game master

Chapter 350 - Tier 12 Mount

Chapter 350 - Tier 12 Mount

"I see, the three items I got before are back." Qin Haonan picked up the items and looked at them, thought for a while, and said, "I think you should ask Ghost Wolf and the others?"

"Okay." Yao Ruoxi nodded.

Qin Haonan opened the message, and was just about to send a message to Youlang and the others, only then did he realize that there were already a lot of letters in the message column.All of them were sent within half an hour, and they were all unread.

"What's wrong?" Yao Ruoxi questioned when she saw Qin Haonan's expression.

Qin Haonan directly displayed the letters in his information column in front of Yao Ruoxi's eyes.

"Life is like a dream, enchanting, are you still in the Dragon Valley? We have all returned to resurrection, and the 6 people are now at the guild's resident side. Please reply when you see it. - Spirit Wolf"

"I haven't received any reply from you all this time, I'm very worried. ——Rampaged Brick"

"My proposal this time has caused a lot of trouble for everyone. Life is like a dream, enchanting, where are you now? - Carol"


Looking at the string of messages, Qin Haonan immediately sent them a reply, and briefly explained what happened just now.Qin Haonan also asked about the distribution of the two pet eggs and the transfer scroll, and Spirit Wolf quickly replied.

They said that Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi got the item this time, so let Qin Haonan keep it for himself.

Since Youlang and the others chose to withdraw, Qin Haonan will not be polite.Such a high-quality item must be properly distributed.

"Ruoxi, I just read the job requirements for a dragon language witch. You must be a female player. Anyway, I can't learn it. If you want to learn it, you can learn it." Qin Haonan directly handed the job transfer scroll to Yao Ruoxi, and then returned He also gave her [Cheats for Career Expansion].

After all, Yao Ruoxi has a profession. According to the normal setting of the game, players cannot have a second profession, but [Cheats for Profession Expansion] solved this problem very well.Yao Ruoxi took the item and clicked to use it.

A ray of light flashed, and Yao Ruoxi had one more profession column.In this way, Yao Ruoxi became a veritable dual career.

After using the job transfer scroll, Yao Ruoxi's second job naturally became "Dragon Witch", which is a hidden job.Qin Haonan was very curious from the very beginning, what kind of occupation is this.

Seeing Yao Ruoxi open the career bar, Qin Haonan leaned his head and looked over.

The profession burst out by the super beast is really extraordinary, it is a battle mage profession.According to the introduction, the profession of "Dragon Witch" can release dragon language magic of darkness, fire, thunder, and ice, which is twice as powerful as an ordinary mage.Not only that, but the speed of chanting spells is also much faster than that of ordinary mages.

At the same time, this profession also has a lot of blessings on attributes such as attack, defense, speed, and health.

It can be said that the Dragon Witch is a mage suitable for melee combat.

"Ruomeng, I think this profession is not as simple as releasing magic. When I learn skills later, I have to study it carefully." Yao Ruoxi looked at the professional skills and said seriously.

"Okay, I'll accompany you. This dragon language witch must learn skills in the United States." Qin Haonan said quickly.

"Okay, thank you. By the way, Ruomeng, you should quickly contract that mount! How did the Nether Dragon God become a mount from a full-level boss? I think it will be fun after contracting." Yao Ruoxi laughed as she spoke. laugh.

Mount Egg - Nether Dragon God (Tier 12)
"Okay." Qin Haonan glanced at the mount egg, and directly chose the contract.

The gorgeous brilliance illuminated this area, and the sky was immediately surrounded by colorful clouds, and dazzling rays of light shot out from the clouds.This is the first time Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi have seen this kind of scene appearing after the contracted mount.

Qin Haonan had never heard of a mount of the twelfth rank before.In the "Century" game, the highest rank mount he knew was rank ten.It must be very extraordinary to have such a strange scene born.

"Ruomeng, take a look at the attributes." Yao Ruoxi hastily suggested.

"Okay." Qin Haonan opened the interface of the mount while speaking.

Mount: Nether Dragon God (level 12), level 1.Up to 6 people ride, running speed 300, flying speed 450.

Master HP +6900
Master's True Qi +6900
Master attack +850
Master Defense +850
Master speed +850
The skills attached to the Nether Dragon God: the passive skills [Dragon Teng], [Long Leap], [Long Wei], [Long Xiang], [Dragon God Armor]...Qin Haonan roughly counted the skills attached to the Nether Dragon God. There are 15 of them.

Among them, there are 12 passive skills and 3 active skills.

[Dragon Teng], every time the mount is upgraded, attack +50.

[Longwei], every time the mount is upgraded, attack +30, defense +30.

[Long Yue], every time the mount is upgraded, the speed +50.


The Nether Dragon God's 3 active skills are [Dragon Breath Flame], [Dragon God Field], and [Diffuse Death].

[Dragon's Breath Flame] Active skill, the dragon's breath flame spouted by the Dragon God can continuously cause 10% damage to all targets within 210 meters, and the attack duration is 8 seconds.

[Dragon God Field] Active skill, centered on the Nether Dragon God, opens a field with a radius of 20 meters. Within the field, all attack damage of our party is increased by 3 times, and all attack damage of the enemy is reduced by 50%.Hold for 20 seconds.

[Diffusion of Death] Active skill, which can cause 45% damage to 300 targets at the same time.And additional poisoning effect.

I remember that there were only 10 skills attached to the Bishui Qilin at that time.

In the "Century" game, the passive skills attached to the mount can be superimposed.In other words, when there are 2 mounts at the same time, although you can only ride one of them, the additional attributes of the one that sits while resting are also counted in the overall combat power.

Qin Haonan looked at the perfect attributes of the Nether Dragon God, and then looked at his sudden surge in overall combat power, and his heart was already beautiful.

This mount also has the ability to fly.To do tasks in the future, there is no need to travel across mountains and rivers at all, as long as you fly in a straight line in the air.In terms of time, it is greatly shortened.

Qin Haonan already owned three mounts at this time, and the skills of the mounts were superimposed, and the battle was amazing.

"Ruomeng, it seems we can fly back." Yao Ruoxi happily suggested.

Qin Haonan smiled, and suddenly said: "Okay, overlooking the entire Dragon Valley from the sky, the scenery must be very beautiful. But I have a new proposal, how about we return to the Dragon's Lair just now? There are so many golden coins, I I think there must be a lot of treasures there."

(End of this chapter)

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