game master

Chapter 291 - Immortal Mountain

Chapter 291 - Immortal Mountain (1)

"I've never been to Leimang Mountain. The thunder there is very loud, so I've only been to the foot of the mountain." Zang Tian sighed.

"Okay, let's take a good look at the Immortal Mountain." Qin Haonan said, and had already climbed the stairs.

The scenery of Shenxian Mountain is magnificent, and tall and straight pine trees are planted at the foot of the mountain.In the process of walking up the mountain, you can see various types of pine trees and bamboos from time to time.In addition, there is always a foggy feeling here, the fog is relatively thick, and everyone feels like they are in a fairyland.

We eliminated many level 80 squirrel monsters along the way, but didn't encounter any strong obstacles.

A group of people enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the mountain like a tourist climbing a mountain along the way.Shenxian Mountain is relatively high, so the stairs are relatively steep and long. Fortunately, climbing the mountain in the game will not feel leg pain and fatigue, and a group of people enjoy climbing.

It didn't take long for Qin Haonan to lead everyone up to the halfway up the mountain.

At this moment, Xue Mei, who was lying on Qin Haonan's shoulder mountain, suddenly reacted.He looked around vigilantly, raised his two pincers high, and raised his tail.The scarlet poisonous needle exuded a cold light, as if telling the danger here.

"Xue Mei, what did you find?" Qin Haonan saw the difference in Xue Mei, and asked quickly.

Xue Mei nodded her little head. Since he couldn't speak, he could only transmit to Qin Haonan through sound transmission: "Master, there is a BOSS near here, and I feel like a python's breath. It is hidden around, you have to be more careful. "

Xue Mei has been fighting alone these years, and is often in danger, plus he is a spirit beast, so his perception of danger is naturally very high.

If it were Erbai and the others, perhaps only divine beasts of the same level could catch their eyes.

"Okay, I got it." Qin Haonan touched Xuemei's head, and immediately said to the members beside him, "There is a BOSS nearby, my contracted beast has already sensed it, everyone is in the state of preparation, be careful of being attacked. "

"Yes, leader." The members of a team showed their weapons neatly, without losing style, and waited for several mechanism masters to summon their own mechanism beasts at the same time.

Everyone is on alert, but there is no trace of the boss.

Qin Haonan didn't think too much, and led everyone to move on.But when everyone boarded a small platform, Qin Haonan suddenly felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes full of death, staring firmly at this side.

This look made Qin Haonan's back feel a little hairy.

"Master, it's coming out!" Xue Mei immediately sent a voice transmission to Qin Haonan.

At this time, a huge monster stretched out its long neck and huge head from the opposite mountain peak.This is a huge boa constrictor, its whole body should be red and black, with faint golden patterns on its body.

Level 100 - Shocking Python (Spirit Beast)
"Shocking Python" opened its bloody mouth, Qin Haonan visually judged that the size was enough to swallow all their players in one go.Qin Haonan didn't expect that there would be a level 100 boss in this fairy mountain.

You should know that before the second upgrade of "Century", in the entire game, unless it is a special hidden copy, there will be no bosses over level 100.Because the full level of the game at this time is level 100, the highest level of the boss should be the spirit beast.

Of course, relying on his super luck, Qin Haonan will always encounter some unusual and unimaginable things.

"It's ruined, we're not going to hang here, are we?" Mo Xuan and Rantian, both new players in Mengran Jiangshan, muttered softly at this time.

"It's okay, the boss will definitely be able to take care of this boss." He was very calm without losing his style. He believed that with Qin Haonan's strength, it would not be difficult to kill monsters by leapfrogging.

However, without losing style, he did overestimate Qin Haonan this time. No matter how strong Qin Haonan is, this boss is also level 100, which is 20 levels higher than him.It is not easy to win easily, not to mention protecting 11 team members.

Qin Haonan is ready at this time, if the 100 boss attacks, he will try his best to fight.It was really bad, so he took the team and ran away quickly.

After all, this shocking giant python is too large and moves relatively slowly.

But at this moment, the giant python let out a roar, and its huge body moved in the mountains.Its speed was not fast, but Ken did not go to see Qin Haonan and the others, but crossed the mountain where Qin Haonan was staying at this time, and climbed directly towards the rear.

With the movement of the giant python, the entire Immortal Mountain trembled.This is a powerful large-volume BOSS, and its movement has had a huge impact on the entire map of Immortal Mountain.

Qin Haonan commanded the members of the team to stay still and prepare for battle, but wait and see.Unexpectedly, the giant python did not launch an attack on Qin Haonan and the others, but directly stepped over.

Qin Haonan turned his head and looked curiously at the giant python behind him, only then did he realize that there was a level 100 boss declaring war on the mountain behind him.

It was a level 100 "Man-eating Flower Vine". Its flowers were huge and bright, and its long branches stretched out, stretching its teeth and claws towards the shocking python.

"Hey, are we safe?" Tian Huan couldn't help but marvel.

Qin Haonan made a silent gesture, and then whispered: "For the time being, we are safe, because the two bosses are going to fight, and they have no intention of caring about us. But if this fight is over, it will be hard to say."

"Master, let's hide first?" He suggested without losing style.

Qin Haonan nodded and said seriously: "You think the same as I do. Let's hide first. Let's see how the two bosses fight. If we both lose, we can still benefit from it."

So a team of players quickly hid in the bushes not far away.

At this time, the entire Immortal Mountain was affected by the fight between two bosses, and the mountain became turbulent.Every time they move, the ground trembles three times.Qin Haonan and the others hid in the bushes, and they also felt more tormented.

Level 100 - Man-Eating Flower Vine (Spiritual Beast)
I saw that this level 100 plant boss attacked first.Its slender vines have already stretched out towards the shocking python, trying to entangle it tightly.

Although the speed of the shocking python is relatively slow, it can still avoid these vines.The shocking python opened its mouth wide, and a jet of black gas, with a strange smell, spit out from the shocking python's mouth.

The sight of the piranha vine is obstructed, but unfortunately, the piranha vine is the boss of the plant department, and vision does not play a big role for it.

(End of this chapter)

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