game master

Chapter 330 – Gang Fighting

Chapter 330 – Gang Fighting
Yelan Tingyu just used a stand-in, and at this time his body appeared in front of the Assassin League team.Now the team of the Assassin League has reached 200 people.With all the people gathered, Yelan Tingyu didn't plan to continue fighting with Yao Ruoxi and the others, because it was meaningless.

"Ruoxi, if we hide like this, Yelan Tingyu and they will also find us. It's too obvious." Qin Haonan reminded.

On both sides of the flowing clouds and fantasy jade, there are lush vegetation.Yao Ruoxi pulled Qin Haonan and stayed in the bushes.Although there is a good concealment effect here, many players watched and knew that the two of them hid here.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter whether they see it or not. As long as they can't determine the exact location of us in the next time, that's fine." Yao Ruoxi said calmly.

"Ruoxi, you don't mean to... grab the boss later, do you?" Qin Haonan asked suddenly.

"I just want to wait and see. Those gangs will definitely fight in a while. Let's see the excitement. If you happen to be able to grab the boss, it would be nice to grab it!" Yao Ruoxi said.

"Okay, then let's move to the front." Qin Haonan said, pulling Yao Ruoxi, lowering his body and moving to the other side of the bush.In this way, the two of them can be closer to the square.

At this moment in the center of the square, the health of the boss had dropped to 16%, Long Xingtian was always on guard against someone who would snatch the boss at this time.Not only him, but also the leaders of the runaway bricks and the overbearing @fanchen are always on guard.

The first strike of this boss was initiated by the Tyrant Dynasty players, so under normal circumstances, the Tyrant Dynasty would get all the equipment and items that the boss finally revealed.

After the online game "Century" was updated for the first time, some changes were made to the rules for several guilds robbing the boss at the same time.

The gang that hit the first blow will get the ownership of the boss. At this time, the "Hundred-legged Centipede Emperor" still wears the words "Association: Tyrant Dynasty" on his head.

Tyrant @fanchen is the one who is most worried at this time, because no matter which guild it is, they must be eliminated immediately in order to win the ownership of the BOSS.

Just when the BOSS's health had just dropped to 14%, several boxers from the Yaole Gang suddenly backed away. They were originally standing in front of the monster.Although the firepower of the previous boss attack was mainly concentrated on the players of the Tyrant Dynasty, but because all the gangs participated in killing the boss, they were more or less attacked.

Tyrant @fanchen has sharp eyes, and immediately understands that Yao Le is about to act.

Sure enough, the violent brick had already switched the direction of attack to the Tyrant Dynasty.The scene became even more chaotic for a while, several Tyrant Dynasty players were knocked to the ground, their HP dropped rapidly, and then they were revived.

"Everyone be careful, fight back, fight back!" Tyrant @fanchenganman yelled, "Despicable and shameless Yaole Gang, our Tyrant Dynasty will not let you go."

"To each other, you were all despicable before, and I also learned from you." Brick who ran away did not show any weakness, and cursed back while attacking.

Long Xingtian was not stupid, he knew that the Batu Dynasty had to be destroyed first.What Tyrant @Fanchen is looking forward to most now is that before all the players of Tyrant Dynasty die, the BOSS will die first, so that the ownership will still be their Tyrant Dynasty.

Long Xingtian understood this, so he couldn't let them do what they wanted.Long Xingtian gave an order: "Friends of Longzhan Tianxia and Wushuang City, we give up attacking the boss now, and try our best to destroy the Batu Dynasty."

"Yes, lord!" The players of Long Zhan Tianxia replied in unison, and immediately changed the direction of attack.

Peerless City responded accordingly, and surrounded the less than 100 players remaining in the Tyrant Dynasty.

The gorgeous effects of various skills, and the roar of the boss, all filled this chaotic square.At this time, only the players of the Tyrant Dynasty are still attacking the boss, and the other gangs are working together to encircle and suppress the Tyrant Dynasty.

Tyrant @凡门Although I expected this to happen, I still have that anger in my heart!He was originally afraid that such a scene would happen at this time, so he dispatched a team of 200 people in advance, and asked them to rush over to support. Calculating the time, it should be almost here.

But I don't know why, but I didn't see half of the figure.

For Ba Tu@fanchen, it can be said that he is afraid of something.When he was in a state of desperation, he received a message from the head of another team.

Glancing at the information, Tyrant @凡除 almost didn't lose his temper.

It turned out that the team of 200 people had been ambushed by the team dispatched by Long Zhan Tian Yu on the way to destroy the team.Seeing that his team has less than 30 players at this time, and seeing that the boss has 11% health left, Ba Tu@fanchen feels that this operation has failed very much.

He had already predicted that Tyrant Dynasty's robbing the boss this time would end in failure.

"Brother Fanchen, I think you can retreat back to the city. There is no point in continuing to fight, it will only increase casualties." Long Xingtian did not forget to sarcastically say a few words while fighting.

Tyranny@fanchen knows that he can't hold on for long, so he speaks back against Long Xingtian: "Brother Long, don't be too complacent, there is the Yaole Gang here. Oh, how did I forget, there is still League of Assassins. I remember the Fairy and Demon League was there just now, where are you hiding now?"

"I don't need to bother you, I will take care of it slowly." Long Xingtian roared proudly, flying a big knife in his hand, just in time to see the body of Tyrant @何陈, and Tyrant @仙陈 fell heavily like this, resurrected.

Not long after the fall of tyrant @fanchen, the whole army of the tyrant dynasty was wiped out.

Everyone is concerned that the ownership of the BOSS will fall into the hands of that gang.Once the original boss owner is destroyed, the boss will belong to the first gang to attack.

At this moment, on the head of the "Hundred-legged Centipede Emperor", the words became "Ownership: Dragon Fights the World".

It seems that it was snatched by Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​and the players of the Yaole Guild feel very sorry.But Brick who ran away was not a fool, and suddenly shouted: "Brothers, let's retreat."

It seems that the Yaole Gang is not going to fight Long Zhan Tianxia here anymore. Long Zhan Tianxia has formed an alliance with Wushuang City, and there are a large number of people at this time.The runaway brick also saw that Yao Le could not grab the boss from the two gangs at this time, so he chose to evacuate wisely.

The Yaole Gang's team had 162 players left at this time, so the loss was not too heavy.Brick, who ran away, turned around smartly, and evacuated with his team in a mighty manner.

"I won't give away the bricks that ran away." Long Xingtian was very happy that Yaole retreated, which also saved them a lot of trouble, "Friends of Long Zhan Tianxia and Wushuang City, let's kill the boss together with all our strength! "

At this time, Long Zhan Tianxia went all out and began to besiege the BOSS whose HP had dropped to 9%. The BOSS has already entered a state of berserk, and suddenly turned to the sky and roared.

(End of this chapter)

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