game master

Chapter 328 – In the Floating Cloud Illusion

Chapter 328 – In the Floating Cloud Illusion

The roads in Liuyunhuan are all paved with jade.Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi along the Yushi Road, killing the mobs that appeared along the way, and when they arrived at the main hall at the end of the Yushi Road, the scene here was already very chaotic.

I saw a level 90 "Hundred Legged Centipede Emperor" standing on the square in front of the main hall. It continuously spit out poisonous mist and attacked the surrounding players.

This is a spirit beast level boss.And the number of little monsters beside it to help in the battle is also amazing.

Qin Haonan roughly estimated that there are more than 88 "little centipedes" (ordinary) at level 80.There are also 89 "Centipede Kings" (little elites) at level 10.

In addition, there is also a level 89 "Many-legged Centipede King" (elite), whose health has dropped to 31%.

Such a lineup is indeed difficult to deal with at the current level of this group of players.

At this point, the boss's HP is only 69%.And the players of various guilds are still using crowd tactics, hoping to win this boss, and then enter the inner hall to get the treasure.

Aqua Rose formed a team of 60 people.She was very obedient, she didn't lead everyone into this fight, she just watched from the outside.Seeing Yao Ruoxi coming, Aqua Rose quickly led the team to Qin Haonan's side.

"Sister Enchanting, the situation here is very chaotic. Many elites from guilds like Dragon War, Tyrant Dynasty, Wushuang City, and Yao Le have died." Aqua Rose reported the current situation.

Yao Ruoxi nodded, and led the team back a short distance.In this way, the little monsters will not hurt the players of the Fairy Monster League at all.

Qin Haonan stood at the outermost edge of the main hall square, watching the scuffle in the square, and then looked at the surrounding situation. He still agrees with Yao Ruoxi's actions at the moment.

The situation on the battlefield at this time, the four gangs of Long Zhan Tian Tian, ​​Ba Tu Dynasty, Wu Shuang City, and Yao Le all formed a team of 200 people.But looking at the current situation, the casualties are close to less than half.

Although there will be elites from the guild being sent over later to supplement the incomplete team, the effect is not very obvious.

And the Assassin League, like the Fairy Monster League, was watching from the outermost periphery.

"Boss, the players of their Tyrant Dynasty are really despicable. If it weren't for them at first, they wouldn't be in such a mess." Da Mo Kuang Dao truthfully reported, "At the beginning, when everyone rushed here, they saw the level 90 spirit beast boss and the level 89 boss. The elite BOSS is napping there, no one wants to provoke them, and they are all very cautious."

"The Tyrant Dynasty's Fei Yumianmian insisted on sneaking in to find out what the treasure was, which woke up the boss. You said they couldn't beat the Tyrant Dynasty, so don't provoke them. If you provoke them, they will cause trouble. Players from all our guilds were involved." Aqua Rose added.

"Fortunately, we listened to the guild leader's arrangement at the beginning, and we players from the Fairy Monster League have been at the back of the team, just listening to the news. That's why we didn't get involved." Da Mo Kuang Dao said.

"Well, very good. I think the League of Assassins is ready to wait for an opportunity, and we will wait and see first." Yao Ruoxi nodded.

Qin Haonan could see that the elites of the four guilds, Long Zhan Tian Tian, ​​Ba Tu Dynasty, Wu Shuang City, and Yao Le, were fighting very hard.Players keep falling and being revived.

Some players will choose to return to the city to revive, and new players will fill the understaffed team.

As time went by, the elite boss was finally wiped out by everyone.The battle was still going on, but a lot of equipment exploded on the ground.Each gang sent several players to pick up equipment, and the scene became even more chaotic for a while.

Qin Haonan turned his head and found that the League of Assassins on the other side was originally a team of 60 people, just like the League of Immortals and Demons.

At this time, we are also waiting for opportunities, and new members are constantly coming. At this time, the team size has more than 100 people.The leader of the team is the leader Yelan Tingyu, judging by his posture, he is preparing for the final blow to grab the boss.

At this moment, the leaders of every gang have raised their vigilance.

One is that I am afraid that a new gang will join and come to grab the boss.The second is that they are afraid that they will suddenly start a war for the sake of the boss.There is a boss in the front and enemies in the back. This is a situation that no one wants to see.

After fighting for a while, Yao Ruoxi still calmly waited and watched from behind, not intending to join the battle.

The battle situation over there is obviously much better than before.

The only elite monster "King Centipede" died, and 1 of the 10 small elite monsters "King Centipede" were also killed.There is only 9 left now, nothing to worry about.

Ordinary level mobs will be summoned at any time, but at this time a new round of summoning has not yet started, and there are very few mobs left on the square.

Qin Haonan has been staring at the HP of the spirit beast boss, which has just dropped to 49%.If it falls by 20% in a while, it is estimated that several gangs in the square will probably fight. When the BOSS health value is 10%, I am afraid it will be a fierce battle.

"Yelan Tingyu, Enchanting, you two gangs don't have to wait and see. I know what you are paying attention to. It is not so easy to grab the boss." From the team of the Yaole Gang, an angry voice suddenly came out.

The runaway brick has been wary of the Fairy Demon League and the Assassin League. Seeing that the two gangs have been slow to help fight the boss, his teeth itch with hatred.So they arranged for the players in the guild to carry out verbal attacks on the Fairy Demon League and the Assassin League.

Shouting here, the Tyrant Dynasty players over there also responded.

After all, no one wants a gang that has been useless from the beginning to the end to jump out and snatch the boss, right?
Yelan listened to the rain but was very calm, and replied coldly: "You guys are overthinking, our Assassin League is only here to learn team fighting skills and observe your battles. If we want to grab the boss, we will wait until now?"

"Yelan listens to the rain, if you have the guts, come and help us, and fight the boss together. You stand in the back like this, wanting to eat ready-made ones, be careful that later our gangs will unite and destroy you first." tyrant way @天浪His temper has always been irritable, and he couldn't help shouting angrily.


Between several gangs, the fighting continues.Occasionally, there are a few words of scolding and fighting, which is really lively.

At this moment, a female player of the Shadow Killer profession hurried over and reported to Yao Ruoxi: "Master, I brought two Shadow Killers with me, and I just came back from the main hall to investigate. The treasure has already been obtained, so we don't have to play with them gone."

Just as he was reporting, the player with the ID "Xia Shadow Killer" showed Yao Ruoxi the treasure he just got.

"Okay, since this is the case, let's retreat." Yao Ruoxi immediately issued an order.

As soon as Yao Ruoxi finished speaking, the team of the Fairy Demon League followed her back the same way.

(End of this chapter)

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