game master

Chapter 327 - Floating Cloud Illusion

Chapter 327 - Floating Cloud Illusion

"From what you mean, why do I feel that you want to go to Yuelao's to get married and increase your overall combat power?" Qin Haonan felt a pain in his abdomen just after he said this tentatively.

It turned out that Yao Ruoxi hit him hard with her elbow.

"Does the leader need to rely on marriage to increase his overall combat power? You underestimate me too." Yao Ruoxi explained solemnly.

Qin Haonan shook his head, feeling so helpless!I can only echo: "Yes, yes, the enchanting leader is mighty!"

He said so, but his hands were already in his backpack.In fact, in the backpack, there has been a pair of top-quality love rings, which Qin Haonan got from Yuelao the last time he did a mission.

At that time, Qin Haonan still felt that the love ring was of little use, and he would not be able to use it in the short term.But at this moment, he felt that it was great to be able to obtain such a pair of top-quality love rings.

If you can find a suitable opportunity, try to mention it and see Yao Ruoxi's reaction.

"Ruomeng, do you know why the elite players in Wushuang City rushed out of Ziyun City on horseback?" Yao Ruoxi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said.

"I don't know, there must be some urgent mission within the gang?" Qin Haonan guessed.

"No, it's because early this morning, players from Dragon War World detected a new map in the northeast of Ziyun City. It is said that the mobs on that map are very powerful, but the items dropped are relatively rare. Players from Dragon War World Not only them, but also players from Yaole Guild and Tyrant Dynasty flocked away when they heard the news."

Hearing Yao Ruoxi's words, Qin Haonan couldn't help being curious: "What is it that can make three big gangs bring a Peerless City and dispatch a large number of elites?"

"Several elite players from our Fairy Monster League also went to investigate this morning." Yao Ruoxi said, "But there is no big gain from the outside. If you want to get good things, you have to sneak into the inside. The little monsters there can A rare skill book or something will drop out. But the level there is too high, and the risk factor is very high, maybe it will be hung up and downgraded.”

Yao Ruoxi paused for a moment, and then said: "I asked the members of the gang to observe from the outside for the time being, and don't sneak into the inside easily."

"How about we go and have a look?" Qin Haonan suddenly suggested.

Seeing Qin Haonan's confident expression, Yao Ruoxi nodded involuntarily.

Qin Haonan drove the clear water unicorn and ran towards the northeast of Ziyun City.The speed of the Bishui Qilin was very fast, and the two of them could feel the wind blowing past their ears while riding on it.

None of the mobs along the way could catch up to the Bishui Qilin, and the scenery on both sides also passed by quickly.

"Ruoxi, the new map you mentioned is 'Liuyun Illusion'?" Qin Haonan thought about the map with a suitable level in the northeast, and couldn't help but think of Liuyun Illusion.

"Yes, Ruomeng, have you ever been there?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

Qin Haonan nodded with a smile, he had been there in his last life, but not in this life.However, Qin Haonan still has a little impression of "Flowing Cloud Illusion".

According to the setting in the game, Liuyun Illusion is the residence of the Liuyun faction in ancient times.Later, the Liuyun faction fell, and it was occupied by a group of monsters and turned into a ruin.Although the Liuyun School has disappeared, there are indeed many treasures left behind.

"Well, no wonder you are so calm when you hear that there are treasures in the new map." Yao Ruoxi sighed.

Driving the clear water unicorn, after a while, Qin Haonan brought Yao Ruoxi to the entrance of the Liuyun illusion.

Although Flowing Cloud Illusion is in ruins, the glorious buildings of the past are still there.Although it is a broken wall, the momentum of the building is still there.At this time, it is snowy, but there is not a lot of snow in Liuyun Mirage.

Qin Haonan looked at the blue jade ground in front of him, and the exquisitely carved unicorn totem.Against the backdrop of white snow, it was so lifelike that it couldn't help but be shocked.

Stepping down from the clear water unicorn, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi stepped into the illusion of flowing clouds.

The first mob that appeared in Flowing Cloud Illusion was the level 86 "Blood-Eyed Eagle Soul".This kind of monster is the soul of the blood-eyed eagle after death, and it is basically immune to physical attacks.In other words, physical attacks can only exert 20% of their effectiveness here.

And the magic attack will be blessed here.Originally 100 damage, the spell attack here will increase to 140%.In other words, the damage has become 140.

Qin Haonan summoned all the contracted beasts such as Linglong and Erbai, and put the summoned beasts such as the Shadow Wolf at the front of the line.It was very safe for Yao Ruoxi to walk with him at the end.

Ever since Qin Haonan gave Yao Ruoxi a mythical pet "Dream Flower God" last Christmas, Yao Ruoxi has taken her by his side every day.

Over the past few days, the level has also risen to level 80.Yao Ruoxi named her "Mu Jin".

At this time Yao Ruoxi also summoned Mu Jin, and Mu Jin stood beside her, protecting her master all the time.

After killing the little monsters flying along the road, Qin Haonan's team moved forward.Since Qin Haonan's level was higher than that of the mobs, it wasn't too much trouble to kill them.

But Qin Haonan knew that in the depths of the floating cloud illusion, it was really not that simple.

"Ruomeng, we haven't seen any guild players along the way. I'll send a message to Aqua Rose to ask where everyone is." Yao Ruoxi discussed with Qin Haonan, who was already sending messages to Aqua Rose up.

"Well, okay." Qin Haonan nodded.

After a while, Yao Ruoxi received a reply from Aqua Rose. Qin Haonan could see that the more Yao Ruoxi read the message, the more she frowned.

"What happened?" Qin Haonan hurriedly asked.

"Aqua Rose said that a boss appeared in the depths of Flowing Cloud Illusion. That boss blocked everyone's way, and behind the boss was guarding the treasure. It is said that all parties are deadlocked for the treasure!" Yao Ruoxi said.

"If it's just like this, Ruoxi, you won't frown! Could it be that the BOSS is of a high level, or that other gangs have made things difficult for the Fairy Demon League?" Qin Haonan felt that it was not that simple, so he continued to ask.

Yao Ruoxi nodded and said, "Well, now Dragon War World, Wushuang City, Yao Le, Tyrant Dynasty, Assassin League, Lifetime Domain, plus the elites of our Fairy Monster League are all on the BOSS side. BOSS The ranks are high, and now there's some confusion going on."

"Since this is the case, let's hurry over there, maybe we can help." Qin Haonan immediately accelerated the speed of the team and rushed towards the depths of the floating cloud illusion.

"Well, okay." Yao Ruoxi said and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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