game master

Chapter 325 - The First Village Chief

Chapter 325 – The First Village Chief
"Cough...cough...Linglong, I think we can discuss this matter in a long-term way." Qin Haonan hurriedly coughed to avoid embarrassment.

Erbai also ran to the fish pond at this time, when he heard Linglong and Qin Haonan talking about food, his saliva immediately flowed out.At this moment, Erbai doesn't look like a big white tiger, he is clearly a greedy cat.

Erbai ran over in a desperate manner, bowed Qin Haonan with his head, and said aggrievedly: "Master, I gave you such a good life and career back then, but you have been useless, I am so sad!"

"Master can cook. Master, we want to eat the pet rations you made." Mu Qing, who was always serious on weekdays, didn't know what happened today, and came here uncharacteristically to join in the fun.

Sure enough, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.This Muqing and Erbai walked too close and were led astray.

Xue Mei raised his pliers, waved towards Qin Haonan, and said, "Master, I also want to eat the pet ration you made."

"I want to eat too, master, cook for us!"

"Cook, cook...we will eat the meals the master cooks."


For a moment, the enthusiasm of the contracted beasts surrounded Qin Haonan.Qin Haonan wiped off his sweat, guessing that it would be impossible not to cook today.The pet breeder profession has always been entry-level 1.No matter what today, I have to raise my level.

Yao Ruoxi laughed while watching from the side, and couldn't help coaxing: "Ruomeng, hurry up and buy some seeds, fish fry, and ingredients, and come back and cook for everyone."

Qin Haonan shook his head helplessly, even Yao Ruoxi said so, he must be going.

"Okay, I went shopping, you guys play first. I'll cook for you when I get back." Qin Haonan agreed, and then left the space of the pendant.

When Qin Haonan came back, Linglong and the others had already planted a large area of ​​vegetables in the plantation.Water spinach, Chinese cabbage, small rapeseed, lettuce, garlic, tomato, potato, carrot, ginger...

It seems that they have used all the seeds Yao Ruoxi gave them.

After Qin Haonan brought the fry back, everyone experimented with fish farming again.

It doesn't take much time to grow vegetables and raise fish in the game.Some dishes are ready in 10 minutes, others in 30 minutes.Depending on the grade of the vegetable, it takes more or less time to grow.

The same is true for fish farming.

Time passed quickly, Qin Haonan watched Yao Ruoxi and the others take back a large pile of ingredients, and directly picked up a kitchen knife in the kitchen of the pet lounge.

It's time to cook. After looking at the recipes in the pet breeder profession, I found that cooking is not that difficult.

Cooking in the online game "Century" is a small game. Many players like this small game very much and choose to be chefs.Qin Haonan's life occupation is also similar.

After selecting the required ingredients, they should be put into the pot in the corresponding order, and then delicious meals can be made.Food grades are divided into A, B, C, and D. The food in grade A is the most delicious and has the most added attributes.

Qin Haonan worked in the kitchen for a while, and soon got the hang of it.Stir-fried water spinach, tomato soup, lettuce with mashed garlic, steamed grass carp, dry-roasted silver carp... A delicacy comes out of the pan quickly.

The level of Qin Haonan's life occupation has also been upgraded from entry level 1 to intermediate level 8.

Linglong, Erbai, Daji, Feimeng, Muqing, and Xuemei, the six contracted beasts happily went to the restaurant to eat with their respective delicacies.

Qin Haonan suddenly felt that the more contracted beasts he had, the lower his status would be.

I heard people say that many cat owners call themselves cat slaves and take care of cat owners willingly.Qin Haonan had a feeling at this moment that he was also a kind of slave, a contract beast slave.

Yao Ruoxi watched the contracted beasts go to eat, and she joked on the side: "Ruomeng, I suddenly thought of something. When I have a contracted beast in the future, I will also come to you for a meal?"

"...Okay, come on." Qin Haonan wiped his sweat and nodded in agreement.After all, making 6 contracted beasts is also a meal, and adding a few more does not make much difference.

"You agreed now? Thank you." Yao Ruoxi smiled.

The time in the game passed very quickly, and before I knew it, it was already night.Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi played the game all day today, so they agreed to see each other tomorrow, and then went offline to rest.

When Qin Haonan entered the game again, he just went online and sorted out his backpack, when he heard a pleasant system sound announcing the announcement across China.

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: The first village 'Mengran Jiangshan Village' established by the players themselves has been completed. Since this is the first player village in this server, the system rewards: Village Chief's Floating Life Like a Dream reputation +5000 points, participation The prestige of all players who built the city is +1000. The city leaderboard is now open."

The announcement rang three times in a row before it ended, and the world chat channel exploded again for a while.

"What did I hear? Villages have been established in China?"

"It's the god of life like a dream again, I admire it. The number one village in the country, the number one village head in the country, that's amazing."

"I'm going to Mengranjiangshan Village to travel. I don't know if the mobs there are high-level? I'm going to worship the Great God!"


The players were not calm anymore. This explosive news this early in the morning drove everyone crazy.

Qin Haonan was used to being commented by everyone, so he calmly walked into the newly built village.At this time, Mengranjiangshan Village is only level 1. From the perspective of the village, it is still very simple.

The houses of the houses are still thatched houses, which need to be continuously upgraded in the later stage to make this area more comfortable.

Qin Haonan looked at the materials stored in the village warehouse, and found that there were still a lot left, so he boldly upgraded the village.

The meeting hall in the center is the first to start upgrading, and it will take some time to upgrade.When the meeting hall is upgraded to level 2, you can start upgrading areas such as houses, markets, warehouses, farmland, lumberyards, and mines.

"Congratulations, Mr. Village Chief." Yao Ruoxi ran behind Qin Haonan at some point, and patted Qin Haonan on the shoulder lightly.

"Ruoxi, are you here?" Qin Haonan greeted.

Yao Ruoxi smiled and said, "Yes, I heard the announcement from the world just after I went online, so I came to join in the fun. Look at the results of our huge project after completion."

"It's only level 1 now, and it looks a lot simpler. It will look a lot better when it is upgraded." Qin Haonan pointed to the village in front of him.

"Yes. Ruomeng, do you have any plans for today?" Yao Ruoxi asked.

"No, I'm going to practice leveling, but where to go to practice leveling has not been decided yet." Qin Haonan said.

"In that case, let me arrange it today." Yao Ruoxi suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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