game master

Chapter 310 - Red Cloud Ring

Chapter 310 - Red Cloud Ring
The fierce offensive didn't stop in the slightest, and Qin Haonan moved forward quickly under the waves of attacks from the summoned beasts.

Large pieces of bat monsters fell from the sky, burst out a few coins, and then slowly disappeared.

"The mobs on this floor are bats, no wonder the second floor is so dark." Yao Ruoxi looked at the surrounding environment while talking.

The number of mobs on the second floor is several times that of the first floor.Facing a large number of flying bat monsters, fortunately, Qin Haonan's summoned beasts opened the way, otherwise it would take a long time to fight.

"Ruoxi, you have to follow me closely later, the light here is rather dim, don't get lost." Qin Haonan said, pulling down Yao Ruoxi's sleeve.

"The road here is not very complicated, how can I get lost?" Yao Ruoxi couldn't help asking curiously.

Qin Haonan hurriedly said: "The road here is okay, the key is the back...Anyway, it's OK if you follow me."

Qin Haonan didn't intend to explain to Yao Ruoxi in detail, he couldn't say that he had been here before.I remember that on the individual floors of this trial tower, there are some small paths, secret rooms... and other hidden snow areas. If you can find them, you will get good treasures.

"Oh, yes." Yao Ruoxi didn't ask much, and agreed.She followed closely behind Qin Haonan, fighting monsters while walking forward.

After walking for a while, Qin Haonan walked through this long corridor, and two forks appeared in front of him.

Yao Ruoxi knew that Qin Haonan was very good at navigating the maze, so she followed Qin Haonan as he led the team.But speaking of it, Yao Ruoxi really believed blindly.

In Qin Haonan's memory, there was a good piece of equipment on the second floor.Until the middle of the game, the attributes of that piece of equipment were still very powerful.

Relying on his memory, Qin Haonan killed the mobs along the way.Soon came to a dead end.

"There is no way here!" Yao Ruoxi looked around and said after repeated confirmation.

"Well, yes." Qin Haonan agreed, but his fingers were searching for the mechanism to open the darkroom on the wall.

"Crack..." Qin Haonan finally pressed a protruding button, and the wall suddenly moved.I saw that the stone wall turned out to be a door, and now I slid to the left, leaving an entrance leading to the inside.

"There is a dark room here?!" Yao Ruoxi exclaimed in surprise, "But it's pitch black inside."

What Yao Ruoxi said was right, there was no light in this dark room, it was completely dark.

"It's okay, I have a solution." Qin Haonan stepped in without hesitation, looking for the button on the right side of the stone wall with his fingers.His memory of this area is a little fuzzy, but he remembers that there is either a switch or a spare candle in this dark room.

As expected, Qin Haonan's hand was on the right side.There was indeed a recess in the stone wall where a spare candle holder was placed.Qin Haonan took down the candle holder and asked Daji to light a fire.

Holding a candle, the things in the dark room can be seen clearly.

The size of this darkroom is not large, only 10 square meters in size.But there are several boxes inside, lined up with no gaps.

Yao Ruoxi took the candle holder from Qin Haonan, and said softly, "There are 4 boxes inside, and I'll get the candle holder. Ruomeng, go over and see what's in the box."

"Okay." Qin Haonan replied, stepped forward, and opened the first box.

The first box contains 3 skill books.Qin Haonan took out a skill book for the swordsman profession, a skill book for the hunter profession, and a skill book for the spellcaster profession.

None of the three books they can learn.

Qin Haonan went straight to the second box, opened it, and found some rare iron ore inside.The blacksmith was good at blacksmithing, so Qin Haonan put them all away.

In the third box was a level 80 Drunken Dream Boots (Purple Gold Item). Qin Haonan looked at the attributes and found that it was just right for him, so he replaced the equipment.

After Qin Haonan opened the last box, he saw the equipment he was really looking for.

This is a level 80 fairy equipment, the Scarlet Cloud Ring.In fact, this ring is one of a set of immortal artifacts.This Chixia suit is a small suit.Because the whole set is assembled, there are only 3 pieces of equipment.

They are the Chixia Ring, the Chixia Pendant, and the Chixia Necklace.

But every piece of equipment that is gathered together will get a corresponding attribute bonus.Among the fairy equipment of the same level, the attribute is very powerful.

"Ruoxi, this ring is for you. You can wear it after you reach level 80." Qin Haonan said and handed the ring over.

"Huh? Ruomeng, you actually gave me a ring!" Yao Ruoxi didn't look at the properties of the ring, but when she saw Qin Haonan handing over a beautiful ring in a serious manner, she couldn't help joking, "Do you know what it means to give a ring?"

"Cough...don't get me wrong! This ring is suitable for you." Qin Haonan hadn't thought about this before, but when Yao Ruoxi said this, he couldn't help coughing a few times in embarrassment.

Yao Ruoxi sighed inwardly after hearing what Qin Haonan said, this idiot is really out of character.If it was another man, following what she said just now, maybe he would confess a few words.Fortunately, he even explained it. Didn't he know that an explanation was just a cover-up?
Shaking her head helplessly, Yao Ruoxi looked at the attributes of Chixia's ring.

Seeing this, Yao Ruoxi couldn't help feeling a little more fond of Qin Haonan.You know, this is a fairy weapon with very good attributes, and it is one of the three suits.

In fact, in the game, players like this small suit very much.Due to the small amount of equipment in the suit, it is easy to collect, and the price of some small suits is higher than that of higher-quality equipment at auction.

Qin Haonan gave himself such good equipment without blinking his eyes.

"Ruomeng, I can't take this Chixia ring, you can keep it." Yao Ruoxi pushed the ring back as she said, "I remember you don't have a ring of level 80 now, and besides, I'm not even at level, it's still you It's more suitable to wear."

Qin Haonan didn't expect that Yao Ruoxi would not accept it, and said full of doubts: "Why? Don't you like the attributes of this ring? I especially checked it out, it's very suitable for players who are magic dancers!"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's that I'm not yet high enough, let's talk about you..." Yao Ruoxi was about to explain, but Qin Haonan pushed the ring back again.

"Ruoxi, just keep it. This attribute is not suitable for my profession. Besides, the shape of this ring is suitable for you girls. If you don't want it, I have to take it back and give it to Nuomi Tangtang to try."

"No, I'll keep it. Thank you, Ruomeng." When Yao Ruoxi heard that the ring was for another girl, she stopped shirking and put it away carefully.

"There seems to be nothing else here, so let's go back along the road. This road is wrong, let's go another way." Seeing Yao Ruoxi accepting the ring, Qin Haonan blew out the candles and started looking for the way to the next floor export.

(End of this chapter)

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