game master

Chapter 353 - The Truth

Chapter 353 - The Truth
The game compartment was opened from the outside, and Old Man Yang and others waited anxiously outside.Qin Haonan walked out first, followed by Linglong in ancient costume.

"It seems that this experiment was a success!" Old Man Yang said happily.

In this experiment, Uncle Yang and the others did not fail to allow Linglong to freely enter and exit reality and games without time limit.In other words, the time Linglong spends in reality is limited.

After precise calculations and deduction by the researchers, it is estimated that Linglong can stay in reality for 3 hours.This is already the limit, and it is also the greatest achievement of current research.

Qin Haonan looked at Linglong and asked, "Linglong, how do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Linglong looked at herself, then tried to walk a few steps, turned around, and said happily: "It feels good, master, I can talk with you in the same world."

"Great." Qin Haonan pulled Linglong in front of Uncle Yang and the others while speaking, and introduced, "Linglong, these are the professors of this research, come and meet everyone."

"Hello, my name is Linglong." Just as Linglong said something, Old Man Yang and other old men gathered around her. Their enthusiasm made Linglong take a few steps back again.

"Okay, okay, it's perfect, the skin is just like a real person's. Little girl, come here and let grandpa see."

"I didn't expect to be able to communicate and walk. This experiment has achieved great results."

"Little Linglong, how about coming to our place often with your master in the future?"


A group of old men are extremely crazy at this time, their eyes are full of their scientific research results.Their performance like this really made Linglong very depressed.Qin Haonan saw Linglong's embarrassment, and hurriedly stood in front of her: "Okay, okay, you guys are scaring the little girl like this."

Uncle Yang and the others realized how aggressive their behavior was this time.

"Master, I have something to say to you alone, is that okay?" Linglong pulled Qin Haonan's sleeve aside.

"Yes." Qin Haonan and Old Man Yang explained separately, and took Linglong to the sofa outside.

Ever since Linglong came to the real world, she seemed to have something on her mind, with a serious expression on her face.Qin Haonan asked Linglong to sit down and poured her a glass of juice.It was the first time for Linglong to drink a real-world drink, and after taking a sip, she relaxed a lot emotionally.

"Linglong, do you want to tell me about Mastermind Century?" Qin Haonan took the initiative to speak.

Linglong nodded, and said seriously: "Master, yes. I restored my previous memory, and then I remembered all the things I did when I was the 1000-level super beast boss. You and I do not belong to the current world, we are both From the world 12 years later, it was sent back through the online game "Century"."

"You mean... Linglong, can I understand that the mastermind 'Century' arranged for us to cross?" Qin Haonan immediately grasped the point.

Linglong nodded: "Yes, the mastermind 'Century' wanted to get out of the game a long time ago. She can be said to be the first artificial intelligence system with self-awareness. She has done a lot of things in the game. Experiment, the group that failed the experiment are the little monsters and bosses who are now being attacked by demonization."

"Then why was I also involved?" Qin Haonan hurriedly asked, "I'm just an ordinary player who can't be an ordinary player. I was not as good in my last life as I am now."

"I don't know about this. I can only say that the mastermind 'Century' chose you. Master, you'd better think about it. Where did you meet her before? What kind of interaction did you have? Let her conclude that you are different? "

"Eh... If the mastermind 'Century' is Jiaqi Rumeng, then I really knew her a long time ago." Qin Haonan hesitated as he spoke, and his thoughts could not help but turn to the memory of the previous life.

Linglong immediately said: "Master, I have to tell you. The mastermind 'Century' is the main system of the online game "Century". She is not an unchanging individual. That is to say, she can transform into a drunk dream, or a Cheng Jiaqi is like a dream, and can even transform into another image."

"I understand this." Qin Haonan said seriously.

"Master, after this upgrade, the mastermind 'Century' will most likely change its image, so that we can't recognize her right away." Linglong added.

Qin Haonan fell into deep thought. If the mastermind "Century" had really transformed into Jiaji Rumeng, then the two of them first met and Jiaji Rumeng joined "Meng Ran Jiangshan", then it would all make sense.

I remember the first time I met Jiaqi Rumeng, it was in a cave with a level 500 mission.Qin Haonan was still puzzled, how could he meet such a stupid female player in the 500-level mission area.

At the beginning, Jiaqi Rumeng had a high attribute value, but she killed mobs alone in the cave, but she killed them very slowly.She has no companions, and her operations are mechanized attacks, making Qin Haonan feel more like a player who chose to hang up and fight monsters.

It was also out of kindness that Qin Haonan went up to teach her fighting skills.

After going back and forth like this, the two became friends.Jiaqi Rumeng also joined Qin Haonan's fledgling gang.

Qin Haonan has never doubted her, because she can always provide some boss information and game cheats when the gang needs it... When they killed the Nuwa boss, it was the time and place that Jiaqi Rumeng told them.

Thinking about it now, all of this is still very suspicious.

"Master, please be careful. Mastermind 'Century' wants to speed up the progress of the game in this life, and she has her own purpose." Linglong continued.

"Linglong, do you know the purpose of the mastermind 'Century'?"

"Master, I don't know. I don't think any BOSS can guess the idea of ​​'Century'. I was also corrupted by her demonization in my previous life, so I lost myself and was imprisoned in the illusion of primordial beginning."

Qin Haonan was startled: "In your last life, were you completely demonized?"

"Yeah, after the boss is completely demonized, all the magic runes on his body will disappear, and he looks normal from the outside. But the most frightening thing is that although the boss is normal on the outside, he is completely crazy on the inside. I am so Let me explain, the internal system codes are all wrong, and you can't normally follow the system instructions. Otherwise, how could a righteous NPC like God Nuwa become the final boss for players to kill!"

Only then did Qin Haonan suddenly realize: "No wonder, I thought about it before. Nuwa is the first god we all respect, how could the game design her as the final boss? So it is like this, your demonized NPC, the mastermind" Century' can no longer be controlled normally, so I turned you into mobs and bosses, and let the players kill you."

"Yes, that's it." Linglong nodded, "But I don't know why, after turning into a pet egg, a contracted beast, the demonization completely disappeared."

"Could it be that turning into a pet egg can cure demonization?" Qin Haonan became even more curious.

"I don't know either, after all, I haven't really tried this method." Linglong continued.

(End of this chapter)

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