game master

Chapter 339 - The Dilemma of Hellfire Battle Song

Chapter 339 - The Dilemma of Hellfire Battle Song

"You know?" Ghost Wolf was obviously a little surprised.

"Where is Jiaqi Rumeng now? To be honest, I also want to find her." Qin Haonan hurriedly said, "There are many doubts about this person."

Ghost Wolf shook his head, and the answer was no: "You might not believe it, but she disappeared from the world. There is no record of quitting the gang, so she just disappeared inexplicably."

"Jiaqi is like a dream? Is that the female charmer from before our guild?" Brick who ran away still had an impression of this name. He had also investigated this person in particular at that time, and when he mentioned this person, he immediately thought of it.

"That's right, it's your guild's wedding day like a dream." Yao Ruoxi hastily affirmed.

The runaway brick frowned and said: "She and Zuimeng Qingcheng joined the gang together, and the two disappeared together. They also disappeared from the world suddenly one day, as if no such player existed."

"You guys even know her? Can she still cross the border?" Ghost Wolf was quite surprised when he heard that.

"That's why she's a mystery." Qin Haonan said helplessly, "Guard Master Youlang, please continue talking about what you just said, I'm sorry to be interrupted by me."

"It's okay, then I will continue. After becoming an elder, Jiaqi Rumeng is in charge of the diplomatic work of our guild. She often contacts the guild leaders of other guilds. The last time I went to China to find Guoqi, it was she who caused it. I don't I know where she found the map, and then tricked several of our gangs into looking for national weapons in China." Youlang paused at this point.

Xueluo Qinghan suddenly said: "You also know that this national weapon is the face of a country. Although it is still far away from the national war or something, according to the development of the "Century" online game, the battle will happen sooner or later. Lao Mei also paid attention to the national equipment, saying that he would rather believe what he has than what he does not have, and immediately organized a team. To be honest, I am not very interested in this American national equipment, but they paid us to help, and finally The boss also took over the matter."

"Americans mainly think that when they go to China, there are a few Chinese faces to talk to, otherwise they would not come to us. Who knows, Guoqi didn't even have a shadow, and in the end he opened a big hole in Shenxian Mountain and ran out. A large group of turtles, we all lost level 1 after hanging up. Some even dropped level 2. Jiaqi Rumeng disappeared as soon as she came back, don’t you think she is cheating us?”

"Could it be because of this that other guild players came to encircle and suppress you?" Qin Haonan suddenly thought of this.

"Yeah, that's the reason. War Song of the Dark Fire is not as good as the local American gangs in the United States. After all, we belong to foreigners. This time it's a good thing, and we have all the blame for it." Ghost Wolf said A little frustrated, "Why do you think Jiaqi Rumeng did this?"

"Jiaqi is like a's a mystery. Forget it, let's not talk about her, what plans does the leader of the Ghost Wolf have next?" Qin Haonan asked.

"To tell you the truth, I don't think this Ghostfire war song can last long. These days, other gangs are uniting and preparing to attack our garrison. Players in the gang are constantly being hunted down viciously, making it impossible for players to level up normally. .In the past few days, all the members of the gang have basically retired, leaving behind only a few veterans." Ghost Wolf said helplessly.

Ding Wang, who had been silent since just now, suddenly said: "The gang leader really can't say this, let me say it. We are preparing to disband the gang tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Just a dozen of us are here to attack the gang If it is stationed, it will definitely not be able to withstand it. If they do not disperse, they will attack and forcibly disband, and that will be even more shameful."

"Not only that, the gang leaders of those guilds have also threatened that when the guilds disband, they will start chasing and killing us. Whatever they say, they will kill us and return to Xinshou Village." Ghost Wolf said.

"It seems that your situation is not optimistic!" Qin Haonan dragged his chin, thinking, "Those players who left the guild, won't the resident guards come back to help?"

Xueluo sighed lightly: "Oh... It would be fine if everyone was united. But if they are not united, it is even more disunity now."

"That's easy to say, why don't you come to my guild?" Brick, who ran away suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he boldly proposed an idea.

"Yes, yes, but they are in the United States, how can they interact with your gang. Joining your gang will not help them at all." Qin Haonan directly hit the point.

"Uh... that's the same reason." Brick, who was running wild, said in frustration.

Ghost Wolf took a deep breath and changed the subject: "By the way, Brother Floating Life Ruomeng, you are planning to find the magic teleportation array and want to go back to China, right?"

"Yes, Lord Ghost Wolf, do you have a solution?" Qin Haonan asked.

"Yes, but it's not easy to do. Let me tell you this, last time we went to the China region, we specially asked a few players whose life profession is 'Matrix Painter' to help. The most important thing is, The material was provided by Jiaqi Rumeng, but we don't have any." Spirit Wolf said seriously.

Yao Ruoxi asked: "May I ask if there are many players in the profession of Array Painter? And this material, do you know where it is, we can find it by ourselves."

"The array painter is a hidden life occupation. I only know 5 people in the whole United States. But don't worry, there is a array painter in our gang. I will take you to him later and let him explain it to you in detail. Talk." Spirit Wolf said.

"Thank you so much." Qin Haonan quickly thanked.

After the two sides chatted briefly, Youlang took Qin Haonan and the others away from the main hall and went to a small house on the east side of the residence.Qin Haonan looked at the building in front of him curiously. How should I put it, the style of the building and the residence are incompatible.

This is a thatched hut, thatched huts piled up with thatch.Very simple, but very stylish, with a kind of rustic atmosphere.

"Don't be surprised, he is a weirdo, he usually likes to do research and so on. Haha, he asked for this hut himself." Spirit Wolf laughed awkwardly and explained to everyone.

"Oh, I understand. Experts who are engaged in formation research and academic research are different." Brick ran away with a face of understanding.

"Everyone don't talk after you go in, he prefers to be quiet. Carol, his name, one of the elders of our guild, a summoner profession." Spirit Wolf knocked on the door without waiting for a reply. He opened the door by himself.

After entering the hut, Qin Haonan realized that the space inside was much larger than what he saw from the outside.

Sure enough, it can't be judged by its appearance, there is a world inside it!There is no shadow of thatch inside the house.There are bookshelves, large tables, research equipment, and various blueprints in the room...but it's so messy that it's hard to get a foothold.

I saw a man with brown hair, wearing glasses, drawing pictures at the table.Beside him, there were a few summoned beasts, busy back and forth with something in their mouths.

"Carol, someone wants to ask you about the magic teleportation array." Spirit Wolf said.

(End of this chapter)

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