game master

Chapter 343 – The Threat of the Silver Dragon

Chapter 343 – The Threat of the Silver Dragon

In the East, the Oriental Dragon is a symbol of auspiciousness, benefiting the world.

In the West, the western dragon is a symbol of evil, endangering the world.

At this time, the silver dragon in the sky seemed to sense some aura, and it kept circling over the forest.Qin Haonan and the others could even feel that every time Yinlong breathed, there was a huge heat.

It was as if the fire was burning again, and it would boil in no time.

Every time it flaps its wings, it creates a hurricane.Qin Haonan and the others didn't dare to look up, they hid in the hiding place and didn't dare to come out.

Level 950 - Silver Dragon (Beast)
Qin Haonan took advantage of the gap where the silver dragon was staying, and checked the opponent's level with [Beast Control God Set: Mythril Thousand Magic].With such a level gap, only the name level can be seen, and the specific attributes are all displayed as question marks.

The silver dragon stayed for a while, and it didn't seem to notice any breath, so it waved its wings and left quickly.

After confirming that the other party had left, after a while, everyone let out a big sigh.

"It's just so dangerous, a 950-level divine beast. I'm sorry, it's because I didn't take care of the contracted beast, or..." Qin Haonan was about to apologize to everyone, but was stopped by Youlang and the others.

"Life is like a dream, don't say that, you don't know that this silver dragon will notice it! Fortunately, Carol reminded us that we had already taken precautions. There is no danger, haha!" Spirit Wolf said with a smile.

"Silver Dragon is gone too. Let's be careful along the way and look for Longquan first." Qin Haonan said, pointing to the mountains behind him, "This is a mountain, and it is very likely that we can find spring water along the stream."

"Be quiet, everyone, and listen carefully." Yao Ruoxi suddenly pointed to her ear.

A group of 8 people immediately quieted down. After listening quietly, they really heard the sound of water.

"There is the sound of water, it seems to be coming from the shore." Xueluo Qinghan took a few steps towards the other side of the line of defense while speaking, and the sound of water became clearer.

"Looks like it's over there, let's go." Spirit Wolf said and led the team to move on.

From a distance, the spring water in the mountains here seems to go all the way to the top of the mountain.

The mountain road here is not very easy to walk, because there are no stairs, so we can only carefully hold on to the trees and climb on the slope.Fortunately, the slope here is not very steep, and the team did not find it too hard.

Not far away, I saw the mountain spring surging.

"There is really a spring here, let me take a look." Carol walked over, pushed aside the blocking branches, bent down and tried the water.Then he turned around and shook his head with everyone.

"What's wrong?" Ghost Wolf asked hastily.

"The water here cannot be harvested," Carol replied.

"In this case, we can go upstream along the spring, maybe we can find Longquan." Qin Haonan suggested.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Spirit Wolf nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, a strange sound came from the woods.All of a sudden, they raised their vigilance again. After all, this is a high-level area, and if they encounter a mob, they will make everyone feel overwhelmed.

At this time, a doe that was not very big came out of the woods.It turned out to be drinking water from the spring, but Qin Haonan and the others had already hidden in the grass at this time, so they were not found immediately.

Level 890 - Golden Doe (Little Elite)

Qin Haonan felt dizzy when he saw this level, but the level of this monster is not very high.Fortunately, the golden doe is not an aggressive mob, so although it saw Qin Haonan and the others later, it did not attack.

Waiting for the doe to drink water and leave, Spirit Wolf heaved a sigh of relief, and asked Carol directly: "Carol, are there any mobs and bosses in this area? It's too dangerous, and the difference in levels is huge, and you can't even beat them." Fat."

"I can't say there is absolutely none, but I didn't come across a single one when I checked last time." Carol said helplessly, "After all, we have penetrated into the interior of the Dragon Valley now, and it must be different from the periphery. ah!"

"If this is not the case, we might be relegated." Ghost Wolf frowned, "Forget it, if it comes, let it be. Let's move on, let's do whatever happens."

Qin Haonan followed behind the wolf, and after walking for a while, several 890-level golden doe (little elite) and 880-level golden fawn (common) popped out.

After seeing these mobs, Qin Haonan and the others became less calm.

What will they do if they encounter mobs that will attack actively later?Hitting is definitely not an option, and running away probably won't work either!

Just as everyone was silent, suddenly a golden doe let out a low cry, raised its hooves and ran away.Following this move by the golden doe, the other mobs seemed to be frightened as well, and started running for their lives.

The scene became chaotic in an instant, and the mobs were rampaging and running in the woods.

"Did something happen?" Brick ran away looking around, not understanding what happened for a while.

"Master, it's that dragon..." Erbai popped out a big head from the space, kindly reminding everyone.He also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately retracted his head into the space after speaking.

"Ah, what should I do?" Xueluo Qinghan was a little flustered.

"Everyone, get down!" Qin Haonan said suddenly, he pulled Yao Ruoxi, and the two of them lay down in the grass on the ground first.Others also reacted and immediately followed suit.

A loud dragon roar was hovering in the sky at this moment.

A mouthful of dragon's breath spit out from the mouth of the silver dragon, and slammed into the woods not far away.This force is like a comet hitting the earth, and layers of heat waves suddenly hit.The whole earth trembled, and a huge pit appeared in the middle of the mountain.

This matter is not over yet, and then there are several dragon chants.Accompanied by the dragon's breath flame, it continued to wreak havoc in the air and in the forest.

At first, Qin Haonan and the others lowered their heads, not daring to look into the sky.But after several huge pits formed, Qin Haonan boldly raised his head with the determination to die.

It doesn't matter, it really surprised Qin Haonan.

Hovering in the sky were actually two giant dragons.

The silver giant dragon from before is still there, but the other end is also a level 950 mythical beast, the red giant dragon.Looking at the posture in the sky, the two dragons are fighting each other.

"What should we do?" Ghost Wolf didn't dare to make a sound, and could only move his mouth.

Qin Haonan directly made a silence gesture, signaling everyone not to speak or move.There is no way to meet this kind of thing now, the strength gap is too big, Qin Haonan and the others can only avoid these high-risk bosses.

But it also depends on the situation. Although the battle area of ​​the two giant dragons is very close to them, it is a good thing that they did not attack Qin Haonan and the others.

The grass on Qin Haonan's side was still very lush, forming a powerful cover for Qin Haonan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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