game master

Chapter 381 - Awakening

Chapter 381 - Awakening
Swimming out of the room, Qin Haonan followed the passage to reach the next floor, but at this moment he sadly found that the entrance of the passage had been blocked by wooden boxes.It seems that some confusion happened on the upper floor, so that the boxes slipped to this side.

Now that the sea water has reached Qin Haonan's neck, Qin Haonan can only turn around and look for other exits.

At this time, Qin Haonan found that the communication was flashing and flashing, so he quickly picked it up.

"Ruomeng, what's going on with you?" Yao Ruoxi's voice revealed a hint of worry.

Qin Haonan smiled: "Fortunately, I have already got the pet egg, and I am looking for the exit. Don't worry, nothing will trouble me. Don't wait for me, let Ru Ye Simei command the boat to escape quickly. "

"Okay..." Yao Ruoxi hesitated, but finally said firmly, "I see, I will do as you said."

Qin Haonan felt relieved when he heard that Yao Ruoxi hung up the communication.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Haonan dived into the bottom of the water and began to look for a breach in the bottom of the boat, hoping to swim out of the breach.But at this moment, Qin Haonan discovered that there were quite a few mobs gathered at the opening, trying to get in from there.

"Master, why don't you contract the Abyss Sea Demon Emperor?" Linglong sent a voice transmission to Qin Haonan, "If you don't make a contract, I'm afraid her clansmen will snatch the pet eggs. A contract is safer."

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Qin Haonan responded and returned to the water again.Now the water level has reached Qin Haonan's chin.Qin Haonan had no choice but to find a suspended box, climbed up with all his strength, and lay down on the box.

He took out the pet egg in the backpack, bit his finger and pressed it without thinking.

For a moment, the brilliance triumphed, and the entire seabed was illuminated by this light, which was crystal clear, like a dream.

"No... who is it, who is so bold that he actually contracted the Sea Demon Emperor?" An angry female voice came from the bottom of the sea, and her anger caused the entire bottom of the sea to shake violently.

On Qin Haonan's side, he saw a miniature little siren falling into the sea water next to Qin Haonan.The blond little guy was very angry, she opened her mouth and grinned at Qin Haonan.That's all, she actually used her tail to flick the water, all of which hit Qin Haonan's body.

Qin Haonan was in a good mood, and he wasn't angry. He was just naming the little guy in the new contract.

"Seeing how angry you are, you should be called Yaoyao." Qin Haonan couldn't help laughing.

Pet: [Divine Beast] Yaoyao (Abyss Siren King)
Rating: 1
Experience Points: 0/70

Qin Haonan glanced at the data, and his whole body was not happy in an instant.What is this, the loyalty is only 30?This is terrible, if you miss it by a certain amount, you will rebel.

The betrayal of the contracted beast does not mean that the contracted beast automatically terminates the contract and leaves, but that the contracted beast does not obey all the orders of its master, and acts completely according to its own wishes, and occasionally even attacks its master.

Therefore, the betrayal of the contracted beast is the worst situation.It would be better not to have this contracted beast.

However, there are ways to deal with this situation.That is to try every means to increase the loyalty, and everything will be solved.

"Hmph, I'm free. Let me tell you human beings, I am a majestic beast, and I will never submit to a weak and humble human being like you." Yaoyao flicked her tail, assuming the attitude of a little adult.

Qin Haonan was thinking about how to tame this contract beast that was about to rebel.

"Yaoyao, you'd better come to me, I'm your master, you're safest when you're with me." Qin Haonan said and stretched out his hand in Yaoyao's direction.

"Hmph, I won't listen to you." Yaoyao turned around and happily swam towards the bottom of the boat, completely ignoring Qin Haonan's feelings.

Linglong and Erbai were very angry in the necklace space, and wanted to help Qin Haonan educate this disobedient contracted beast.Unexpectedly, Qin Haonan stopped them directly through sound transmission, and didn't call them out at all.

"Master, Yaoyao's loyalty will become 29 if she is not careful, and she will really betray at that time." Linglong said anxiously through voice transmission.

"It's useless for you to be anxious. Yaoyao is no different from rebellion now. I have my own way. Yaoyao is so self-willed, so let her suffer." Qin Haonan said, "The contracted beast and the master are originally on the same rope. The grasshopper, once she understands, she will restrain herself."

"Master, it's very risky to do this." Er Bai said with some worry.

"It's okay, don't worry. By the way, Mu Qing, I just remembered that after you reached 110, did you learn a new skill, you can use water polo to create an independent space, so we can stay inside without being attacked?" Qin Haonan said Then, he looked at Mu Qing's skill column again.

In the U.S. region recently, the upgrade is also relatively fast.Qin Haonan couldn't go back to China to learn skills in a short period of time, but the contracted beasts got a lot of new skills, and they haven't used them yet.

Mu Qing belongs to the water dragon, and many spells are related to water.At this moment, Qin Haonan was tied up at the bottom of the sea, always trying to find a way to escape, and would choose the road of returning to the city and reviving by suicide as a last resort.

Just now Qin Haonan tried to use the scroll to scroll back to the city, but unfortunately this is a special map and the system does not allow it to be used.

[Dragon Realm Level 1] There are 10 levels in total. Create a spherical independent space for 60 targets of our side with water, so that the space will not be damaged by the targets. The cooldown time is 45 seconds and consumes 300 points of true energy.

Mu Qing nodded and said: "Master, yes, this skill is very suitable to use here. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long, and there is no guarantee that you will return to the surface of the sea."

"Well, let me think about it again." Qin Haonan lowered his head in thought, and the sea water had almost filled the entire cabin.After entering the sea for a while, the player cannot breathe normally in the sea.

According to the game settings, the player cannot breathe underwater.You can hold your breath for up to 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, your health will drop rapidly, and it will be useless to take medicine to replenish your blood.Qin Haonan analyzed it and felt that he could hold on for at most 3 minutes.

When I was doing the task of Qinglong, I specially prepared [Millennium Yushuizhu].But at that time, it was borrowed from Eternal|Zi Ye, and at this moment, it can no longer be borrowed.

what to do?What needs to be solved now is this breathing problem.

"Master, let me explore the road first. I am Qinglong, and I can move freely in fresh water and sea water. Let me check the situation along the road so that I can find the nearest way to survive." Mu Qing hurriedly said.

Qin Haonan nodded: "A lot, you go, go back quickly, be careful of mobs on the road."

At this moment, just as Mu Qing was about to set off, she discovered that Yaoyao had swam back by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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