game master

Chapter 380 - Make a contract, little siren

Chapter 380 - Make a contract, little siren

"Oh, what do you say?" Qin Haonan asked.

"The young 'Abyss Siren Emperor' is likely to be a beast above level 950 when it becomes an adult. She can trigger such frenzied rescue from the tribe, she is definitely the king of the sea monsters. Even..."

"Hurry up, what is it?" Qin Haonan couldn't help being anxious when he saw that Linglong was stuck at a critical moment.

"It's even said... that through experience, it is possible to evolve into a 1000-level super beast. It may be a sea god or a sea goddess. But I've heard this from the legend. I don't know if she can evolve." Linglong hesitated. For a moment, she still told what she knew.

Qin Haonan was shocked, this sea monster could also trigger evolution.

"In this case, we can't leave her alone, let me turn her into a pet egg." Qin Haonan suddenly said excitedly, and walked to the side of the water tank while speaking.Through the glass, he smiled at the "Abyss Sea Demon Emperor".

"Damn human... shameless, dare to take advantage of me when I was young, to make a delusion contract..."

Qin Haonan tapped the wall of the glass water tank lightly with his hand, and a sneer appeared on his face: "So what, if I let you out, you won't thank me. Why don't you let me use you, wouldn't that be better?"

The "Abyss Siren King" originally bared his teeth and roared at Qin Haonan, but at this moment he suddenly restrained his murderous aura, and put on a silly and cute expression.Not to mention, once this juvenile version of the little guy pretended to be cute, his previous fierce appearance disappeared.

"Big brother, just let me go!" the little guy begged, "I will ask my people to give you many gifts as a thank you."

"Do you think I will believe it? You are so good at acting, maybe you will be deceived by you. I will give you two options now. The first is to take the initiative to make a contract with me. If this is the case, I will treat you better in the future. The second The second is that I forcibly turned you into a pet egg, then you will still follow me in the future, and your level will start from zero." Qin Haonan said firmly without being moved at all.

"Abyss Sea Demon Emperor" hesitated for a while, she saw the determination in the eyes of the human beings in front of her.

The runaway brick actually wanted to make a contract with the little sea monster, but unlike Qin Haonan, he didn't have a way to make a contract.

At this moment, the pirate ship suddenly shook violently.It seemed that a fierce battle was going on in the sea outside, and the hull of the ship was hit violently.

"What should I do? Hurry up and make a contract with her so that we can get out as soon as possible. There is no time to talk nonsense here now." Qianmo Liliu said the key point. At this moment, time is indeed very urgent.

Qin Haonan didn't care too much, so he directly used the [Pet Capture] skill.

"Ding dong~ System prompt: The player failed to capture the pet of Floating Life Ruomen, and the experience value will be increased by 1 point."

"Ding dong~ System prompt: The player failed to capture the pet of Floating Life Ruomen, and the experience value will be increased by 1 point."


After many consecutive experiments, the captures all ended in failure.

Qin Haonan actually knew in his heart that the "Abyss Siren Emperor" was exhausting his mental strength to resist at this time, and the boss's doing so greatly increased the difficulty of capturing.

At this time, the pirate ship shook violently again, and only heard a loud noise. Some part of the cabin seemed to be broken, and sea water seemed to pour into the cabin.

"No, it seems that our floor has been flooded." Brick, who ran away, hurried to the door to have a look, his expression became very nervous.

Qin Haonan didn't panic, he knew that at this time, he had to stabilize his mentality.While using the [Pet Capture] skill, he said to Yao Ruoxi: "Ruoxi, you, the rampant brick and Qianmo Wanderer go out first, and once the contract with me is successful, I will rush out to find you."

"No, it's time now, let's go together." The violent brick said angrily, "Do you regard us all as such dishonest people?"

"No, there is a reason why I let you go first. This is the siren's people outside. When you go out, take the 'mermaid's tears' to Ruye Bimei first, and let everyone retreat first. If I really want to She has become a pet egg, and she will probably be hunted down by her clan." Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

"I want to be hunted down and be hunted down together!" Brick, who ran away before he could react, continued.

"Idiot, I was chased and killed, and I can be resurrected after I die. I just lost level 1. Why do you make everyone lose level 1 together? It's not easy to practice level 1!" Qin Haonan said speechlessly.

Qianmo Liuli understood Qin Haonan's meaning, so he nodded: "I understand, just do as Floating Life Ruomeng said. You have to adapt to the situation, don't be brave!"

"Then be careful, we will retreat first." Yao Ruoxi took "Mermaid's Tears" from Qin Haonan, and led the team to leave the room quickly.

When the three of them left, Qin Haonan felt much more relaxed. [Pet capture] skills are still being used, but unfortunately none of them are successful.Linglong, Erbai, Daji, Feimeng, Xuemei, and Mu Qing were all beside Qin Haonan at this time. Feimeng couldn't stand it any longer, and turned to the "Abyss Sea Demon Emperor" in the water tank and launched the [Back to Dreams] Skill level 10].

Feimeng originally wanted to attack the boss to distract him, but it had the opposite effect.

The water tank containing the "Abyss Sea Demon Emperor" was attacked by this attack, and cracks appeared immediately.Fortunately, the material of this thing is relatively strong, and it did not break immediately.

"Feimeng, don't attack!" Qin Haonan hurriedly reminded, "Once this water tank is broken, it won't do us any good."

At this time, water had already appeared under Qin Haonan's feet, and the cabin on this floor was completely flooded.The water level rose slowly, and quickly rose to the knees.The pirate ship experienced a huge shake for the third time, and at this time the cabin could already be felt to be tilting.

The "Abyss Siren King" in the water tank showed a ferocious smile. She was bound by chains, so she couldn't swim freely.But she kept wagging her tail, Qin Haonan could clearly see the other party's emotions, she was very excited.

"Haha...haha, I'm about to go out, and my clansmen are about to rescue me out. You can't make a contract with me at all, not at all!"

"Master, hold on!" Linglong and the others silently cheered Qin Haonan in their hearts.

After all, it is a contracted beast, and it has a connection with its master. Qin Haonan can completely feel their mood.The water level had already risen to Qin Haonan's waist, and at this moment, it was really a close call.

"Ding dong~ System prompt: Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have successfully captured the mythical beast Abyssal Sea Demon King. Get the 'Pet Egg—Abyssal Sea Demon Emperor (Divine Beast)', and your life occupation level has been raised to expert level 6."

Qin Haonan felt as if he heard the sound of nature, and this pleasant system sound told Qin Haonan that he had succeeded.

After putting away the pet eggs, Qin Haonan didn't have time to make a contract here.At this time, the sea water had reached his chest, Qin Haonan put it away and said that there was a contracted beast, and swam alone in the water.

(End of this chapter)

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