game master

Chapter 290 - Missing Materials

Chapter 290 - Missing Materials
Several days later, the people of Mengran Jiangshan have been preparing for the construction of the village.Qin Haonan stepped up his leveling for some time, and finally reached level 80 at noon.

When the Sword Immortal profession reaches level 80, two more powerful skills are added.Qin Haonan didn't have time to study. He was currently selecting a site and preparing to build a village.

Yao Ruoxi helped Qin Haonan a lot by sending a batch of village construction materials.Wood, stone, coins... When Qin Haonan counted all the materials for building the village, he found that only one material was missing.

This material is a rare stone, and the quantity requirements are relatively large.

At this time, the mechanism engineer just walked over without losing style.He looked at Qin Haonan's material records, and asked softly, "Master, are we still short of materials for building the village?"

Qin Haonan could not lose his style, and said seriously: "There is still a rare stone, and I am thinking about where to find it. There are quite a lot of requests for this rare stone, and there must be a place that can be mined in large quantities."

"Boss, do you have any clues now? The rare stones should be near the mountain map, because ore collection is usually in these areas." He said after thinking without losing style.

Life without losing style is an architect, so I know a little bit about ore mining.Qin Haonan himself has also learned blacksmithing, and he can also do it in the collection of ore.

"En." Qin Haonan replied, thinking about which area has 'rare stone'.Qin Haonan remembered that when he built the village in his last life, the members of his gang collected such materials.

I vaguely remember that it seems to be in the "Map of Immortal Mountain".

Speaking of "Map of Immortal Mountain", it is definitely a place with beautiful scenery, just like a fairy mountain.Surrounded by clouds and mist all the year round, with lush green trees, the mountains are very steep, and the mobs on the mountains are of high level, about 80-85.

At this time, the time in the game is about to enter December, and Qin Haonan remembered that there are hidden plots in Shenxian Mountain in winter.Thinking about the previous life, some players once posted on the forum, saying that they had triggered a hidden plot and met the legendary fairy.However, due to his insufficient attribute value, he did not complete the task of this plot in the end.

However, the player's post on the forum was very general, and did not specify what the hidden plot was, and what were the requirements for attribute values?This also made many players dissatisfied, leaving messages to criticize him, telling him not to show off if he can't write clearly.

Qin Haonan didn't pay much attention to the content of this post at first, but today because of the "rare stone" matter, he thought of this hidden plot again.

"Styleless, you can go to the map of Shenxian Mountain with me today, there will probably be rare stones we need." Qin Haonan said directly to Styles, after all, Styles is an architect, let him go in person to confirm.

"Good leader, but where is the map of the Immortal Mountain? Why have I never heard of it?" asked without losing style.

"I'll see if I take you there. You are contacting other architects. Whoever has time, let's go there together. But the number of people should not exceed 20." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"Okay." He replied without losing style, and went to summon the architect.

It has to be said that the efficiency without losing style is still very high. After a while, several architects and players who dreamed of dyeing the world gathered together.

At this time, Qin Haonan brought a total of 11 members for the task of searching for rare stones.Without losing style, Era of Overlord, Xi Yanta Wendao, Ling Yanchen, Tian Huan, Ran Tian, ​​King Invincible, Blood Red Army Green, Mo Xuan, Zang Tian, ​​Yasuo, although their occupations are different, their life occupations are all similar. Be an architect.

Mengran Jiangshan has also recruited a group of professional players recently, and many of them will come in handy for building the village at this time.

Qin Haonan looked at his 12-member team, except that his own level had reached level 80, the others were not very strong.

It's better without losing style, and it's already level 76.The others are all at level 72, and the worst one is only at level 70.But fortunately, Qin Haonan's combat power is quite high, summoning both summoned beasts and contracted beasts, they can still protect everyone.

A team soon arrived at the foot of the Immortal Mountain. Since this is a high-level training area, the other members were more cautious.After all, not everyone can be as powerful as Qin Haonan, with a high level, and can leapfrog to kill monsters.

In the middle of the "Century" game, fighting monsters and leveling up is no longer as easy as before.And the stats of the little monsters have also improved a lot, it is justified to fight monsters at the same level.The difficulty of leapfrogging monsters is already very high, and it is not something that ordinary players can easily challenge.

Qin Haonan looked at the cloud-shrouded mountain in front of him, and first summoned all the contracted beasts including Linglong, Erbai, and Daji.Erbai immediately wagged his tail, looking eager to try.And Xue Mei, the newly added "Ice-Blood Demon Scorpion", was also excited to show off her skills.

"With my contracted beast here, you just follow me forward boldly. Don't worry about not being strong enough and being attacked by mobs or bosses and dying." Qin Haonan saw the concerns of the team members and hurriedly comforted him.

In fact, this group of players mainly didn't form a team with Qin Haonan before, and they didn't see Qin Haonan's combat effectiveness.If anyone who often forms a team knows, it's nothing to leapfrog and kill monsters with the gang leader.

"Okay." The other members nodded obediently, followed Qin Haonan and stepped into the mountain in front of them.

Like its name, Shenxian Mountain is like a majestic fairyland treasure mountain.A large number of towering peaks, looking lush from a distance.The top of the mountain has been blocked by the clouds in the sky, and it is a beautiful scenery in the clouds and fog.

The road up the mountain was not difficult, and Qin Haonan led the team ahead.

He just took a few steps forward when he saw a little red-brown squirrel climbing down from the tree.

Level 80 - Squirrel Monster (Normal)
Qin Haonan immediately checked the opponent's level and attributes, and immediately added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself.

[White Tiger Claw Level 10], [White Tiger Phantom Level 10], [Dragon Teng Level 10]... Erbai and Mu Qing had already rushed forward at this time, and launched the attack first.

This is the little "squirrel monster" who couldn't resist being hit at all, and died after a few hits.

Many of the team members behind Qin Haonan were amazed at how powerful Qin Haonan's contracted beast was!
At this moment, several "squirrel monsters" jumped down from the tree.Er Bai and Mu Qing also rushed to the front, cleaning up the little monsters.

Fighting monsters at the same level, Qin Haonan's contracted beasts clearly had an advantage.

"Guild Master, this is the first time I have come across this kind of map, and I actually need to climb a mountain!" Zang Tian is a sword fairy who just joined the guild not long ago.Seeing the high mountain in front of me, I suddenly felt a rush to go out and climb the mountain.

Qin Haonan smiled and said, "In fact, there are quite a few maps like this in "Century". Isn't Leimang Mountain near Tianqing Town also a map like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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