game master

Chapter 355 - The Water of Longquan

Chapter 355 - The Water of Longquan
"The game has just been upgraded, and they are so busy attacking?" Qin Haonan was also taken aback after hearing this.

"That's right, Carol is currently borrowing the equipment from the guild's resident to study the teleportation magic circle. After Yao Yao went online, he handed over some of the items to Carol." Spirit Wolf said hastily.

Only then did Qin Haonan remember that he and Yao Ruoxi had collected a lot of good things in Longmao.At that time, due to time constraints, I hadn't taken a good look at what they were all about.

"Oh, you wolf, please be busy. I also have something to give to Carol. I'll come over to help you when I'm done." Qin Haonan said immediately.

"Okay, you go quickly." Ghost Wolf said indifferently.

In fact, Ghost Wolf already knew that War Song of Darkfire would encounter this situation, and he had already thought about what to do in the end in advance.So the mentality is positive, and there are not too many negative emotions at this time.

There were originally 5 materials needed for the magic teleportation array, and everyone looked for them together.Longquan Water, Sky Star Powder, Magic Time-Space Grass, Power Stone and Void Soul.

In this adventure of the Dragon Valley, Qin Haonan and the others obtained the Void Soul first, and later found energy stones, sky star powder and magic time-space grass in the dragon's lair.Now there is only Longquan water left.

At this time, Yao Ruoxi also came out of the station, and greeted Qin Haonan: "Ruomeng, you are finally online. The things we found in Long ** before, and the ones I put here, I will sort out the things I need. It's already given to Carol."

"Well, I just looked at the backpack here, and there are sky star powder and magic space-time grass." Qin Haonan said, "You wait for me here, I will go and give them to Carol first."

"I'd better go there with you." Yao Ruoxi still followed, and went to Carol's hut with Qin Haonan.

Carol is seriously experimenting at this time, and has basically researched the drawing method of the magic teleportation array.

Qin Haonan gave Carol all the things he needed in his backpack.

At this time, Carol has also been upgraded to the Grand Master stage. He has already mastered the drawing methods of the magic teleportation array, but it is a pity that there is only one "water of the dragon spring".

According to Carroll, the most important thing now is to obtain the "water from the Longquan".But at this time, the full level of the entire game has become level 1000, and all maps are open.In the Dragon Valley, mobs and small bosses should have been spawned. Now, if you want to return to the Dragon Valley, the difficulty is definitely different.

"Ruomeng, the Guild of Minghuo Zhange is about to be disbanded. We must find the water of Longquan as soon as possible, and take everyone to the China area, otherwise there will be trouble later on." Yao Ruoxi said.

Qin Haonan was thinking about it at this time, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately said: "By the way, I can summon the Nether Dragon God and ask him. After all, he was once the owner of the Dragon Valley, so we should know about it." of."

"Yes." Yao Ruoxi hurriedly said.

When Qin Haonan thought of it, he acted immediately. He walked out of the hut and found a spacious place.

The summoning circle on the ground was activated, and Qin Haonan immediately summoned the Nether Dragon God.

This is the first real appearance of the Nether Dragon God as a mount.At this time, he was a little reluctant. He was originally a level 1000 super beast, but now he became a level 1 mount with only level 12.The Nether Dragon God drooped his head, and his black body lay on the ground.

"Youming Dragon God, I have something to ask you." As soon as Qin Haonan opened his mouth, he saw the reluctance on the other side's face.

"Oh, it's really a turn of events. If 'Century' hadn't made trouble in my dragon's lair, how could I have been reduced to this place?" The Nether Dragon God complained listlessly.

"Hey, little black dragon, you are now Ruomeng's mount, so it's useless to be reluctant." Yao Ruoxi kindly reminded the other party.

"The Nether Dragon God, do you know that the mastermind 'Century' is in your dragon lair?" Qin Haonan was curious, so he changed the subject.

"I didn't know it at first, but I felt her strength in the later stage of the battle with Nuwa. I finally became a mount, and she was part of the credit. Only then did I know that the mastermind 'Century' has been secretly helping you. Sigh ...I didn't feel wronged when I lost, I was tricked by the mastermind 'Century'." The Nether Dragon God said dejectedly.

Qin Haonan really used shock to describe it at this time: "You mean, the mastermind 'Century' made you a mount and was finally contracted by me?"

"Does it need to be said? I am a level 1000 super beast. Under normal circumstances, I will become a super beast pet egg. Now it is good, I have become a mount."

Qin Haonan kept the words of the Nether Dragon God in his heart. He knew that time was urgent and he had to get back to the topic immediately: "It's useless for you to be depressed now, we have a contract. Can you tell me, is there a Longquan in the Dragon Valley?"

"Yes, what are you looking for from Longquan? It's not for the water of Longquan, is it?" The Nether Dragon God is also very smart.

"Yes." Qin Haonan said very directly.

The Nether Dragon God hurriedly shook his head: "No, I can't take you there. I'm only level 1 now, and I'm still a mount. It's useless to go there."

"Don't worry, I can upgrade it for you. I still have a lot of upgrade materials on hand." Qin Haonan said.

The Nether Dragon God continued to shake his head: "No, it's too dangerous there. You only have level 100, but that's a level 1000 area. I was originally a level 1000 boss, and besides staying in the dragon's lair, I just waited there. You want to get closer Longquan, it's not that easy."

"Oh, how do you say that?" Yao Ruoxi asked.

"The so-called Longquan is actually the place where the Dragon God drinks and bathes. On the top mountain of the Dragon Valley, there is a large spring pool with spirituality. The Longquan is divided into two places, one is for drinking water One is used for bathing. I used to drink water and take a bath there, but it is not so easy to go up the mountain over there." The Nether Dragon God said seriously.

Qin Haonan immediately took out the materials used to upgrade the mount, and said with a smile: "You take us to Longquan, the sooner the better, I will raise your level. I don't think you want to be in level 1 state forever Bar?"

The Nether Dragon God had a feeling of resistance. He originally didn't want to help Qin Haonan.But because of the contractual relationship between one person and one dragon, the Nether Dragon God is not stupid, he and Qin Haonan are now grasshoppers on the same rope.After hesitating for a while, the Nether Dragon God still nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I'll help you upgrade now." Qin Haonan began to use the upgrade materials for the Nether Dragon God while speaking. The twelfth-level Nether Dragon God is also a level-up, and it has much more upgrade materials than the clear water unicorn.

(End of this chapter)

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