game master

Chapter 274 - Northern Desert Island

Chapter 274 - Northern Desert Island (7)

All three of them clenched their weapons, watching every move in the grass.At this time, a huge blood-red python poked its head out from the grass, staring at the three people in front of it.

Qin Haonan was only 3 meters away from the python, and he could even clearly smell the bloody breath coming from the python.This is a huge monster with blood red all over, but with purple-black runes all over half of its body. Its body is many times larger than any demonized snake before.With a huge head, Qin Haonan and the three of them can be easily swallowed with just a slight movement of the mouth.

Level 79 - Enchanted bloodthirsty python (spirit beast)
Qin Haonan was already ready for battle, and added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself.

Just as he was about to launch an attack, the "magic bloodthirsty python" protruding from the grass took the initiative to speak: "Who are you, and why did you come to this deserted island?"

As soon as the demonized bloodthirsty python spoke, the original name of the color of the spirit beast directly changed to an ordinary NPC display method.

"Hello, we are travelers who came to the island by accident. The ship sank in the waters near the island, and we swam to a deserted island." Qin Haonan directly made up a story and communicated with the boss in front of him.

The demonized bloodthirsty python didn't doubt what Qin Haonan said, it moved its huge head, and said slowly: "I think so, if it wasn't for the shipwreck, who would come to this deserted island in the north? Sigh... ...Since I met you, I would like to ask if you can do me a favor?"

Qin Haonan didn't expect such a ferocious spirit beast to make such a request.

"Please tell me, let me see if I can help." Qin Haonan said.

"That's right, I have a beloved bead. I lost it when I went hunting a while ago. It is a blood-red bead, the size of a palm. I wonder if you have seen it on the island?" Demonized Bloodthirsty The giant python asked slowly.

Qin Haonan thought about it, and suddenly thought of the [Blood Clotting Bead] he had obtained in the dungeon.

The shape of the bead is more consistent with the description of the demonized bloodthirsty python.

"Ding dong~ Player is like a dream, you have triggered the 'find blood coagulation bead mission', please find the blood coagulation bead on the deserted island in the north, and return it to the demonized bloodthirsty python, time limit: 30 minutes, the countdown begins. Task reward: experience value +9500, 12 gold coins, a sheepskin map, plot progress +1."

Unexpectedly, the request to demonize the bloodthirsty python actually became a task and was released. Seeing such a generous reward, Qin Haonan had roughly guessed that the route they took along the way was correct.

"Can I trouble you to tell us again, what other characteristics does this bead have?" Jiaqi Rumeng stepped forward and asked the demonized bloodthirsty python.

The demonized bloodthirsty python shook its head, and seemed unable to think of any other characteristics.

"I actually picked up a bead on the road before, do you think it's this?" Qin Haonan didn't want to waste time here, he thought the sooner he could complete the copy, the better.So Qin Haonan took out the [Blood Clotting Bead] and held it in front of the demonized bloodthirsty python.

The demonized bloodthirsty python saw [Blood Clotting Bead]'s eyes brighten up, it shook its huge tail and nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes, that's it. Haha, I actually found it. I thought I would never find it again."

The demonized bloodthirsty python stretched its head forward, and swallowed the beads in one gulp.Qin Haonan was the closest to the demonized bloodthirsty python, and was taken aback by its sudden behavior.The bloody mouth in front of me just now is really scary.

"Haha, thank you. With this bead, I can feel much more comfortable." The demonized bloodthirsty python narrowed his eyes and continued, "I will give you my previous collection as a reward."

A sheepskin map appeared in front of Qin Haonan's eyes, and Qin Haonan quickly took the map over.

"Then we will accept it." Yao Ruoxi said.

The demonized bloodthirsty python turned its head, and said earnestly: "Young man, I see that you have not been attacked by the strange disease demonized on the island, I advise you to leave this deserted island as soon as possible. Stay here, sooner or later. die."

"Thank you for your kindness. We also want to leave, but we don't know the way out of the island. After all, there are no boats on the island, so we can't cross the sea." Qin Haonan hurriedly expressed their embarrassment at this time.

"The sheepskin map I just gave you is divided into 5 pieces in total. As long as you collect them all, you can see the whole picture of this deserted island. It is said that there is a huge flying machine beast hidden on this island. If you find it, you can fly into the air and cross the sea." The demonized bloodthirsty python said, but then it shook its head, "It's a pity that this is just a legend, and the truth is not certain."

"Thank you, do you want to find a way to leave with us?" Qin Haonan asked kindly.

The demonized bloodthirsty python shook his head, rolled his eyes, and replied: "I won't leave, I have important things to do on this island, besides, you have also seen that I am With so many magical invasion runes, I can't last long."

"Don't be so pessimistic, maybe there is a way to solve the demonization!" Yao Ruoxi comforted.

"This is impossible. Once demonized, it will either be madness or death. I know my own situation best. This [Blood Clotting Orb] can temporarily suppress my demonization speed. With it, I should be able to persist Revenge." The demonized bloodthirsty python said, feeling a little sad.

"What's the matter, maybe we can help you." Qin Haonan seemed to hear the atmosphere of the plot, and hurriedly asked.

But the demonized bloodthirsty python didn't intend to tell them so much. It shook its huge body and quickly crawled away in another direction.

"This is my business, I will solve it myself, I wish you good luck." The voice of the demonized bloodthirsty python was still echoing, but its huge body had disappeared into the grass.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Finding Blood Clotting Orb' task. Task reward: experience value +9500, 12 gold coins. A sheepskin map, plot progress +1."

Hearing the system sound, Qin Haonan knew that the task had been completed.

"Ruomeng, from this point of view, we are only one sheepskin map short, so we have collected them all." Yao Ruoxi said when she saw that the demonized bloodthirsty python had left.

Qin Haonan nodded, and put away the sheepskin map.

At this moment, the system tone sounded again.With the notification of the system sound, the sun has officially set and night has fallen.

"Ding dong~ The hidden copy 'Desolate Island in the North' has entered the night time. The sun sets and the moon rises. The attack power of all demonized creatures is doubled. Players please be careful."

"No way, there really is such a perverted setting?" Jiaqi Rumeng said.

(End of this chapter)

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