game master

Chapter 340 - Master of Formation

Chapter 340 - Master of Formation

"...Huh? Is someone looking for me?" Carol took a long time to react.

"Yeah, they need your help." Spirit Wolf said as he walked to Carol's side, and briefly told Carol what happened and the general situation.

In fact, when Spirit Wolf spoke, he didn't have any confidence that Carol would definitely help.Who would have thought that Carol's eyes would light up when he heard about China.

"Guard Master Youlang, how is it?" Qin Haonan asked tentatively.

"Great, Carol said he is willing to help." Ghost Wolf said, and introduced Qin Haonan and others to Carol.

Carol was very enthusiastic, and hurriedly greeted Qin Haonan and the others: "Hello, my name is Carol, and my profession as a formation master is level 10 in the master period. Come and sit down, everyone, let's talk about drawing magic teleportation array thing."

You should know that the levels of life occupations are entry stage, primary stage, intermediate stage, advanced stage, expert stage, master stage, and grand master stage.

It will definitely take a lot of time to be able to practice to reach the grand master stage, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve it in less than half a year since the game was released.

After finding a bench for Qin Haonan and the others to sit down, Carol talked about his experience in painting arrays like crazy.At this moment, Qin Haonan and the others realized what a workaholic is and what a research madman is.

"I don't know, this magic teleportation array is a very high-level array in our occupation as an arrayer. To draw this array, at least 5 expert array painters are required to work together. The last time I worked with 4 other people, we used the materials provided by Jiaqi Rumeng to draw the formation together." Carol said.

"In this case, we must find all five array painters?" Qin Haonan asked hurriedly.

"Yes, and no. Let's put it this way, 5 formation masters must be at the level of the expert stage, and only 5 people are needed. I have now upgraded to level 10 of the master stage, so only 2 people are needed. But both of them must be at the master stage " Carol was a little embarrassed when he said, "But because I love this life profession, I have studied it more. Others may not be sure, and it is really difficult to find another master period."

"Is there any solution?" Yao Ruoxi was a little anxious after hearing this.

Carol said unhurriedly: "Of course it can be solved. If I am promoted to the grand master stage, I will need an array painter, and then I can draw the magic teleportation array independently. But now I have encountered some small troubles. There is a lack of materials in hand, so I can't upgrade."

"What kind of material can't be bought in the store?" Ghost Wolf asked.

"You can't buy it, but there is a place that I discovered not long ago that you can get this material." Carroll said.

"Then you don't have to be secretive, tell everyone quickly!" Spirit Wolf was very anxious by Carol's communication method, and hurriedly asked.

Carol was very calm, and said slowly: "Well, I have some small requests. If the three of you agree, I will say it."

"Whatever you ask, just say it, as long as we can do it, we will help." Qin Haonan said straightforwardly.

"Hey, if the magic teleportation array is finished, I want to go to your China area. Not only to go to the China area, but I also want to join your gang." Carol said rubbing his hands.

"Ah, Carol, you also want to quit our Darkfire Warsong Guild?" Spirit Wolf was completely confused.

There is no such uneasy routine as Carroll.

"Yes, yes, but how can we explain to your leader!" Qin Haonan looked at Youlang, still quite embarrassed.To be honest, for a talent like Carol, Qin Haonan certainly hoped that he would come, but morally speaking, this is like poaching someone's corner.

"Carol, are you being too unjust?" This time it was Xueluo Qinghan who spoke.

Carol shook his head, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, alas... blame me, I didn't make it clear. That's it, our gang can't stay in the American area now. Especially the gang leader and deputy gang leader. Or the gang will be disbanded, and they will be hunted down by other gangs in the later stage. I just thought, play an online game, in fact, just want to have fun, and return to China to develop is not bad!"

"Carol, do you want us to go to China collectively? This is not good, what should we do if we learn skills? We have to come back!" Xueluo Qinghan was also confused by Carol's leap thinking, Can't keep up with the beat for a while.

"Can you please listen to me! As long as I reach the level of grand master, the magic teleportation array I draw will have many more functions than before. For example, when teleporting, I will recognize the guild or the team. , you can specifically limit who can be teleported. We are originally Chinese, so it’s good to go back to China to see the great rivers and mountains of our motherland. It’s not good to be there. Come back to learn skills when you learn skills, and go back after learning.” Carol explain.

"Okay, so you already figured out a solution?" Xueluo Qinghan happily patted Carol's shoulder.

You Lang didn't expect that the elders in his guild would have such a plan.

Hearing this, the violent brick was a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "How about this, after you come to China, you will come to our Yaole Guild. As the leader, I welcome you to join."

Before Youlang and the others could speak, Yao Ruoxi interjected: "Don't hate the runaway bricks so much, can you? There are three of us in three gangs, and we are all leaders of the first-class gangs in China. Whichever gang you want to go to, you need someone else." Choose by yourself. I recommend you to go to Mengran Jiangshan, the Floating Life Ruomeng Sect Leader is sitting here, and the Spirit Wolf Sect Leader has also seen his strength."

"I'm dizzy, the enchanting leader, don't you want to do this? You don't help your own gang to attract people, so you directly promote Mengran Jiangshan? Listen to what you mean, do you think Mengran Jiangshan is better than your fairy demon alliance?" Are you okay?" Brick, who ran away, wanted to run away for a while.

Yao Ruoxi smiled from him, provoking him and said: "Yes, I suggest you come to Mengran Jiangshan to develop. Fortunately, they have built a village, and their strength is there. You used to be a strong alliance , Absolutely Super Dragon Fighting the World."

"...Isn't that right, sister Yaoluo, leader of Yaoluo, are you kidding me?" Seeing Yao Ruoxi's determination to help Fushengruimeng, the runaway brick suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously, "I heard that your elder brother has returned to China, isn't it? Your father asked you to hand over the gang leader to your elder brother? If you want to change gangs, you will also be dreamed of dyeing the country, how happy we are to come to us."

"Cough..." Qin Haonan couldn't listen any longer, and the rampaging brick actually pulled people openly in front of him, "Rampaging brick, can you let people choose by themselves, is it interesting for you to pull around like this? "

(End of this chapter)

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