game master

Chapter 329 – Under the Flowing Cloud Illusion

Chapter 329 – Under the Flowing Cloud Illusion

Qin Haonan didn't know what medicine Yao Ruoxi sold in the gourd, but out of trust, he didn't ask.Besides, after all, this is the Fairy Monster League's own business, so Qin Haonan can't take it too seriously.

"Master, people from the League of Assassins have come after you." Xia Yingsha said suddenly.

"When you sneaked into the hall just now, were their people there?" Yao Ruoxi asked immediately.

"Yes." Xia Yingsha nodded and continued, "They also sent killers in to investigate, but they were not as quick as me. But I hid my ID and level, and covered my face. I guess it was us As soon as they left, they guessed."

"It's okay, you've done a good job. Don't worry about the Assassin Alliance, just retreat. Leave the rest to me." Yao Ruoxi continued to command the Fairy Demon Alliance to retreat.

Qin Haonan has been following Yao Ruoxi, watching the team of the Fairy Monster League withdraw a short distance away.

At this moment, in the square area, various gangs and bosses are still fighting fiercely, and the scene is still chaotic.

At this time, Yao Ruoxi whispered beside Qin Haonan: "Are you curious, why did we retreat suddenly?"

"Well, I'm a little curious. But I'm guessing that Xia Shadow Killer must have got some treasure in the hall just now." Qin Haonan also replied in a low voice.

"Yes, you guessed right. Although Xia Shadow Killer is a shadow killer, she also has a hidden profession, which is a thief. She can do anything from unlocking, stealing, and disguise. I sent her to sneak into the hall before. When the gangs were fighting, they stole all the treasures in the treasure chest in the hall." Yao Ruoxi laughed.

"Understood, you are amazing." Qin Haonan praised.At this time, he secretly admired in his heart that there are really many talents hidden in this Fairy Monster League.

As soon as Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were whispering, Yelan Tingyu was slowly walking over not far away.

"Sect leader enchanting, why did you retreat? The boss hasn't finished fighting yet, won't you lose the opportunity to explore the treasure if you leave in such a hurry?" Yelan Tingyu gradually approached, and he couldn't tell his emotion from his voice.

Yao Ruoxi said calmly: "Yelan listened to Yu's faction master joking, my Fairy Demon League has a team of 60 people, how can I compete with your team of 200 people! Besides, you have seen the life value of the boss, now It's less than half, so what's the use of my going? The boss can't grab you, and the treasure is too good for me, so I won't waste my time here."

"The boss of the enchanting gang is too humble. You have to try it to know if you can beat it. Besides, the boss of Fushengruomeng is also here. You have hired a good helper!" Ye Lan Tingyu said coldly, but he was afraid of Qin Haonan. Here, so no big moves.

Qin Haonan has been observing every move around him. Ever since Yelan Tingyu walked over alone, Qin Haonan has been a little alert.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi, the two gang leaders standing here, should not have an advantage if Yelan Tingyu makes a PK in a daze.

Sure enough, Qin Haonan discovered the clue.A small team of players from the League of Assassins, the assassins are quietly moving towards the position of the 60 people who were retreating from the League of Immortals and Demons, presumably for a sneak attack.After all, sneak attacks and assassinations are the specialty of the League of Assassins.

"Ruoxi..." Qin Haonan was trying to remind Yao Ruoxi.

I saw Yao Ruoxi's right hand behind his back, and he waved it lightly towards him, Qin Haonan understood, so he didn't speak any more.

Suddenly, Yao Ruoxi fanned her hands and attacked Yelan Tingyu.Mu Jin quickly rushed in front of Yao Ruoxi, released layers of vines, and instantly entangled Ye Lan Ting Yu.

Yelan Tingyu had already made preparations for the battle. Seeing Yao Ruoxi's attack at this time, a cloud of black mist surrounded him.Yelan Tingyu originally wanted to hide before launching a sneak attack, but Yao Ruoxi was one step too early and let the contracted beast put vines to entangle him.

For a while, the battle here was a bit stalemate.Qin Haonan also clenched the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword tightly, ready to fight at any time.

"Yelan Tingyu, you want to entangle me and Ruomeng, and let the members of the guild sneak attack our team of the Fairy Demon League. Unfortunately, I have already guessed your thoughts." Yao Ruoxi smiled, and the attack in his hand did not Stop, "Ruomeng, help me send him back to life together."

Qin Haonan had already made preparations. Hearing Yao Ruoxi's words at this time, a move of [Phantom Hidden Kill] had already been activated.

Erbai, Xuemei, Muqing, Feimeng, Daji and Linglong, the 6 contracted beasts swarmed in with crazy attacks.Yelan Tingyu was alone, and was surrounded by layers in an instant.

Before Ye Lan listened to the rain, she was ready.Because he knew that facing Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi, especially Qin Haonan who was surrounded by summoned beasts and contracted beasts, he would not be able to hold on for 15 seconds by himself.

Sure enough, in a little over 10 seconds, Yelan died after listening to the rain.But he didn't appear as a corpse, but his figure slowly drifted away in the air and disappeared.

"Ruoxi, it's not good, he used a clone." Qin Haonan suddenly thought of Yelan Tingyu's [clone] stunt.

"It's okay, the players from Fairy Demon League have already returned to Ziyun City." Yao Ruoxi smiled.

"Huh? So you already have plans?" Qin Haonan asked in surprise.

Yao Ruoxi smiled: "Of course, the opponent is the League of Assassins. I have fought against them for so many years, and I still know their style of doing things."

"Then the members of your guild were scrolled back with a scroll?" Qin Haonan suddenly thought of this.

"Yeah, I guessed that Yelan Tingyu would come over to find trouble. For our gang operations, each member must have at least 10 scrolls back to the city in their hands, just in case." Yao Ruoxi said, "I just told you quietly Aqua Rose, ask her to lead the team and pretend to walk back along the road, and when they get down the steps, they can use the city return scroll to return to the city as a group."

"Isn't the Assassins chasing after him for nothing?" Qin Haonan couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Yeah, just let them chase for nothing." Yao Ruoxi said mischievously, "Anyway, the team of the Fairy Demon League has already returned to the city, so I don't believe they dare to go to our residence to find trouble?"

"I understand. Ruoxi, the health of the previous boss is almost at 20%. Should we stay and wait and see, or go? Let me state first, I'm not very interested in what this boss explodes." Qin Haonan I asked Yao Ruoxi for her opinion.

At this moment in the square, there were not many players left from the four guilds of Long Zhan Tian Xia, Ba Tu Dynasty, Wushuang City, and Yao Le.The little monsters have all been dealt with, and there is no new round of summons yet.

And the spirit beast boss "Centipede Emperor Centipede" has entered a state of red blood and started to run away.

"Since you are not interested, then follow my arrangement. Let's stay for a while, but we need to change the place." Yao Ruoxi said mysteriously, pulling Qin Haonan to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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