game master

Chapter 309 - Challenge the Trial Tower

Chapter 309 - Challenge the Trial Tower

On the first floor of this trial tower, there are a lot of wild boar monsters.Most wild boar monsters attack ferociously, but their defense is mediocre.

Erbai, Muqing, and Daji's super combat power is completely crushing among the wild boar monsters.

After a while, all the wild boar monsters here were cleaned up.Erbai couldn't wait to run over, wanting to see what kind of treasure was in that golden treasure chest?
The appearance of the treasure chest is very luxurious and exquisite. The outer skin made of pure gold is inlaid with many precious stones. In addition, it is also carved with beautiful runes.

Qin Haonan motioned to Erbai, and Erbai got the master's promise, so he opened the treasure chest with his paw.I didn't expect the items in the treasure box to be of high quality.

A piece of level 76 purple gold equipment, which happens to belong to the magic dancer profession.Qin Haonan gave it to Yao Ruoxi without hesitation, and looked at the bottom of the box, there was also a skill book.

"Sword and Spirit Call", Qin Haonan was extremely happy when he saw this skill book.This is a skill book for a comprehension summoner, which happens to be something that can be learned at level 80.

Thinking about myself recently, I haven't learned a suitable combat skill. When I met it today, I immediately clicked to learn it.

[Sword Spirit Summoning Level 1] Comprehension summoners use skills, a total of 12 levels, to summon 2 sword spirits of the same level as themselves to participate in the battle, which can last for 20 seconds and consume 120 points of true energy.

"Ruomeng, hurry up and summon me to see, let me see how this sword spirit is different from the sword slave you summoned before." Yao Ruoxi hurriedly suggested.

Qin Haonan didn't hesitate, and immediately used his skills.

I saw two girls in blue robes floating in mid-air with swords in their arms.Qin Haonan tried to make them attack a wild boar monster, and observed their fighting patterns, only to find out that the sword spirit was attacking from a distance.

Sword slaves are for close combat, while sword spirits are for magic attacks. They will stay behind the team and launch magic attacks.As long as there are top monsters ahead, the sword spirits will attack without any hesitation.

Not only that, the sword spirit has skills among this group of summoned beasts.One move [Blood Return], one move [Wanjian Returns to the Sect].The first skill can restore 20% of the life of our single player, and the second skill is group attack.

Seeing that the attack power of Sword Spirit Summoning was not weak, Qin Haonan added all the remaining skill points in his hand to [Sword Spirit Summoning].

Soon, [Sword Spirit Summoning] was upgraded to level 8, and now 6 sword spirits can be summoned at the same time.If it reaches the full level of 12, it is estimated that 8 can be summoned at the same time.


Letting this group of summoned beasts open the way, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi soon came to the end of the first floor, which is the stairs leading to the second floor.

Guarding here is a level 78 black wind monster (elite).I saw the "Black Wind Monster" with a huge ax on its back and black fur all over its body. It looked a little like a wolf, but it was standing.The whole "Black Wind Monster" is more than twice the height of ordinary players.

Beside the "Black Wind Monster", there are 20 wild boar monsters and 10 wild wolf monsters.

Qin Haonan's team of summoned beasts was as large as that of the boss' mobs.Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and directly commanded the summoned beast to start the battle.

In addition to Erbai, Linglong, Daji...they helped out, the whole battle was almost useless with Qin Haonan's move, and the little monsters were wiped out.

At this time, the "Black Wind Monster" roared, swung the huge ax in his hand, and slashed heavily to the ground.The ground shook unceasingly, Qin Haonan was far away from the boss, and could feel the coercion of that blow.

The "Black Wind Monster" swung its huge axe and rushed into the group of summoned beasts, spinning for a while.

Under this powerful skill, the phantom wolf, sword slave, and war tiger that Qin Haonan had summoned before all hung up and disappeared.Only the sword spirit in the rear and the flamingo in the sky survived.

"Everyone, attack with all your strength, our level is higher than the boss, and we will win the battle quickly!" Qin Haonan immediately gave everyone an order.

As soon as the powerful blow of the "Black Wind Monster" passed, Qin Haonan rushed over with his team. The "Black Wind Monster" didn't hold on for long in the end, and fell to the ground with a mournful cry.

With the fall of the BOSS, a team of golden coins and equipment burst out.

Level 78 Black Wind Battlesuit (Purple Gold Item), Level 78 Black Wind Boots (Gold Item), Level 78 Black Wind Long Sword (Gold Item), pet rations...

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi picked up the equipment on the ground, and soon heard the system prompt that they had passed the first floor of the trial tower.The clearance time is 2 minutes and 48 seconds, which has already broken the previous record of "Rampaging Brick".

"Ding dong~ The player lives like a dream, successfully cleared the first floor of the trial tower, and gained +1 attribute points and +1 skill points."

"Ruomeng, our speed is estimated to be surpassed by no player in a short period of time." Yao Ruoxi looked at the previous record of 6 minutes and 59 seconds, and then looked at his own, and said involuntarily.

Qin Haonan nodded and agreed: "If they want to surpass this record, the minimum level must be above 85, and they won't surpass it in a short time. Let's go, let's go to the next floor."

After the boss disappeared, a staircase appeared at the end of the hall.Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi walked up the stairs to the second floor.Every floor of the trial tower is completely different.It is said that there will be very good rewards for the first customs clearance.

Before Qin Haonan came, he checked, and the runaway brick had cleared the trial tower to the seventh floor.

In other words, Qin Haonan couldn't get the first kill on the first 7 floors.But Qin Haonan didn't mind much, the rewards for the first 7 floors were mediocre, but when the number of floors was really high, the first kill would be very precious.

When they reached the second floor, all the surrounding walls turned black.The tone of the entire second floor is black, but there will be a small window at every distance from the stone wall.There are candlesticks on the wall, and the light is not too dim.

From the depths of the faint corridor, came a faint voice.This voice is like a murmur, with a demagogic power.

"This floor is so quiet!" Yao Ruoxi clenched her weapon and walked beside Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan directly summoned all the summoned beasts and let them take the lead in front.At this time, from the depths, there was the sound of flapping wings, and the sound came from far to near.

"It's a bat monster, everyone get ready." Qin Haonan saw little black bats of level 78 flying towards this side, and hurriedly reminded him.

The flamingo in the air immediately flapped its wings, opened its mouth, and sprayed out balls of flames.

The bat monsters flying in the front were all annihilated in the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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