game master

Chapter 377 - Clue

Chapter 377 - Clue
After several skill attacks in a row, the "ordinary pirate" in the front row quickly fell to the ground.

Qin Haonan picked up the objects that exploded along the road, stepped on the wooden board, and rushed to the other party's pirate ship.There were a lot more mobs on the pirate ship than before, Qin Haonan and the other four were led by the summoned beasts, and soon reached the entrance of the cabin.

"Let's go look for it in the cabin." Qianmo Liliu said, and rushed in first.Qin Haonan and the others followed closely behind.

Entering the cabin, Qin Haonan found that there were fewer mobs in an instant.Sometimes you have to walk a long way and turn a corner before you can see a mob.

The mobs have the highest level, that is, level 105 "senior pirate" (little elite).For Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi, these were really small roles, and they were all eliminated in a few strokes.

At this time, everyone stayed in the empty corridor, looking at the closed doors on both sides, and was hesitating what to do next.

"Ruomeng, starting from this position, there are so many doors!" Yao Ruoxi said, and tried a door next to her with her hand.Holding the doorknob and pushing it, the door opened easily.

"Then let's go in and have a look. We don't know where 'Mermaid's Tears' is, so let's look for it carefully." Qin Haonan said.

"Mm, yes!" Qianmo Wandering and Brick of Rampage responded and followed into the room.

I saw that the room was just an ordinary pirate's residence, with 2 bunk beds, a table, 1 chairs and a wardrobe.Other than that, nothing.Qin Haonan and the others searched carefully, but found nothing.

"Looks like it's not here, let's take a look at each room." Qin Haonan said and exited the room.

A team of four people tried to open the door of each room in this way, and found that they were all the same inside.

Later, they found the kitchen, washroom, conference room...but they found nothing except encountering a few mobs and bosses.Soon they came to the end of the corridor, Qin Haonan found the stairs here, it seems that there is another floor below.

"Let's go to the next floor to have a look!" Qin Haonan turned his head and said, then walked down the stairs.

"Well, I think the treasure room is usually built in a relatively lower position. For example, the basement, the underground treasure house..." Qianmo Lili analyzed seriously.

When Qin Haonan led the team to the second floor, the scene in front of him changed a lot.The light here is obviously a lot dim, and there is no mob.There are many wooden boxes on the side of the aisle, and it looks like it is full of dust.

Most importantly, only one side of the aisle has a door.Qin Haonan roughly counted, and there are only three doors in this long corridor.

Gently pushing open the first door, Qin Haonan found that this room was very large.No wonder there are only three doors in the aisle. The feeling is that the area of ​​each room here is several times that of the previous one!This place should be a grocery store, with piles of large and small boxes and a lot of sundries.

"Everyone here is looking for it carefully, maybe there will be something to gain!" Qin Haonan ordered, and then he searched carefully.

Everyone searched separately, and after a while, Qin Haonan found a skill book, 20 gold coins, and a level 100 swordsman's long sword.The other three people also harvested some miscellaneous items, but unfortunately none of them found "mermaid tears".

"I didn't find it!"

"I don't have any here either. I really don't know where this necklace is?"


Everyone communicated with each other about their own situation, and Qin Haonan directly came to a conclusion: "I guess it's not in this room, let's go to the remaining two rooms to see."

"Okay, let's go." The four of them backed out after saying that.

But the problem came at this time, the remaining two rooms were locked, and the door seemed to be unable to be opened.

"What should we do? Are we going to find out where there is a key?" Qian Mo's homeless and runaway brick has already started to think of a way.

Yao Ruoxi suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said, "Ruomeng, haven't you learned to pick locks before?"

"Well, you don't need to look for the key, let me try it!" Qin Haonan used the [Unlock] skill as he spoke. This was the first time he used it officially, and he didn't know if it would work.

With a "squeak", the wooden door was opened.

"I didn't expect it to work." Qin Haonan smiled happily, pushed the door open and walked over.

The second room is still quite large.As soon as Qin Haonan and the others entered, they found that the furniture and decorations in this dark room seemed to be lived by women.

"There's a light here." Brick who ran away found that there was a light on the wall, so he tried to light it up.

For a moment, the room became brighter, and Qin Haonan and the others could clearly see every decoration in the room.Yao Ruoxi saw the jewelry box in front of the dressing table at a glance, and walked over without thinking.

"Ruoxi, you'd better be careful." Qin Haonan reminded kindly.

Yao Ruoxi nodded and said, "I know, I remember you saying that 'mermaid's tears' seems to be a necklace. The chances of finding it in this woman's jewelry box are much higher."

But after Yao Ruoxi opened it, she couldn't help being disappointed.The jewelry box contained only some ordinary jewellery, nothing they were looking for.

The four of them searched the house separately. After searching for a long time, they found nothing except a few gold coins.At this time Qin Haonan came over, holding a notebook in his hand.

"How's it going, did you find anything?" Brick ran away and asked.

Only then did Qin Haonan open his mouth and said: "This notebook was written by the original owner of this room, and there are only 10 pages in total. I flipped through it, and it really mentioned 'mermaid tears'."

"Oh, then where is it?" Qianmo Liali was a little anxious.

"The owner of this room is a former lover of the pirate captain. It says that she is seriously ill and will die soon. The 'mermaid's tears' is a gift from the pirate captain." Qin Haonan simply said After speaking, he handed the notes to Yao Ruoxi and the others.

Yao Ruoxi read a few pages, and analyzed: "This woman is not dead, is she? The necklace will not be worn on her all the time, right?"

"It's possible, after all, we didn't find it in this room." Qin Haonan said.

"Isn't there another one? Let's go over there and have a look." Brick, who ran away, hurriedly said.

So a group of people went to the last room again, and Qin Haonan still used the [Unlock] skill to open the door.I saw that the area of ​​this room was larger, and there were many wooden coffins scattered in it.

"Um...we still have to open the coffin for an autopsy?" Brick ran away a little numb.

"It's not opening the coffin for autopsy, but opening the coffin to find the necklace." Qin Haonan started to act while talking.

Yao Ruoxi quickly reminded: "Be careful, in case a small boss or something pops up..."

(End of this chapter)

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