game master

Chapter 324 - Internal Space

Chapter 324 - Internal Space
"I don't know very well. I just came in and found that I can invite friends here." Qin Haonan said, pointing Yao Ruoxi to the buttons and interface in the space.

Yao Ruoxi is also like a curious baby at this time, studying the inner space with Qin Haonan.

"Ruomeng, look here. The interface shows that you need to collect 2 gold coins and the equipment level reaches level 20 to activate the 'storage' function." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

"Well, okay, let me try it." Qin Haonan said, and clicked to open.

On the originally endless lawn, there was an area where trees suddenly rose from the ground.These trees grew rapidly, and then turned into dots of green light, enveloping the entire area.

The green light kept spinning, and it took about 30 seconds for a huge warehouse to appear in front of Qin Haonan's eyes.

Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi into the warehouse, and the warehouse was actually a storage space.There are 5 storage compartments inside, neatly arranged.In this way, everything Qin Haonan couldn't fit in his backpack can be piled here.

"Not bad, this built-in storage space is attractive enough." Yao Ruoxi sighed while looking at the warehouse, "Ruomeng, this pendant of yours is level 80, take a look and see what other functions it has. Can it be turned on?"

"Level 40 can open the 'pet lounge', level 60 can open the 'plantation', and level 80 can open the 'fish pond'. That's all for now." Qin Haonan said.

Yao Ruoxi felt a little impatient, so she hurriedly urged: "Ruomeng, can you open them all?"

"Well, I'm about to do this." Qin Haonan said, and started to turn on these buttons one by one.

The pet lounge is a resting place for contracted beasts.The entire architectural style is classical and atmospheric. There are 10 rooms in the entire building.Each room is equipped with beds, tables, chairs, benches, cabinets, bathtubs and other furniture.Each room is spacious, with plenty of light and windows for ventilation. It is simply a luxury hotel.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi felt like they were dreaming when they saw this pet lounge.

Knowing that this place is not for their players to live in, Qin Haonan directly summoned all 6 contracted beasts into the space of the pendant.Linglong, Erbai, and Daji were also shocked by the warm configuration here when they first appeared.

"Master, where is this place?" Linglong looked around the room and asked curiously.

"I'll give you a place where the contracted beasts live." Qin Haonan said seriously.

Linglong and the others were a little dazed after hearing Qin Haonan's words.When they reacted, they rushed into the room and each chose the one they liked.

"Ruomeng, I think this pet rest room must have some special function?" Yao Ruoxi was very clever, and thought of this.

"You are very smart. This pet rest room can quickly increase the loyalty of contracted beasts whose loyalty is lower than 70, and can also reduce the hunger of pets whose hunger is too high. Resting here will slowly recover. Make sure that every time you summon a contracted beast that is alive and in good condition." Qin Haonan briefly explained to Yao Ruoxi.

"Sure enough, it's about the same as what I guessed." Yao Ruoxi laughed.

"Then let's see what happens when other functions are activated." Qin Haonan said, and opened the plantation again.

Walking out of the pet lounge, there is a large area surrounded by fences on the land not far away.Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi walked over together and found that the land here can be used for planting.

Linglong and Daji also ran over at this time, Linglong squatted down, looking at this fertile land, her face was full of joy and excitement. "Master, this land can grow vegetables and fruits, do you have any seeds there?"

"There are life players in the guild, I'll go back and collect them." Qin Haonan said as he was about to send a message on the guild channel.

At this moment, Yao Ruoxi took out a small bag from her backpack and handed it to Linglong: "Try these, I got them from the mission before, and it's useless to keep them all the time."

"Thank you, sister Ruoxi." Linglong happily took it, opened the small bag and saw that it was full of seeds of many plants.

"Hey, in this case we can try to grow vegetables. Master, can you leave this plantation to us to take care of?" Daji also came to join in the fun at this time.

Qin Haonan nodded, for such a large garden, he must not be able to handle it by himself. "Okay, I'll leave it to you and Linglong in the future."

"Great." Linglong and Daji were cheering for a while, only to see Erbai, Mu Qing and other contracted beasts also running over.

Erbai shook his big snow-white head and ran around the plantation wagging his tail.Qin Haonan looked at Erbai's cheerful appearance, and couldn't help but smile a lot on his face.

"Ruomeng, I think there may be many varieties of things that can be planted in this plantation. You should try it more, and let me know if you find anything new. If possible, I would also like to borrow your plantation in the future to plant something." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Yes, welcome anytime. But I'm curious, Ruoxi, your occupation is a jewelry processor, do you need to grow things?" Qin Haonan asked curiously.

Yao Ruoxi explained: "I have two occupations in life, one is a jewelry processor and the other is a chef. Cooking needs materials, so I will borrow your precious land to use it!"

"Huh? Chef, you can make delicious food." Qin Haonan's eyes lit up when he heard Yao Ruoxi's words.

"Well, I'll make it for you to eat in the future! By the way, Ruomeng, is the fish pond used for raising fish?" Yao Ruoxi suddenly thought that level 80 can open the fish pond.

"Yeah, I'll open it now." Qin Haonan opened the fish pond as he spoke.

Not far from the plantation, a pond was opened up.There are trees, small houses, boats, and fishing and fishing tools over there.

The water in the pond was very clear at this time, and Qin Haonan could clearly see the pebbles at the bottom of the lake.

"Master, we need fry to raise fish here." Linglong looked at the lake and said seriously.

Yao Ruoxi looked at the lake in a daze, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "I should go to the store to buy some fry, the fish raised here should be good for cooking."

"I'll go buy it, you wait for me for a while." Qin Haonan just left while speaking, but was held back by Linglong and Daji.

"Master, wait a moment, we will make a list for you." Daji said with a smile.

Linglong at the side said mysteriously: "Master, do you feel that the plantation over there and the fish pond here are all heralding an important event?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Qin Haonan was taken aback.

"Master, in your occupation in life, I remember that there is a pet breeder. Master, it seems that you have never cooked for us." Linglong narrowed her eyes. Although she was smiling, there was a hint of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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