game master

Chapter 273 - Northern Desert Island

Chapter 273 - Northern Desert Island (6)

Pushing aside the grass, Qin Haonan could clearly see the appearance of the two corpses. They were so dry that there was no flesh left.According to this inference, they have been dead for a long time.

Qin Haonan picked up the old backpack and found that there was something in it.

"Ruomeng, do you have any new discoveries?" Yao Ruoxi hurriedly asked.

Qin Haonan nodded, and took out the items in the backpack one by one.A bottle of water, but the water has been stored for a long time, and it is estimated that it is undrinkable. The system shows that the item has been discarded.

A sheepskin map, a lamp, 5 silver coins and 20 copper coins.

[One of the Sheepskin Maps] A dungeon mission item that cannot be taken out of the dungeon, a deserted island map made of sheepskin, an important item for plot advancement.

[A Lamp] A dungeon quest item that can be opened and used directly for lighting at night.

"I didn't expect to be able to get the map again here. We have already collected three of them. Let's put them together and see if it works?" Jiaqi Rumeng proposed when she saw the item Qin Haonan picked up.

Qin Haonan shook his head and replied, "I tried it just now, but I still can't spell it."

"Then put it away first, I don't know what is the use of the lamp I just got." Jiaqi Rumeng said.

Yao Ruoxi looked at the surrounding environment, and analyzed: "It's for lighting, have you noticed that after we've been walking for so long, the surrounding sight has become much darker than when we first came in."

"Sect Leader Enchanting, does this dungeon also have time changes?" Jiaqi Rumeng immediately understood.

"I guess so. When we first came in, it was dusk. But now, the sun is about to set." Yao Ruoxi pointed to the distant horizon with her finger, "After a while, the sky may darken, This lamp will probably come in handy at that time."

While everyone was talking, the setting sun in the distance made the sky a fiery red.

The sun is slowly setting, and judging by the situation, it won't be long before night is coming.

Qin Haonan didn't want to clear this dungeon at night. There were already many mobs and bosses in this dungeon, and the map was a deserted island in deep mountains and old forests. There were too many obstacles and various concealments.Once the line of sight is dimmed, it will be harder for everyone to find mobs and clues, and it will be easier to be attacked.

"Let's move forward quickly and take a look at the center of the island. Speed ​​up and try to clear this dungeon as soon as possible." Qin Haonan stood up from the bones as he spoke.

"Well, then let's hurry up." Yao Ruoxi echoed, and the group continued on.

Passing through the swamp, Qin Haonan soon saw a small river blocking his way.The flow of the river is not very fast, but Qin Haonan smells danger here.

"Why didn't you leave all of a sudden?" Jiaqi Rumeng asked softly because she didn't know why.

Yao Ruoxi seemed to have discovered something. Instead of urging Qin Haonan, she pulled up Jiaqi Rumeng's sleeve and said very vigilantly, "There are voices in this river."

"Ruoxi, your ears are so sharp, you heard all of this. I suspect there are mobs lurking in the river." Qin Haonan made a silent movement, and slowly approached the river.

Qin Haonan picked up a few pebbles from the bushes next to him just now, and when he was 1 meter away from the river, he suddenly threw the pebbles towards the river.As soon as the stone was thrown, Qin Haonan quickly backed away, and Yao Ruoxi and the others hid in the tall grass next to him.

I saw that after the small stone fell into the water, the water surface instantly stirred up splashes.Huge demonized crocodiles sprang out of the river, with their mouths widened, as if they were going to eat people.But when they looked around and found that there was no prey coming, they returned to the bottom of the water again, and the whole river became quiet again.

"Ruomeng, have you seen the level and attributes of the mobs?" Yao Ruoxi understood Qin Haonan's intentions, so she patted him on the shoulder and asked.

"Well, I can almost see it clearly. The ordinary mobs at level 75, the demonized crocodile, except for a slightly higher attack power, we don't need to worry about other attributes. But I was wondering, in this river, apart from ordinary mobs, would there be Is there a BOSS?" Qin Haonan analyzed seriously.

Yao Ruoxi nodded in agreement: "I am also worried about this. Not only is there a boss, but also the depth of the river and the number of mobs in the river, we can't be sure at all."

"Why don't we do this, let the dreamy contracted beast use the defensive circle, this river is not wide, we don't want to fight, just rush over." Jiaqi Rumeng suggested after thinking.

"We can try your method, after all, there is no other way now." Qin Haonan said, and directly directed Linglong to use [LV10 of the Ground Formation] for everyone.

After receiving the order, Linglong suspended in the air and chanted a mantra. Qin Haonan then turned around and said to the two of them, "As soon as the magic circle is activated, let's run to the river as soon as possible. After all, time is limited, so don't waste time fighting."

"Okay, got it." Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng nodded at the same time.

At this time, Linglong's incantation has been finished, and the [Ground Formation Level 10] has been activated.Qin Haonan led the team and rushed into the river quickly.The river was deeper than expected. After rushing down, I realized that my feet couldn't reach the bottom.

At this time, one after another, the demonized crocodiles rushed out of the water, and they attacked Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan swung the long sword in his hand and slashed the demonized crocodile in front of him.After swimming forward for less than half a meter, Qin Haonan grabbed the demonized crocodile and climbed onto the demonized crocodile with all his might.

At this time, the demonized crocodiles in the river had emerged in large swathes of the river, Qin Haonan relied on the defense of the [Earthborne Formation], stepped on the bodies of the demonized crocodiles, and rushed towards the opposite bank of the river quickly go.

Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng saw that Qin Haonan's method was more effective, so they followed suit one after another. The two girls followed closely behind, and finally rushed to the other side of the river before the effect of the [Earth-borne Array] disappeared.

The demonized crocodiles in this river will not go ashore to attack, and the system may set their attack range to be in the water.

Qin Haonan looked around, and after confirming that the rear was safe, he led the team and quickly moved towards the center of the island.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the sun is only a gap on the horizon, and the faint light brings the last trace of warmth to the world.

"I feel that my vision is not very clear." Jiaqi Rumeng said.

Yao Ruoxi nodded: "Night is coming, I wonder if the difficulty of this dungeon will increase at night."

"I'm also worried about this, but it's useless for us to guess here. Hurry up and get down to business, and try to clear the dungeon as soon as possible." Qin Haonan said seriously.

Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng nodded after hearing this.

At this moment, there was a hissing sound from the grass ahead.The grass in this marsh area is very tall, especially near the river.

Qin Haonan was on high alert immediately, listening to the sound, this might be another monster like a demonized snake.

(End of this chapter)

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