game master

Chapter 331 - The Oriole is Behind

Chapter 331 - The Oriole is Behind
I saw the "Hundred-legged Centipede Emperor" suddenly shake its body, circles of poisonous mist emanated from its body, wrapping its body inside.

Looking at this posture, the boss is about to release a big move.

Suddenly, bursts of purple flames burst out from the whole body of "Centipede Emperor".Looking from Qin Haonan's direction, he looked extremely ferocious.

The centipede emperor opened his mouth wide, and purple flames spewed out from the mouth, and a large area was burned.Engulfing all the hundreds of players in front of him, the health of the players dropped very sharply within the range of the flames.

Several players whose HP was less than 50% were all wiped out under this round of attack.This round of attack caused nearly a hundred players to return to the city and be revived collectively.

"Ruomeng, look over there." Yao Ruoxi stayed in the bushes and pointed to the other side with her finger.

Qin Haonan looked along Yao Ruoxi's position, and he really found a clue.In the bushes opposite them, there are probably players hiding.The branches and leaves on the bushes were shaking slightly, and it was likely that there was a team of hundreds of people.

"Ruoxi, there may still be players from a certain guild hidden there, depending on the situation, it will be more lively later." Qin Haonan whispered, "I guess no one has the time to take care of us now."

"Well, yes!" Yao Ruoxi said.

After Centipede Emperor's round of [Purple Flame Demon Fire] attack, Yelan Tingyu couldn't hold back anymore.Deputy leader Daxue Wuhen tugged Yelan Tingyu's sleeve, and said seriously: "Leader, let's act, the boss's HP is already below 9%, we can't afford it anymore."

"Okay, let's go." Ye Lan listened to Yu and waved his hand, and the team of the Assassin Alliance rushed out quickly.

On the huge square, there were less than 100 players from the two guilds of Long Zhan Tianxia and Wushuang City combined.The team of 200 members of the Assassin League rushed out, which really caught Long Xingtian by surprise.

Long Xingtian initially calculated that the Assassin Alliance would come out to grab the boss at the last moment.But he felt at the time that with 200 people in his guild, plus 200 people from Peerless City, and the BOSS's life value was already so low, the Assassin League would never have a chance.

It never occurred to him that the Centipede Emperor, the boss with red blood, would be so powerful in one shot, causing such heavy casualties on their side.

At this time, the combined players of Longzhan Tianxia and Wushuang City couldn't compete with the full-blooded Assassin Alliance.

"Everyone, go all out and take down this boss as soon as possible!" Long Xingtian looked at the health of the boss, he knew the way to win at this moment, and only destroy the boss when the ownership of the boss has not been handed over.

Of course, Yelan Tingyu understood Long Xingtian's thoughts, so as soon as he rushed up, he immediately disappeared and went to assassinate Long Xingtian.

Centipede Emperor's new round of mob summoning time has come again, and more than 80 "little centipede" have been summoned.

The already chaotic battle scene became even more chaotic due to the addition of mobs.

Yao Ruoxi, who was hiding in the bushes, seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and couldn't help saying to Qin Haonan: "Ruomeng, I thought just now that the one hiding in the bushes opposite was either the Assassin Alliance team or the Dragon Fighting World team. But have you noticed that after such a long time, they haven't really acted?"

"Yeah, it's at this critical moment. If you don't come out to help, it's over. Maybe it's from another gang?" Qin Haonan analyzed.

At this time, the fierce battle in the square was still going on, and the mobs were wiped out one by one. The health of the boss has dropped to 5%, and the situation is already very critical.

After Long Xingtian was attacked by Yelan Tingyu, his health was already in jeopardy, and the medical fairy beside him didn't recover his blood for a while, so he could only drink a bottle of potion.

How could Yelan Tingyu give the opponent a chance to counterattack, seized the gap when Long Xingtian drank the medicine, and launched a new round of continuous onslaught again.Long Xingtian finally failed to resist, and fell to the ground and died.

The hanging of Long Xingtian really made the players of Wushuang City and Long Zhan Tianxia panic.The first group to be wiped out was Wushuang City. At this time, there were 99 players left in the Assassin League, and 5 players left in Long Zhan Tianxia.

There was a huge disparity in strength, and Ye Lan listened to the rain belt group, and instantly wiped out all the forces in Long Zhan Tianxia.

Just when they thought that this BOSS with only 4% HP would belong to the Assassin Alliance, the words on the BOSS's head changed.

Ownership: Temple of Destruction

Yelan Tingyu couldn't hide the anger in his heart when he saw this row of words.Unexpectedly, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.This gang named "Destroyer Temple" even plotted against the League of Assassins.

I saw an unfamiliar gang team, with the name "Destroyer Temple" on their heads, rushing out of the bushes. Half of the gang members began to besiege the players of the League of Assassins, and the other half began to deal with the boss with less than 3% health.

At the most critical moment just now, the deputy lord of the Destroyer Temple hit the BOSS with the arrow shot from the hand crossbow.

"Mie Shen Temple, you wait, our Assassin Alliance can't get around you." Ye Lan Ting Yu's words literally came out from between his teeth.

Yao Ruoxi in the distance, seeing the changing situation here, pulled Qin Haonan down and said, "Let's go back, this is a foregone conclusion. In such a short period of time, the boss will definitely be taken down by the Temple of Extinguishing God."

"Ruoxi, wait a little longer, I think there may be some changes." Qin Haonan suddenly said calmly.

"Variation? The boss's HP is only 1.56%. Can there be any variation?" Yao Ruoxi was surprised by Qin Haonan's guess.

Qin Haonan nodded, and said seriously: "Look again, maybe there will be."

Mie Shen Temple is a new gang established just a month ago. After this month's development, the unknown gang, which was not valued much before, has rapidly risen in rank.

It is now ranked 12th in the guild list, with 6000 members.

However, compared with those top gangs, the Mishen Temple is really insignificant.Qin Haonan didn't expect that this small Extinguishing Temple would have the guts to openly challenge the Assassin Alliance.

The BOSS's HP continued to decline, and soon dropped to 1%.Just when everyone thought victory was in sight, the centipede emperor suddenly raised his body, and his whole body emitted a burst of emerald green light.

"This boss can replenish blood by itself?" Linglong muttered softly when she saw it.

The BOSS, which was about to perish, suddenly recovered a lot of life, back to 20% life.

For a moment, the players in the Temple of Destroyer panicked, and Yelan Tingyu seemed to see hope, and couldn't help laughing: "Haha...God help me too, brothers, let's destroy the Temple of Destroyer together!"

(End of this chapter)

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