game master

Chapter 376 – Pirate Ship

Chapter 376 – Pirate Ship

"Something must have happened under the surface of the sea." Qin Haonan analyzed it decisively.

Sure enough, after the school of fish passed by, the octopus also floated its head out of the water.As soon as it saw the huge ship, its tentacles quickly stretched out.

The players on the boat couldn't help exclaiming, because this octopus is really too big.

Just now its head was able to support half of the hull.Seeing the huge monster surfaced, every player's heart went up to their throats.

Level 560 - Poisonous Octopus (Elite)

Qin Haonan saw the opponent's level and attributes, except for the level, everything was displayed as a question mark, and after seeing it, he was in a bad mood.Didn't it mean that this sea area is full of mobs at level 100-150? Why are there even elite bosses at level 560 now?
Just when the "Venomous Octopus" was about to attack the ship, a melodious female voice came out from the sea: "Little Ba, it's not here, don't hurt innocent humans."

"Venomous Octopus" heard the sound, immediately withdrew its tentacles, and returned to the bottom of the sea again.The whole process only lasted a few seconds, but to Qin Haonan and the others, it seemed as long as half an hour and a half.

Soon, the sea returned to calm again.Fortunately, everything was safe and sound.

"What happened just now? What is that octopus, and that female voice at the bottom of the sea?"

"I don't know, but I'm glad the octopus didn't attack us."

"It was too dangerous just now, so dangerous, so dangerous!"


The players on the boat were talking in a hurry, and they continued to command the boat like a charm in the night, wandering back and forth in this sea area.Like a night charm, I hope to meet a pirate ship. It is said that the captain of the pirate ship has obtained a necklace inlaid with water blue "mermaid tears" at sea.

And the name of this necklace is called "Mermaid's Tears".

Qin Haonan had returned to the cabin at this time, he was sitting on a chair, thinking about the unexpected situation just encountered.Qin Haoran believes that today's sudden incident is by no means groundless, and there must be some secret or hidden plot hidden in it.

Generally speaking, elite bosses at level 560 would never come to low-level areas.And the female voice that came out of the sea just now proves that there must be a boss higher than the "venomous octopus" below the sea.

While listening to the words of the mysterious BOSS, a little information was revealed.That is, they are looking for something that seems to have been taken away by humans.

Qin Haonan boldly guessed that this thing was probably taken by the captain of a pirate ship similar to this ship.

They wouldn't be looking for "mermaid tears" too, would they?Thinking of this, Qin Haonan denied it again.

The tasks that Ruye Shimei took over were followed by players of more than 100 levels.According to the game's settings, there will never be a level 560 boss.It seems that what the mysterious boss is looking for may be another treasure.

Qin Haonan had just analyzed the clues when he heard another voice from the deck.When he reached the hatch, Qin Haonan knew that they had finally found the pirate ship.

"Great, take a look, is there a pirate ship in the distance?" Ru Ye Bi Mei was a little excited at this moment.

Qin Haonan walked out of the cabin and quickly got on the deck. "Master Ruye Shimei, have you ever thought that if the pirates find us, will they attack?"

"It might attack. Don't worry about it. Our ship has cannons and can attack at any time." Ru Ye Bi Mei said quickly.

"Oh, it's very likely that a naval battle will be triggered later." Brick who ran away kindly reminded.

"Well, there will be a war. You all need to be ready. We have just been reminded of the mission on our side. After a while, the two sides will fight." Ru Ye Bi Mei said, already walking towards the bow of the ship .

After hearing this, the runaway brick clenched the weapon in his hand.

Ruye Bimei briefly explained to everyone the battle plan for a while, and when the battle starts later, everyone will divide into two teams to act.

The three of Qin Haonan and Qianmo Wandering formed a group, and they needed to go to the enemy's pirate ship to find "mermaid's tears".And Night Like Charm is to direct everyone and the pirates to fight head-on, and at the same time distract part of the enemy's attention.

Qin Haonan's team took advantage of the chaos when the two sides were fighting to sneak into each other's cabin, find the treasure room in the cabin, and obtain "mermaid tears".Then return according to the same route, and Ruyue Shimei commanded the ship to evacuate from the west coast.

To put it bluntly, in fact, the exchange of fire between the two sides was to board the ship to find "mermaid tears".

At this time, on the sea not far away, the pirate ship was already slowly heading towards this direction.Qin Haonan could clearly see the high-hanging sails and the white skull logo on the black sails.

Looking from a distance, you can see many pirates standing on the pirate ship.It is roughly estimated that there are at least more than 50 of the ones I just saw.

Qin Haonan, Yao Ruoxi, Runaway Brick and Qianmo Wandering, are ready at this time.

"Master Ruye Shimei, I think there are quite a few NPCs on the pirate ship, can you handle it with 19 people?" Yao Ruoxi asked kindly.

Ru Ye smiled, and said frankly: "It's definitely not enough for us alone, but don't forget, when I rented this ship, I also rented the sailors on it. If there is a conflict with the pirate ship, they will also I will take the initiative to participate in the battle, I asked this in advance."

"Well, okay." Qin Haonan responded.

Ru Ye Shimei continued to ask: "You guys must come back as soon as you find the necklace. We don't know how long we can hold on. It would be best if we can kill the pirates. If we can't, we have to run for our lives."

"Understood. Didn't it say in your mission introduction, do you need to kill all the pirates?" Qin Haonan asked.

"No, I just said that I got the 'mermaid's tears'. Take it back and return to the mission to complete the task." Ru Ye Bi Mei said and shook her head.

"Okay, then I know." Qin Haonan took out the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword, found a suitable position on the deck, and waited for the arrival of the pirate ship.

But to everyone's surprise, the pirate ship did not approach directly.When they were a short distance away, they suddenly opened fire.

"Boom..." The hull of the ship was bombarded by cannons.

Seeing this situation, the sailors on the ship immediately entered a fighting state.Cannons quickly appeared on the deck, and the two sides began to exchange fire.

During the exchange of fire, our ships gradually approached the pirate ship.And the pirate ship is gradually approaching here.

It seems that the two sides have the same idea and hope to confront each other head-on.As soon as the two large ships approached, the boards were supported.The pirates on the pirate ship rushed to the ship with long knives in their hands. Qin Haonan took a general glance, and all the opponents were "ordinary pirates" (ordinary) of level 102.

In Qin Haonan's view, this level was nothing to fear. He summoned contract beasts such as Linglong and Erbai, and led the team directly into the enemy team.

(End of this chapter)

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