ruomeng took a look here and replied, "I didn't find it."

Yao Ruoxi, who was on the side, was searching for the items in the boat when she suddenly found a floating wooden box and found something new after opening it. "I found a little clue here."

(End of this chapter)

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