game master

Chapter 358 - Longquan is a good place

Chapter 358 - Longquan is a good place

"The Nether Dragon God, do you know if there is a BOSS guarding Longquan?" Qin Haonan felt that it was great to have such a mount as the Nether Dragon God.Can chat and communicate at will.

The Nether Dragon God shook his head, expressing disdain for this question.

"That's the place where the Dragon God used to drink water and bathe. Do you think there will be a BOSS guarding it?"

"Hey, how do we know this?" Yao Ruoxi jokingly replied.

The Nether Dragon God couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said helplessly: "The dragons basically live alone. If the new 1000-level boss hasn't appeared yet, there should be no guards there. I can't explain it clearly. You should pray for good luck." .”

Qin Haonan drove the Nether Dragon God to fly quickly, and after a while, they finally came to the sky above the Dragon Valley.

Looking at the little monsters that occasionally flew by in the sky, Qin Haonan felt a sense of crisis at this moment.

Level 950 - Pseudodragon Beast (Small Elite)
Level 965 - Flying Dragon Beast (Little Elite)
"They won't attack us, right?" Spirit Wolf felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

"They are all passive-aggressive mobs." The Nether Dragon God couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help yelling, "I'll guide you, this used to be my hometown, don't worry, you won't encounter enemies under normal circumstances. "

"Oh, oh!" Qin Haonan and others were relieved after hearing this.

The Nether Dragon slithered nervously for a while, and soon came to an area that everyone was not familiar with.No wonder the Longquan was not found before. It turns out that the location of this spring is still very hidden.

The Nether Dragon God flew into a big mountain and then landed. The place where he landed happened to be the entrance of a huge cave.

"Longquan is right here." The Nether Dragon God shrunk his figure while speaking.He turned into a black dragon as big as a lion, wagging his tail and walking in front to lead Qin Haonan and the others.

"This place is so mysterious. If you hadn't led the way, I would never have thought that Longquan was in the cave." Qin Haonan looked around and said.

"Not in the cave, but through this cave." The Nether Dragon God rolled his eyes in disdain.

When a group of people walked through the cave tunnel in front of them and came out again, they couldn't help being shocked by the scenery in front of them.

What appeared in front of their eyes at this time was a forest lined with green trees.This forest grows in the hollow of the valley, and in the center of the valley, there are actually two springs.

But this spring water is very strange, one side is steaming, and the other side is cold water that does not steam.

"The Nether Dragon God, is this the Longquan?" Qin Haonan had already made a rough guess, so he hurriedly asked.

"Well, there is lava underground in some areas of this mountain range, so one side is hot and can be bathed in. The other side is cool and can be eaten." The Nether Dragon God explained.

"So that's how it is." Qin Haonan and the others were all shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of them at this time. A group of five people walked to the edge of Longquan, looking at the clear spring water and couldn't help admiring.

Carol has already taken out the container and started collecting the water from the Longquan.In order to compare which one is more useful, he took two containers and collected some.

The Nether Dragon God knew that he would basically not be able to come back to take a bath in the future, and when he was sad, he plunged into the hot dragon spring.

"Master, the spring water here seems to have special effects!" Linglong ran out without knowing when, she came to the spring water and tried it with her hands.

Qin Haonan was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Linglong, what do you mean by that?"

"Master, if you soak in the spring water here for a while, it may have unexpected effects. For example, increase your health or something..." Linglong smiled after finishing speaking, and jumped into the spring water herself.

The Nether Dragon God was taking a bath with his eyes closed, when Linglong entered and splashed water, disturbing him.The Nether Dragon God curled his lips angrily: "Nuwa, what are you doing here? You are so strong, you don't need the help of the spring water here?"

Linglong knew that this big black dragon held a grudge, and he probably felt bad when he lost to Nuwa last time. "I'm only level 100 now, what's wrong with Bubbles, master, you all come in too?"

Faced with Linglong's invitation, Qin Haonan and the others were quite moved.

Five people also entered the Longquan at the same time, only to find that this Longquan will automatically increase the player's experience value every 5 seconds.The increase is not much, only 5, but it is 9600 seconds if it can't stand it. After 5 minute, that is not a small increase in experience points.Fighting monsters may not be as fast as it.

After a while, I heard a pleasant system sound ringing in my ears.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream. Since you soaked in the dragon spring water for the first time, it lasted more than 5 minutes, and your life value is +100, and your true energy is +100."

Not only Qin Haonan, but also Yao Ruoxi and Brick who went berserk also received system prompts one after another.Everyone is very happy, it seems that this Longquan is really a good thing.

Yao Ruoxi's hibiscus also ran out of the space by herself. It seems that she is always a plant, but she likes the water of Longquan here very much.She stretched out the leaf and leaned on Yao Ruoxi's arms, enjoying it beautifully.

Qin Haonan saw that the contracted beasts liked the spring water so much, and thought that there must be some effect in it.So directly summoned Erbai, Muqing, Daji...they all came out.

It's better to have fun alone than to have fun with everyone. Let's share the good things together!

Seeing the expressions of enjoyment of the contracted beasts, Qin Haonan himself was also very pleased.

Seeing such a good effect, Qin Haonan and others prepared to soak more.The Nether Dragon God was happy and didn't want to leave. Qin Haonan soaked in the Longquan and discussed with Carol about the magic teleportation array.

"Carol, the materials are all ready, when can we send it back to the China area?" Qin Haonan and Brick who ran away are very concerned about this matter.

"Give me 5 days, and I will definitely be able to draw the magic teleportation circle within 5 days." Carol promised, "But now we must find a safe place, so we can draw the magic circle on the ground."

"Why don't you just stay in the Dragon Valley?" Qin Haonan suggested.

Carol shook his head and said: "The level of monsters here is too high, it's not safe. We are lucky this time, the Nether Dragon God led the way, and we didn't encounter any aggressive monsters or small bosses. Otherwise, everyone would be dangerous."

"Then change the place." Qin Haonan said.

"Go to the area on the east side of the US map, I know a hidden place. Later, I plan to have the original players of Darkfire Warsong gather there, so that we can teleport back to the China area together." Spirit Wolf figured out a way and said accepted his proposal.

"Then let's do this first." Qin Haonan nodded.

From today on, the runaway brick doesn't look very good.Qin Haonan had already guessed that something might have happened to his Yaole Gang, otherwise he wouldn't have been so taciturn.

(End of this chapter)

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