game master

Chapter 379 - The Young Siren

Chapter 379 - The Young Siren

"Ruoxi, you and them should leave first, I'll stay and take a look at that door. I always feel that there is something inside, and I'm always worried if I don't look at it." Qin Haonan said seriously.

Yao Ruoxi hesitated for a while, in her mind, it was natural to be with Qin Haonan.But Qianmoliu was anxious to go back, and Qin Haonan was also worried that the level of mobs along the way was a bit high for Qianmoliu, and he was afraid that Qianmoliu would be no match for him, so he let himself go with him.

Qian Mo Wai Li is also a smart person. Seeing the situation, he immediately said: "Let's stay together. There are only 4 of us in total. If we separate, it will not be good for anyone. Let's go to that door to see together. A waste of time."

"Okay, let's go together." Qin Haonan had already walked to the door while speaking.

I saw that this small hidden door was also locked.Fortunately, Qin Haonan learned how to pick the lock, otherwise it would have taken a lot of time just to find the key this time.

Qin Haonan immediately used the [Unlock] skill to open the small door.

The wooden door is not high, Qin Haonan needs to bend slightly to enter.Yao Ruoxi, the violent brick and Qianmo Wandering followed closely behind. When everyone entered, they were all shocked by the sight in front of them.

I saw that in this not very big dark room, there was a huge glass water tank.The tank was filled with water, and there was a young mermaid in the water.

The little guy has blond hair and snow-white skin, and looks more like a 3-year-old child.But instead of her human legs, she was replaced by a blue fish tail.This look is a typical mermaid style.

But the mermaid's hands and neck were bound by a long chain, and the chain dangled in the water.

"Master, this is right here. I just felt the breath of a divine beast from behind the door." Linglong said seriously.

"Spiritual beast?" Qin Haonan raised his brows, I am a good boy, that is to say, this guy with human body and fish tail in front of me is a divine beast?
"Linglong actually said that she is a divine beast, so she must be very powerful, right? But from this appearance, she seems to have been captured by the pirates of this pirate ship and hidden in this water tank. She looks quite pitiful." Yao Ruoxi couldn't help but marvel , and then mourned for the mermaid.

The little guy in the water tank seemed to hear someone talking, she suddenly turned her head and looked towards Qin Haonan.But it's okay if you don't look at it, it really scared Qin Haonan and the others to take a step back.

This little guy's face was not as pretty as he imagined.To be precise, this mermaid is not ugly, and she looks like a 3-year-old child, so she should be very cute.

It's a pity that her eyes were blood red at this time, and she opened her mouth angrily, revealing a row of fangs, which was rather scary.It is more reminiscent of a man-eating monster in the deep sea.

"Is this a mermaid? It looks so fierce!" Brick ran away sighed, and then boldly took a few steps forward, wanting to take a closer look.

Qin Haonan also walked up at this time, approaching the water tank.

Level 150 - Abyss Siren King Infancy (Divine Beast)
Qin Haonan thought that when Yao Ruoxi captured the "Dream Flower God" Hibiscus, she was still in her infancy.The BOSS at this time is very weak, because it has not yet grown up, so it is easier to be captured.

As the crowd approached, the juvenile "Abyss Sea Demon King" in the water tank roared loudly.To be honest, there is no trace of beauty in her current appearance.

There are ancient legends that sea monsters live in the deep sea.They have a beautiful appearance and attract navigators with their beautiful songs, so their homes are full of human bones.The sea monsters all maintain a half-human, half-fish appearance in order to better confuse people with their voices and appearances.

In the setting of the "Century" game, the siren and the mermaid are completely separate.

Both the sea monster and the mermaid have the appearance of half man and half fish, but the sea monster is cruel and the mermaid is kind.In terms of combat power alone, the sea monster is definitely stronger than the mermaid.But there is no specific boundary between a sea monster and a mermaid. To be precise, a sea monster can become a mermaid if it is kind, and a mermaid can become a sea monster if it is stimulated and becomes cruel.

There are also rumors that the sea god or goddess of the sea evolved from the sea monster.

"This is not a mermaid, it's a sea monster. Shall we leave? Should we kill it?" Qianmo Liliu came up with an idea, he never thought that this sea monster could be a contracted beast.

The runaway brick is not stupid, he immediately realized the contracted beast, and immediately excitedly said: "Life is like a dream, enchanting, you all have contracted beasts, why don't you give her to me?"

"It's possible, but you have to find a way to make a contract with her." Qin Haonan reminded.

When Qin Haonan said this, the berserk brick was really confused all of a sudden.To be honest, he has never contracted any contracted beasts. Before seeing other people's contracts, they were all pet eggs bought in stores, and they could just drop their blood.

I have also occasionally heard of the rampaging brick, and some players directly contract wild monsters in the wild.But this kind of difficulty is very high, not all wild monsters can be contracted, they must be young.The higher the rank of the BOSS, the more difficult it is to obtain a contract in the wild.

It is also necessary to beat the BOSS in the infancy stage until the health value is lower than 10%, and then use it in combination with a specific item [Contract Symbol], which is the method with the lowest success rate.Because the probability of contract failure is very high, and if the boss is not handled well, he will lose blood and die.

Therefore, players are more inclined to buy pet eggs, after all, this method is safe.And the price of [Contract Talisman] is not cheap, only 10 out of 1 contracts will be successful.No matter how you calculate it, this is a loss-making business.

The runaway brick doesn't have a [Contract Talisman] at the moment, even if he does, he doesn't have the confidence to make this level 150 divine beast succumb.

"Who are you? What do you want to do to me?" After roaring and intimidating for a while, the Abyss Sea Demon King suddenly spoke.However, although her voice was pleasant to hear, it revealed infinite resentment and killing intent.

With the glass like this, she probably wouldn't be able to escape.

"We have no malice towards you, please don't worry." Qin Haonan tried to communicate with the other party, "Do you know how to release you?"

"Haha, human beings, are you so kind?" The Abyss Sea Demon King opened his mouth and laughed, his fangs made people panic. "Human beings are the most hypocritical, I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. If we don't save you, you won't be able to escape by yourself." Qin Haonan snorted coldly.

"Don't threaten me, do you think I can't feel it? My clansman has already rushed towards this area. And the group of young people accepted by the sea monster are already surrounded by this pirate ship. I smell Feeling the smell of fear, the pirates on this ship, everyone has a deep fear of the ocean in their hearts." The Abyss Siren King responded, and her eyes were full of blood-red light at this time.

It seems that the IQ of this BOSS is not low, and it is very cruel. If it is really released, it may be more troublesome.

Qin Haonan began to hesitate in his heart, to force her into a pet egg?Or kill it?Anyway, she couldn't just let her stay like this. The battle outside was fierce, and it was probably only a matter of time before her people rescued her.

Just when Qin Haonan was hesitating, Linglong strode over.He whispered to him: "Master, although I don't know much about the bosses in the west, I happen to know a little about sea monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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