game master

Chapter 342 – Dragon Valley

Chapter 342 – Dragon Valley
The entire Dragon Valley is sunny, and to the south is a vast and boundless grassland.The east and north are surrounded by rolling hills.

A team of 8 people summoned their respective mounts and galloped across the vast grassland.

Suddenly, a loud and clear dragon chant came from a distance.

"No way? Is there really a dragon?" Brick, who ran away, couldn't help being curious. To be honest, it seems that he has never seen a real dragon in the game.

Everyone listened and looked up at the sky, only to see a huge shadow flying across the sky.Wherever he went, accompanied by strong winds, bursts of dragon chants were deafening.

The speed was so fast that no one could see the appearance of the dragon clearly.

However, this giant dragon did not see the players on the ground.It may also be that it doesn't even bother to glance at these low-level players, because they are too small.

"Wow, that was just now..." Xueluo Qinghan looked up at the sky, "Giant dragon, what level of giant dragon is it?"

"The dragons should all be above level 900, I'm guessing." Carol continued.

"Then aren't we in danger? If we encounter a giant dragon again, if it attacks us..." Ding Wang just said a word, when he saw the ghost wolf glaring at him, he immediately realized that he said something wrong, " Uh... we won't meet again, it was just a coincidence, haha!"

"Giant dragon? I don't think it's as beautiful as our Dongfang dragon!" The runaway brick waited for the giant dragon to fly far away before murmuring.

"By the way, Ruomeng, your Muqing, after level 900, will he be able to soar above the nine heavens? That's a beast!" Yao Ruoxi couldn't help but think of Qin Haonan's contracted beast Qinglong Muqing when he heard Dongfang Dragon being mentioned. .

Before Qin Haonan could speak, Mu Qing ran out from the space of [Beast Controlling God Set: All-encompassing Necklace] all of a sudden.This is not the first time that Qin Haonan's contracted beast has come out by itself, so Qin Haonan is no stranger to seeing it.

"Sister Ruoxi, are you looking for me?" Mu Qing was very polite to Yao Ruoxi.

"Hey? Why are your ears so sharp, Mu Qing, that you can hear this?" Yao Ruoxi said in surprise, not expecting Mu Qing to run out.

At this time, not only Mu Qing, but also Linglong, Erbai, Daji and the others all got out from the space of the pendant.

"It's not that my ears are sharp. Just now in the space, we felt a very powerful aura. Everyone was very vigilant, and I just came out when I heard sister Ruoxi calling my name." Mu Qing transformed at this time In the image of a little dragon, it landed on Yao Ruoxi's arm.

"Oh, so that's the case." Yao Ruoxi laughed.

Qin Haonan talked to them about the fact that the contracted beasts unanimously called sister Yao Ruoxi.

After all, in terms of age, Erbai, Daji, and Muqing are all much older than Yao Ruoxi.Reluctantly, Linglong called sister Yao Ruoxi from the very beginning, and the other contracted beasts respect Nuwa very much.I felt that Nuwa mostly called her that way, and they couldn't call her "little girl" anymore, so they all followed Linglong and called her sister.

Yao Ruoxi didn't feel much about this title.It's nice to be called a sister.

"A very powerful breath? You all feel this?" Qin Haonan looked at his contracted beasts with a smile.

"Well, it feels like the breath of a dragon. But it's not quite the same as that of our Qinglong clan." Mu Qing murmured.

"Master, did you see anything just now? Judging from the aura just now, the other party's level is very high, should be above 950." Erbai shook his head and couldn't help looking at the sky, "The scenery here is so beautiful, Master Let's stay outside."

"Okay, you all stay outside." As Qin Haonan spoke, he saw Xue Mei crawling onto his shoulders.

Ever since Erbai got bigger, he no longer stayed on Qin Haonan's shoulders, and Erbai preferred to run freely.So Qin Haonan's shoulders were occupied by Feimeng and Xuemei.

Xueluo Qinghan and the others saw Qin Haonan's contracted beast for the first time, and they were amazed.

"Life is like a dream, your contract beast? It looks so powerful, can this artificial intelligence communicate with each other?" Ding Wang couldn't stop praising.

On the other hand, Carol got off his mount and observed carefully as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, don't touch me casually." Erbai couldn't help but get furious when Carol touched his back.He quickly ran back to Qin Haonan's side, let go of the majesty of the white tiger, and kept acting cute and coquettish.

Carol didn't care much about Erbai's reaction, he adjusted his glasses, and asked Qin Haonan seriously: "Life is like a dream, may I ask if these contracted beasts are all holy beasts or above?"

"Well, yes." Qin Haonan nodded.

"No wonder, I can understand why you abused the leader of the Ghost Wolf Clan so much last time when he went to the China region." Carol had an expression of enlightenment.

After pausing for a while, Carol said again: "Life is like a dream, will your contracted beasts of such high ranks sense the giant dragon that just flew away? After all, your contracted beasts have already sensed it just now." The presence."

"'s really hard to say." Qin Haonan thought of something when Carol mentioned it.

"Then let's not stay here anymore, leave quickly, there is a mountain range ahead, let's hide in to prevent the giant dragon from coming back again." Spirit Wolf also understood what they meant, drove the mount, and accelerated the speed of travel.

"Let's go, hurry up." Qin Haonan responded, "Linglong, take everyone back to the space first, so as to avoid something happening."

"Okay, master." Linglong nodded obediently, and led everyone back to the space.

Erbai just ran outside for a few steps, and now he is going back.Although he was a little reluctant, it was not easy to go against the master's wishes.So he shook his head and returned listlessly.

At this time, a group of people had just arrived at the bottom of the mountain. The trees here were relatively lush, and all the big trees grew well in the mountain.At this moment, a high-pitched dragon chant came again.

The dragon chant moved Kyushu, and the earth seemed to be trembling.

"No, it came back again!" Spirit Wolf said vigilantly.

"Let's go into the forest immediately so that he can't see it at a glance." Qin Haonan put away his mount and entered the forest with everyone.

The lush forest became a cover for everyone at this time, and the giant dragon hovered over it.

This time, its speed slowed down quite a bit. Qin Haonan and the others were in the gaps in the leaves, but it was a pity that they could clearly see that it was a snow-white silver dragon.

I remember someone said before that Dongfanglong resembles a snake in appearance, with horns on its head.The appearance of Western Dragon is similar to that of a lizard, with a belly and wings.Now it seems that it is not false at all.

(End of this chapter)

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