game master

Chapter 275 - Northern Desert Island

Chapter 275 - Northern Desert Island (8)

At this time, the entire desert island has entered the night mode.The night fell completely, the crooked moon climbed into the sky, and the surrounding sight also became dark.

"Night mode is really difficult, let's use the lamp we got before." Yao Ruoxi looked at the sky and said.

"Yeah." Qin Haonan nodded, and clicked directly to use, and the light turned on.In the dark, the vision within 10 meters is much clearer.

Under the night, this deserted island suddenly became very quiet.

But under the cold moonlight, there is also a trace of danger.

Occasionally, a few demonized bats would fly by. Although the attack power was doubled, the combat power was not very strong for Qin Haonan, and they were wiped out by Qin Haonan and the others along the way.

Qin Haonan took a few steps forward, checked the situation in front of him, and then said: "The front will soon reach the center of the island, and the scenery there is quite special."

What you can see in front of you at this moment is a quiet small lake.In the middle of the lake, there is a small island in the lake that is not very large.There is only one cave on the island, and a few plants are planted outside the cave.

"According to the records in the notebook before, there should be a source of demonization in this cave, which is said to be a monster." Yao Ruoxi looked at the cave in front of her, and remembered the records she saw in the notebook before.

"Yes." Qin Haonan nodded, "We'll find a way to get to the middle of the lake. Maybe the monster in the middle of the lake is the big boss. If you win it, you can find the way out!"

Jiaqi Rumeng had reached the edge of the lake at this time, and tried to step in lightly with her feet, but the lake was very shallow.It's just that it's so clear that people can't tell how deep the water is.Jiaqi Rumeng walked a few steps forward, then turned around and said with a smile: "Who is not deep here, and it is very clear, come here, let's walk there together."

Yao Ruoxi also walked to the lake after hearing Jiaqi Rumeng's voice.After walking in the lake for a while, I found that the water was really not deep, it only reached the thigh.

"The depth of the water is enough to pass through. Besides, if the water in the middle is deeper, just swim through it." Yao Ruoxi laughed.

Qin Haonan dragged Erbai and the others to cross the lake.Originally, according to his idea, he planned to send all the contracted beasts to the pet space, but unfortunately none of them were willing to go back.

Mu Qing likes water, and he's swimming in it right now.Feimeng chose to fly over directly.Daji and Linglong didn't know what to think, they ran into the water and swam like Mu Qing, and they swam freely.

Only Erbai was a different kind of guy, he lay on Qin Haonan's shoulder and refused to get off.It's fine if it doesn't come down, and it goes straight to the master's neck, holding Qin Haonan's head tightly with its two front paws.

I remember that in the zoo before, Qin Haonan saw with his own eyes that when the breeder threw the meat into the water, the tiger would happily jump into the water to find and eat the meat.Qin Haonan still remembers the swimming style of the tiger at that time.

Qin Haonan was still wondering, what happened to Erbai?He understands that cats are afraid of water, but Erbai is a white tiger. Animals like tigers should not be afraid of water, and as a divine beast, how could Erbai be afraid of water?
Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng were originally going to turn around to urge Qin Haonan, but seeing his funny appearance at this time, they couldn't help laughing.

"Erbai, can you stop being ashamed and come down and swim by yourself? You are lying on the master's head like this, it will ruin the image of the master." Linglong couldn't stand it anymore, so she reminded her aloud.

"Erbai, your own image is completely ruined now." Feimeng said as he wiped his sweat in the air.

Qin Haonan touched Erbai's head, and comforted him: "Erbai, why are you afraid of water? Baihu should be able to swim, right?"

"Master, when Erbai was a child, he sank to the bottom in 2 meters of water, so don't make things difficult for him." Mu Qing and Erbai are indeed good friends. At this time, it was Mu Qing who turned around and lifted Erbai out of the siege.

But it's okay if it doesn't get out of the siege. This explanation instantly made the ladies beside them cover their mouths and want to laugh.

Erbai's face was even uglier, very depressed.Not only did he mutter: "It's been so many years, the past is the past. Don't talk about it, it's shameful."

At this time, Jiaqi Rumeng and Yao Ruoxi had already reached the island in the lake, Qin Haonan carried Erbai down and walked up.

"Master, there is a tiger's breath in this cave." Erbai wanted to do something quickly to make up for the embarrassment just now, so he said, "I guess there is a tiger-like boss inside."

"Okay, let's go into the cave and take a look." Qin Haonan nodded and led the team into the cave.

But what is unexpected is that there is another cave in the cave.

In other words, this cave doesn't look big from the outside, but the space inside is unimaginable.After entering from the entrance of the cave, there are stairs inside.All the way is downhill, and the whole cave is more like an underground laboratory.

There are lights on the wall, and when he walked to the first basement, Qin Haonan directly found a huge experimental table.Next to the walls on both sides, there are bookshelves and cabinets.

"Why does this basement have a strong smell of blood, it's disgusting." The girls covered their noses.

Qin Haonan walked up to help investigate the situation on both sides.It was found that most of the items placed in these cabinets could only be viewed and could not be taken down.There are many bottles and jars here, which seem to be some potions, decanters, wine jars, and some strange specimens...

When he walked to the bookshelf beside him, he found that the dust here was also very thick.Most of the books are decorations, and there are no settings in the game design.But Qin Haonan checked and found that there were still a few books that could be read.

"On Demonization", "Diary of Demonization Experiment", "The Nth Method of Demonization".

After taking a look, there are only three books that can be read.So Qin Haonan took the book down, handed it directly to Yao Ruoxi and Jiaqi Rumeng, and asked the two girls to read it for them.And he continued to look for clues in the first basement.

"Ruomeng, the contents of these books are all related to demonization. The demonization in this book is what people on this island think is a virus." Yao Ruoxi quickly read "On Demonization" and "Magicization". Experiment Diary", then murmured.

"What else was written on it, is there any clue?" Qin Haonan asked.

"There are some demonization experiments recorded here. I don't quite understand them. But I understand that this kind of demonization experiment was originally intended to improve the development of all creatures. Unfortunately, the results were not satisfactory, and they were brought to the Destruction. This "Diary of Demonization Experiment" also records every experiment done on the island." Yao Ruoxi handed over the book while speaking.

At this moment, from the bottom of the basement, there was a deafening roar.

"This is the roar of a tiger." Erbai reminded directly.

 Sorry readers, the update has been unstable during this period, and thank you for your support.Starting today, the update starts to resume, two updates a day, and occasionally three updates.

(End of this chapter)

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