game master

Chapter 357 - Away

Chapter 357 - Away
For a moment, because of the breath flame of the Nether Dragon God, the two sides instantly entered the battle mode.

The hostile American players looked at their dark faces, seeing that their health had dropped a lot, and they were in a bad mood.

"The opponent has launched an attack, so we don't want to be polite to them." A group of players rushed over without knowing who led it.

Ghost Wolf used skeleton soldiers, skeleton archers, and skeleton mages to block the front, and he led the team to start the hind legs.

Carol's summoned beasts blocked the second row, a group of people just to delay the time, so as to allow time for everyone to retreat.

The runaway brick rushed out from that side. He rode his mount Taotie and charged forward, directly knocking down the two or three players in front.

The few American players who rushed to the front had already lost half of their health by the Nether Dragon God.Coupled with the attack of the skeleton soldiers, the health value was already very dangerous, and the rampant Brick brought them back to the resurrection point with the sudden rampage of Taotie.

From then on, the battle situation became extremely chaotic.

"Rampaged brick, come and meet us, you don't want to stay alone in front, it's dangerous." Yao Ruoxi hurriedly called the other party back.

The runaway brick also became very obedient at this time, and hurriedly drove his mount back.

Qin Haonan saw that the battle had already begun, so he summoned all the summoned beasts such as the Shadow Wolf, Sword Slave, and Sword Spirit, and rushed up to fight with the American players who came.The purpose is simple, to delay the next time.

At this time, Youlang and Qin Haonan had already run some distance away.

"Youlang, where have all the other players in your guild gone?" Qin Haonan asked while running.

"Except for me and Carol, I have asked them to find a hidden place to go offline first. You don't have to worry about that, I know them in real life, and we will contact in private." Ghost Wolf chased after taking a look. The team ran desperately.

Qin Haonan hurriedly said: "You wolf, you and I will ride the Nether Dragon God and leave here first. My mount can accommodate up to 6 people, and the total number of us can only be 5 people. Now I have been chased and are in a fighting state. There is no line!"

"Okay, then let's do it like this!" Spirit Wolf looked at the current situation, and immediately agreed.

Qin Haonan stopped and rode on the Nether Dragon God.Afterwards, Spirit Wolf, Carol, Yao Ruoxi, and Brick of Rampage were all pulled up, and a team of players rose into the air.

All the summoned beasts on the ground disappeared, but the players on the ground could not chase down the enemies flying in the sky.

"What is this? A flying mount? When did the "Century" online game release a flying mount?"

"I think it's a giant dragon, a black dragon."

"We have also seen that it is a giant dragon, but the question is, now that the top level has just become 1000, when did the flying mount of the giant dragon appear? Why haven't we heard of it?"

"Wow, isn't the current mount only on land? What's the matter with the mount in the sky?"


At this moment, the group of American players on the ground are already very restless.What's more, he directly took out the camera function and started taking pictures and videos.

Qin Haonan himself didn't know that he had become a celebrity again in just a few days in the United States.

After today, this video has been repeatedly reposted on the forums in the United States.

The only flying mount, and the mysterious player of the mount.

"We finally got rid of their pursuit." Ghost Wolf let out a big breath, and now he was sitting on the back of the dragon, and only then began to overlook the scenery below, "Life is like a dream, your mount is really awesome , I dare say, this is the world's first flying mount!"

"I think it's almost the same. At this moment, the only players at level 100 are you and Yao Ruoxi. Only they can get the flying mount." Carol couldn't help but admire.

The runaway brick sat on the back of the dragon and kept silent, as if he was thinking about something.

Qin Haonan calmed down at this moment, and then opened the interface in the game to see what functions have been added in this upgrade?

At this point, he is still a little uneasy, the exchange function of game currency and RMB has been fully activated.In other words, Qin Haonan can exchange the purple gold coins, gold coins...all in the game into RMB and use them.

Thinking about his own huge assets in the game, if he really took it out, he would become a billionaire in an instant.

However, Qin Haonan's funds in reality are also very sufficient, and this is also thanks to the runaway brick who insisted on betting with him before.Ever since he got the betting money, haha, Qin Haonan has really become a rich man.

In addition to these features, Age of Ages has raised the level cap across the board. Level 1000, this level will take everyone to play for several years.In addition, the marriage system has also been upgraded, and the number and types of husband and wife dungeons have been improved.

There are also many new ways to play, which have also been added in "Century".

Qin Haonan was paying attention to the system functions, only to hear the Nether Dragon God yelling dissatisfiedly: "I said...cough...that...Master, shall we go to the Dragon Valley as planned?"

The Nether Dragon God didn't like the title "Master" very much, but that's how the game was set up, so he had no choice but to call it out hesitantly.

"Life is like a dream, the level of the Dragon Valley is so high, is it safe for us to go there?" Youlang was wiped out by the Nether Dragon God once before, and even lost 1 level.At this time, when I heard that I was going to the Dragon Valley, I still had a lot of shadows in my heart.

"Why don't you find a safe place halfway, and I'll put you down." Qin Haonan also thought that he didn't know if it was safe or not, so we couldn't let everyone drop another level.

"I'll be with you." The runaway brick finally said a word. It seemed that he was going to go on an adventure with Qin Haonan and the others.

Carol and Ghost Wolf hesitated for a while, they looked at each other, and finally agreed: "Let's go with you too, if it's dangerous, it's dangerous! Now several big gangs in the U.S. area are going to encircle us. Danger."

"It's a good idea for you to come here." Yao Ruoxi smiled after hearing this.

Only then did Qin Haonan reply to the Nether Dragon God and let him lead everyone towards the Dragon Valley.

Not to mention being close to the Dragon Valley, after flying forward for a short time, Qin Haonan and the others encountered mobs of more than 500 levels.However, these mobs fly at low altitudes, and their activity area cannot reach the height of the Nether Dragon God, otherwise, Qin Haonan and the others would have narrowly escaped death.

Through a wave of the lake, and then a group of mountains.The speed of the Nether Dragon God was very fast, which also saved Qin Haonan and the others a lot of time.

(End of this chapter)

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