game master

Chapter 349 - Level 100

Chapter 349 - Level 100

Just now, I thought that the two of them were going to die, but Qin Haonan's raised God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword just pierced the Nether Dragon God's chest.Linglong has been attacking from the rear, causing the boss's HP to drop to 0.01%.

Linglong's attack didn't stop, but Qin Haonan's supplementary sword accidentally hit a key part.

Moreover, the critical strike actually broke the defense of a level 1000 boss?
But this is also thanks to Linglong. As a Nuwa, she also has more tricks to reduce the opponent's strength.In the process of fighting just now, the Nether Dragon God has been weakened by Linglong's miscellaneous attacks.

First, the defense is weakened, then the attack is weakened, then the health value is decreased, the defense is weakened again, and finally...

Even Qin Haonan himself couldn't imagine, how did he, a player, accidentally break the defense of the powerful boss of Nether Dragon God?But it was this moment that turned into the final blow.

The Nether Dragon God screamed and fell to the ground with a loud bang, and several golden items exploded in an instant.

The entire process of killing monsters was completed by Linglong alone.That is to say, this was originally a battle between the boss and the boss. Because of Qin Haonan's participation in this attack, the Nether Dragon God became blasted by the player.

However, the system still pays attention to fairness. This time killing monsters can only be regarded as Qin Haonan's taking advantage of it.

So he and Yao Ruoxi can only get a small amount of experience points, and the items that explode are much, much less than normal killing monsters.But for Qin Haonan, who is only level 88, this little bit of experience is a huge amount.

The bodies of Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi kept flickering with light, and the upgrades never stopped.


Qin Haonan was thinking that if the upper limit of the game was not 100, he might continue to upgrade.Qin Haonan turned his head to look at Yao Ruoxi, and found that she had also reached level 100 at this time.

Not only the two of them, but even the contracted beasts have also been upgraded to level 100.

Originally, in Qin Haonan's plan, he wanted to spend more than a month to reach level 1.This was a great deal, and he had reached the full level of level 100 by accident.

The game system didn't count Qin Haonan's first kill of the super beast-level boss this time.It is estimated that the system calculated that the damage he gave was only 1 point, and for the sake of fairness, he was given some items.

Erbai went to see the dropped items habitually, but this time no equipment was revealed.But it's normal to think about it, Qin Haonan can get so many experience points just by relying on the last point of damage, which is already a lot of money.

"Linglong..." Qin Haonan looked at the adult Nuwa standing not far away, and wanted to say something.

But Linglong didn't give Qin Haonan a chance to speak at all, and a huge contract circle suddenly appeared where the tail was standing.

Qin Haonan was taken aback, he didn't expect Linglong to take the initiative to establish the contract again.

With the fanning of the light, Linglong's figure shrunk again.The level dropped from 1000 to 100, and the appearance became a 15-year-old girl.

"Nu Wa..." Erbai ran over cheerfully, jumped in front of Linglong, and rubbed her face with his huge head to express his welcome.

The contracted beasts of Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi have all grown up.

"Linglong, welcome back. you know something about the Mastermind Century?" Qin Haonan was very smart, remembering that before Linglong and the Nether Dragon God started the war, he seemed to recall something about the Mastermind Century.

"Master, don't worry, I'll talk to you about it in detail later." Linglong shook her head lightly, and then whispered, "There are still people in this dragon's lair, let's leave quickly."

"Anyone else?" Qin Haonan was surprised.

"Well, it's the century you just asked about." Linglong murmured, pulling Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi out of the cave.

Qin Haonan's team came out of the dragon's lair, and Linglong turned her head and said: "The century was in that dragon's lair just now, master, I can't explain to you about the topic you asked just now. If you want to know the truth, you can Take me to the real world."

"Okay, I understand." Qin Haonan immediately understood Linglong's meaning. The mastermind of this game is Century, and Century must have set up certain procedures so that all NPCs in the game cannot fully tell some hidden things.

Yao Ruoxi was only adjusting her attribute points at this time, and accidentally saw Erbai and Mu Qing walking around a few things.Qin Haonan has been chatting with Linglong, so he was taken care of by the item he just picked up.

"Erbai, Muqing, what are these items?" Yao Ruoxi walked over curiously, wanting to see the items that just exploded.

There were only 5 items that were released this time.There are three items that the Nether Dragon God took back from the ghost wolf before, that is, the 2 beast pet eggs and 1 job transfer scroll.

And the other two pieces, one is a mount egg, and the other is [job expansion cheats].

Erbai shook his tail excitedly, and said earnestly: "Sister Ruoxi, come and take a look, these are the five pieces. Pet egg - silver giant dragon (divine beast), pet egg - red giant dragon (divine beast), dragon Witch Witch Job Change Scroll, Mount Egg - Nether Dragon God (Tier 5). [Cheats for Career Expansion] One piece."

Yao Ruoxi was overwhelmed by the high-quality leaked items in front of her. She looked at each item happily, and hurriedly turned around and called Qin Haonan over.

After Qin Haonan and Linglong finished talking, they just heard Yao Ruoxi calling.So he walked over quickly, and before he could take a look at the items on the ground, the pleasant system sound rang in Qin Haonan's ears.

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Dear players, the online game "Century" will enter the second upgrade in 30 minutes. Please organize your items and log off within 30 minutes. This upgrade will take 1 day After 24 disappears, the game will fully open."

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Dear players..."

The system sound was played back and forth 3 times, and the forum and the world chat channel were blown up again for a while.Players were very dissatisfied with this sudden upgrade, with various negative comments and suggestions.

"Ruomeng, seeing the second upgrade is the same as what I learned from my uncle. I didn't expect it to be so fast. We just reached level 100, and the upgrade started." Yao Ruoxi looked at Qin Haonan and said seriously.

"Yes, after this upgrade, the competition in "Century" will be even greater." Qin Haonan said and nodded, "Ruoxi, let's divide things up and find a place to go offline, shall we?"

Yao Ruoxi suddenly hesitated and said, "That's good, but the items are not easy to distribute, so you can see for yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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