game master

Chapter 352 - Linglong in Reality

Chapter 352 - Linglong in Reality
It seems that in the dragon lair of the Nether Dragon God, quite a few treasures have really been collected.Even this legendary Tier 11 mount has it, and it's still a phoenix.

Mount: Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix (level 11), level 1.Up to 2 people ride, running speed 300, flying speed 420.

Master HP +6300
Master's True Qi +6300

Qin Haonan took a general look at the attributes, and found that this Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix was only a little worse than his Nether Dragon God, and it deserved to be an 11th-rank mount.The running speed is the same as that of the Nether Dragon God, only the flying speed is a little slower.

"Ruomeng, in this way, I also have a flying mount." When Yao Ruoxi was happy, she got off the mount and gave Qin Haonan a big hug.

Qin Haonan was overwhelmed by the sudden hug, feeling the softness and fragrance in his arms, he immediately returned his arms and hugged Yao Ruoxi.

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Dear players, the online game "Century" will enter the second upgrade in 5 minutes. Please tidy up your belongings and log off within 5 minutes, otherwise you will be forcibly logged out. The first upgrade will take 1 day, and after 24 disappears, the game will be fully opened."

"Ding dong~ World Announcement: Dear players..."

The system sound came to mind sooner or later, Qin Haonan just wanted to say something to Yao Ruoxi in response to the atmosphere, but was interrupted by it.

"Ruomeng, let's quickly see what else is around here." Yao Ruoxi ran out of Qin Haonan's arms while speaking, and quickly searched for items that could be taken away in the pile of gold coins.

Due to time constraints, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi only stayed in the dragon's lair for a while, and after taking a few more items, Qin Haonan took out the teleportation scroll that Spirit Wolf had given him earlier.

This is the only teleportation scroll back to the Warsong of Darkfire resident, Spirit Wolf once told them, don't use it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

At this moment, it was only 30 seconds before being forced offline, Qin Haonan immediately tore open the teleportation volume, and the two of them were directly teleported back to the station in a dazzling light.

As soon as he gained a firm foothold in the station, Qin Haonan was forcibly kicked out by the game.

As soon as he opened the game cabin, Qin Haonan saw Hou Yue standing in his room. "Monkey, what are you doing, you scared me! You have a crush on me, and you still stare at my game room like this?"

"Who has a crush on you, Anan, don't be so sentimental! Seeing that you have not been offline, I am still puzzled. I didn't expect to be kicked out of the game at the last second." Hou Yue joked quickly.

Qin Haonan came out of the game room, picked up the cup on the table and drank a glass of water, and asked calmly: "Monkey, do you have something to do with me?"

"Yeah, how are you doing in the US region? When will you come back? Also, there are suddenly two more mounts on the leaderboard in the China region, the 2th rank and the 12th rank. But it doesn't show who the owner is, is it related to Are you related?" Hou Yue asked several questions in one breath.

Qin Haonan didn't expect Hou Yue to ask this, so he briefly explained the general situation of the matter to Hou Yue.Unexpectedly, Hou Yue became more curious after hearing this: "Since there are so many babies in the US area, I suggest you stay there for a while. By the way, you and Yao Ruoxi are both level 100, but why is there no ranking in the Chinese area?" Show? Not only this, how did the mount show up, but not who the owner is? Did you deliberately hide the owner of the mount?"

"Okay, okay, how did you ask me to answer you so much in one breath?" Qin Haonan wiped off his sweat and continued, "I guess, it may be that the masterminds of China and the United States are not the same, so the data has not been updated yet. .It will be normal after the upgrade.”

"Oh, it makes sense for you to think so." Hou Yue echoed, this is what he suddenly thought of, and immediately said, "A'nan, someone called you just now and said that your surname is Yang. He said his name in the game It's called 'A dead tree doesn't make a forest', give him a call back when you have time."

"Okay, I see, thank you." Qin Haonan immediately understood what it was after hearing Hou Yue's words.

Uncle Yang must have gone to Qin Haonan to continue the last experiment.To be honest, in the game, Linglong, who recovered her memory, also mentioned that she wanted to tell Qin Haonan something in reality.

After Hou Yue left, Qin Haonan immediately called Old Man Yang and made an appointment to meet him tomorrow morning.It's getting late now, the game has been upgraded, so Qin Haonan has to wash up and rest early.


When I came to Uncle Yang's laboratory the next day, all the personnel were already in place.Unexpectedly, Qin Haonan was the last one. Everyone was looking forward to the early completion of the "realization experiment".

Like last time, Qin Haonan lay down directly in a huge game room.

The big screen next to it is already on, and the image on it is the transfer space specially designed by Old Man Yang with the system.This space is designed as a small garden with fountains, trees, flowers, and a bench...

After entering the transit space, Qin Haonan sat on the bench, waiting for Linglong to be summoned.

After a while, a huge summoning circle appeared on the ground in front of the bench.After the light passed, Linglong, who looked about 15 years old, walked out of the magic circle.

"Master, are you doing experiments again today? Can I come to the real world?" Linglong walked to Qin Haonan's side and asked innocently.

Qin Haonan nodded yes, and asked Linglong to sit down on the bench next to her.In fact, Qin Haonan knew that the current Linglong was no longer the simple little guy before.Although her appearance at this time is only about 15 years old, she already has the inheritance of a 1000-level big boss in her memory.

For everything in the "Century" game, Linglong knows more and more details than Qin Haonan.

"Well, there should be no problem this time. Linglong, you can come to the real world and have a look." Qin Haonan said and patted Linglong's head.

At this moment, Old Man Yang was communicating with Qin Haonan through the screen.And the staff on the side are also working very hard to adjust the data.Since the failure of the last experiment, Old Man Yang led this group of professors, but repeatedly scrutinized the data for a long time.This time, as long as there are no major mistakes, the goddess of victory will come.

At this time, the scene in the transit space began to change, and the surrounding data was still separated.

The whole space began to smile a little bit, Qin Haonan felt his head groggy, and soon fell asleep.When he woke up again, Qin Haonan found himself lying in that huge game room.

And the real version of Linglong was lying beside him.But this time Linglong is wearing clothes, exactly the same as in the game.

(End of this chapter)

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