game master

Chapter 292 - Immortal Mountain

Chapter 292 - Immortal Mountain (2)

Facing the fierce battle between these two behemoths, Qin Haonan and others had no choice but to hide in a hidden place in the forest and wait and see.

"Boss, why don't we leave quietly? The battle here has nothing to do with us. Staying here may cause other troubles. Anyway, the level of these two bosses is too high, it's better for us to retreat." Mo Xuan looked Looking at the situation, he interrupted and suggested.

"Okay, let's leave first." Qin Haonan nodded in agreement, and a group of people quickly walked up the mountain along the trail, deliberately avoiding the place where the two bosses were fighting.

Just as the group of people walked away quietly, a lot of gravel suddenly fell down on the steep mountain peak.

Although the size of the gravel was not big, it was a falling object that couldn't hold it up. Some players in the team couldn't dodge it, and accidentally fell on several of them.The life value began to drop in an instant, but fortunately, the blood loss was not much, otherwise, it would be a big trouble.

"It's so dangerous, I didn't expect that the falling stone would lose life!"

"Sigh... probably the game company is trying to make the game more realistic, it's scary, it's dangerous!"


Several players in the team complained while avoiding, Qin Haonan took everyone into a cave next to the mountain.The location of the cave is relatively hidden. If you don't avoid the gravel and simply walk up the mountain, you probably won't be able to find it here.

Qin Haonan lifted up the branches and vines hanging from the outside of the cave, and after entering the cave, he discovered that there was something special in the cave.There are actually plants in the cave. Although they are just some vines, they are very old and the vines are relatively thick.

The temperature inside the cave is much colder than outside, and the space inside the cave is relatively spacious, which can accommodate 30 players at the same time.Looking at the glorious stone wall, Qin Haonan couldn't help thinking deeply, could there be any strange treasures in this hidden cave?
"Master, there seems to be a way behind this cave." After entering the cave without losing style, they conducted a round of survey, and soon discovered that there was a long stone cave passage behind the cave.

"Okay, let's go over and have a look." Qin Haonan said, and walked to the back of the cave with style.

In the short time just entering the cave, Qin Haonan and the players in the team quickly looked through the entire cave. Except for the hidden tunnel, there was nothing else found in the cave.

Pushing aside the vines covering the stone wall, as expected, there is a big hole here, linking a long tunnel.

"Master, are we going in?" Age of Overlord asked cautiously.

Qin Haonan nodded, and replied: "Since they are all here, we might as well go in and explore, maybe we will find some novelty. You also have to search carefully, maybe you can find the rare stone we need most right now."

Hearing what Qin Haonan said, other members of the team also agreed.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Qin Haonan walked into the cave first and went in to explore the way.Without losing style, the players immediately followed behind him, and a team quickly disappeared into the stone cave tunnel.

The tunnel is not as dark as imagined, on the contrary there is still light inside.Under the stone wall of the tunnel, there are many luminous flowers blooming, and the light yellow light is like moonlight, emanating from the luminous flowers, reflecting the whole tunnel so beautifully and so dreamily.

After walking a few steps forward, everyone heard a faint voice coming from the depths of the stone cave tunnel.

This kind of sound does not seem to be made by any animal. Listen carefully, it is more like a weak sound made by plants growing or shaking slightly.

"Shh, everyone, stop talking first." Qin Haonan made a silent gesture.

The tunnel suddenly became very quiet, and just like that, everyone heard clearly that something was indeed approaching.Every member clenched the weapons in their hands, Qin Haonan directly summoned the shadow wolves, and asked them to explore the way ahead.

The six phantom wolves were very obedient and walked carefully in the tunnel.

At this moment, Qin Haonan suddenly received a notification from the system that he had been attacked by mobs.

Qin Haonan's position at this time is relatively safe.In other words, it was the phantom wolf that Qin Haonan had just released that was being attacked.When a summoned beast or a contracted beast receives attack damage, from the perspective of the system, it is the owner who has been attacked.

Qin Haonan did not show any weakness, and immediately gave the phantom wolves an attack order, and several summoned beasts fought with the plants in the tunnel.

"Guard Master, what's the matter? We just heard the sound here, but we can't see it." Ling Yanchen complained anxiously.

Qin Haonan was very indifferent, and said softly: "The mobs in this cave are all plant-type, and the one who attacked my summoned beast just now was a level 80 mob--Crystal Flower Vine. Everyone follow me forward, if you encounter an attack Just fight back on your own."

After beckoning, Qin Haonan took the lead and walked into the depths of the tunnel.The other members followed quickly, for fear that they would be left behind.

Level 80 - Crystal Flower Vine (Normal)
Level 81-Crystal Vine King (Little Elite)
Level 82-Crystal Vine King (Elite)

As soon as Qin Haonan walked deep, he immediately figured out the levels and attributes of this group of mobs and small bosses.

These mobs of the plant department understood and sensed the approach of Qin Haonan and others. The slender and emerald green branches attacked everyone in the blink of an eye.

Immediately summoning the Mechanism Beast without losing style, the Mechanism Bear took the lead in blocking the players with its huge body.

The battle is imminent, and there are more mobs in the tunnel.A team of players fought with the plant monsters in the cave.

[Cut Wind and Extinguish Demon Blade], [Level 10 Thunder Sword Art], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10], [Nine Yuan Sword Formation Level 10]...Qin Haonan threw out his group attack skills.

At this time, the green vines rushing forward have been attacked by the players' skills.Qin Haonan has already seen clearly that all the strange plants in this cave have long vines, small leaves, and the length of vines is beyond our imagination.

"Attack, they are plants, they are afraid of fire!" Daji just used [Thousand Fox Fire Level 10] to attack the vines in front, only to find that these guys are really afraid of fire.

With the experience that this plant is afraid of fire, a team of players quickly wiped out all the mobs and small bosses in the tunnel.Qin Haonan continued to lead the team forward, and as he walked, Qin Haonan realized something.

At this time, the cave everyone was staying in was full of plant monsters, other than that, there were no other types of mobs.In other words, this should be an exclusive cave for plant monsters.

"Master, this cave is the home of that big guy outside, right?" He seemed to have seen Mingtang without losing his style, so he asked Qin Haonan curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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