game master

Chapter 356 - Flying

Chapter 356 - Flying
In this way, the level of the Nether Dragon God continued to rise amidst the brilliance.

After becoming a level 1 mount, the original size of the Nether Dragon God reached 5 meters long.At this time, through upgrading, the body shape grows again. After level 80, with a body of more than 8 meters, people can't help but look up.

Although Qin Haonan kept a lot of upgrade materials in his hands, he could only upgrade the Nether Dragon God to level 85 at this time.

Looking at the huge and dark body of the Nether Dragon God, Qin Haonan nodded in satisfaction.A dragon is a dragon, riding him must be incomparably majestic.

Black body, huge dragon head, sharp teeth, powerful wings, sharp claws... No matter how you look at it, this is a majestic western dragon beast.

Youlang and the others are also paying attention to the upgrade of the Nether Dragon God at this time, and everyone is amazed to see the Nether Dragon God getting bigger.

"Life is like a dream, hurry up and find the water of Longquan. The gang will be disbanded in 10 minutes. I will take everyone to a hidden leveling area to hide, so as to avoid being chased and killed by those gangs." You The wolf hurriedly told Qin Haonan, the decision of everyone in the Minghuo Zhange.

"Youlang, why don't you come with me, so as to prevent those American players from looking for trouble." Qin Haonan kindly suggested.

Who would have thought that Youlang and the others shook their heads one after another: "Let's forget it, we've already dropped one level, and there is still a shadow for that Dragon Valley."

"Since this is the case, we can't make things difficult for others. Then Yao Ruoxi and I will go to get the water from Longquan, and send a message at any time if something happens." Qin Haonan said, "But where did the runaway brick go? We can't pull him down in the end!"

"He just went online, and he should help the outside of the garrison to fight mobs and level up." Ghost Wolf pointed to the west area while speaking, indicating that the rampant Brick seemed to go there.

"Okay, then I'm relieved. Yao Ruoxi and I set off, and try to come back early to draw the magic teleportation array, so that we can go to China as soon as possible." Qin Haonan said, pulling the Nether Dragon God, and sitting on it with Yao Ruoxi .

Although the Nether Dragon God was somewhat reluctant, he still waved his wings and took off slowly.

The surrounding wind was stirred by the Nether Dragon God, and there was some wind and sand all around for a while.Yao Ruoxi was quite excited when she took off for the first time.Qin Haonan is not bad personally, after all, he rode a flying mount in his previous life.

The flying speed of the Nether Dragon God was very fast, and it flew a long distance in a short while.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were sitting on the back of the dragon, enjoying the scenery leisurely.Looking down on the earth from the sky is another scene.The players on the ground turned into small black dots at this time, and they couldn't see clearly at all.

And Qin Haonan seemed to have noticed something, suddenly lowered his head, and said anxiously: "The Nether Dragon God, can you fly a little lower, I want to see clearly what those players are going to do."

"Okay, yes." The Nether Dragon God reluctantly responded, and then flew down.

It doesn't matter after seeing it, Qin Haonan immediately felt more worried.

At this time, the players on the ground turned out to be the group of players who wanted to join forces to encircle and suppress the "War Song of Dark Fire" guild. At this time, they were organizing a team and heading towards the base of War Song of Dark Fire.

At this time, there are 4 gangs here, and each of them has mounts.Teams of elite players, the lowest level has reached level 80.In terms of the number of people, Qin Haonan roughly estimated that there could be more than 100 people.

It seems that they also know that there are less than 20 people in Minghuo Zongge at this time, so they didn't attack the garrison so much.

"Let's notify Ghost Wolf. Based on this distance, these teams of players will arrive at the camp in five or six minutes. Once they attack the camp, Ghost Wolf won't be able to click on the gang to disband." Yao Ruoxi hurriedly said.

While speaking, Yao Ruoxi had already opened the information bar.

Qin Haonan nodded and said seriously: "Notify quickly. I remember that after the guild applied for disbandment, there was still a 1-minute reservation time for fear of the guild leader's return. During this 1 minute, if the resident is attacked, the disbandment will automatically stop."

"En." Yao Ruoxi's hands were fast, and in a short time, while listening to Qin Haonan's words, she edited out the information just now and sent it out in the form of a letter.

"Ruoxi, I don't worry about Youlang and the others. If this group of people rush over now, even if they can't attack the garrison, I'm afraid they will fight with Youlang and the others. Let's go back and have a look. Longquan is not bad at all. It's time."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Yao Ruoxi agreed.

Youlang didn't reply immediately after receiving the letter, and about a minute later, Qin Haonan heard the system announcement, saying that the Underworld War Song Guild had been disbanded.

At this time, Qin Haonan was already on the way back with Yao Ruoxi.The speed of the Nether Dragon God was very fast, after circling for a while, he returned to the original station again.

But at this time there is no longer a resident, and the original buildings have been cleared.All that was left was a lush green lawn.Spirit Wolf and the others are gathering here, ready to go to the leveling area to practice together.

"Life is like a dream, enchanting, thank you for the message. If you hadn't seen it in advance, I might have asked the gang to disband later, and there would be big trouble now. But why are you back again?" Ghost Wolf eagerly.

The Nether Dragon God landed, and Qin Haonan jumped off alone.

"Quick, Youlang, get on the mount with me. Their team is coming soon, and you will be discovered by them if you leave on the mount like this." Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

"They're almost here?" Ghost Wolf was also surprised.

I didn't expect that at this time, a feathered arrow shot over with the sound of piercing the air.Fortunately, Qin Haonan and Youlang reacted quickly and turned around to avoid this attack.

"No, they came here so soon!" Qin Haonan was also shocked, and he pulled out the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword while speaking.

Knowing that time was running out, Ghost Wolf immediately opened the [Bone Shield] and summoned several skeleton soldiers.Carol also summoned a few boar monsters to block the front of the team.

"Life is like a dream, you are in charge of us, together with Yao Ruoxi, hurry up to find the water of Longquan. Here are me and Carol, we just go to a hidden place and go offline, hide for a few days and then go online." You The wolf said helplessly.

Qin Haonan shook his head: "How can I abandon you at this time?"

"Yeah, we can't do that. What's more, we still need your help to draw the magic teleportation array!" Yao Ruoxi was also infected by the atmosphere at this moment, summoned Hibiscus, and entered the fighting state.

The Nether Dragon God was still depressed when he became a mount, but now he saw a feathered arrow shooting towards this side.Just finding a place to vent, a mouthful of dragon's breath flames spewed out, burning the faces of the players rushing forward.

Dragons are more warlike.

(End of this chapter)

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