game master

Chapter 391 - Ice Banshee BOSS

Chapter 391 - Ice Banshee BOSS
"Old man, he can't control me. Anyway, without me, I can find someone else to be the gang leader." Brick ran away with a nonchalant expression, "To put it bluntly, the gang is the property of my father's company. It's time for personal development!"

"Well, since you said that, then I won't say anything." Yao Ruoxi said indifferently.

Qin Haonan didn't expect that he really took the runaway brick really seriously when he said a joke.However, with the strength of the runaway brick, Qin Haonan is still very willing if he comes to dream of dyeing the country.

However, this matter is not really settled at this time, Qin Haonan thought to himself, it is better to quickly find a suitable pet egg for the runaway brick!

While the three of them were joking, they suddenly found that the world chat channel became lively.

"Level 105 'Ice Banshee' spawned!"

"It's finally here, it's the field boss. The location is XXXX, everyone hurry up!"

"A beautiful banshee has appeared, form a team, hurry up! Several major gangs are also here, it seems that they are going to snatch the BOSS."


To be honest, this kind of field boss was originally used to rob.Qin Haonan smiled, and immediately said to Yao Ruoxi and the violent brick: "Let's go too, let's see the excitement first."

"It seems that you have already made up your mind, have you made a plan? Let's go, let's go and see what this banshee looks like." The rampage brick laughed.

"Well, let's go!" Yao Ruoxi said, walking down the mountain first.

The Frozen Banshee said that the spawned location was halfway up the "Frozen Mountain Range".According to the coordinates, there is a huge platform in that area, and the boss should be there.

Erbai, Xuemei, and Mu Qing rushed to the front of the team, cleaning up the little monsters along the way.Qin Haonan followed behind his contracted beast. None of the three of them rode a mount, and they went down the mountain quickly all the way.

Before reaching the halfway up the mountain, Qin Haonan heard an angry roar from afar.That voice was a woman's voice, and Qin Haonan had already identified the direction through the voice.

"Follow me, let's go around here." Qin Haonan immediately led the team to change the original route.

With the experience of the past few days, the runaway brick has a lot of trust in Qin Haonan.He followed directly, and after a short walk, he saw the crowd fighting fiercely from the cliff.

A 105-level white-haired woman is waving a staff in her hand, fighting hard with players from various gangs.

"I see the mark of the bloodthirsty royal family." The rampaging brick saw the players with the title of "Bloodthirsty Royal Family Guild" at a glance.

"Then let's teach them a good lesson later." Yao Ruoxi answered.

Qin Haonan nodded, and then gestured for everyone to stop.Before Qin Haonan's eyes, there were many tall snowdrifts and many tall and straight pine trees.At this time, the place was covered with snow, Qin Haonan took the other two and hid behind the snowdrifts and woods.

"Let's wait and see here first, and grab the boss later." Qin Haonan said seriously, "Let's make the bloodthirsty royal family our first target, and let them see how powerful the three of us are."

"Okay, that's a good idea." Brick, who ran away, agreed.

The flat ground not far away was also covered with thick snow.Combat in the snow is not as good as in the plains, and such snow will have some impact on the player's actions.

At this time, there were mainly three gangs besieging the Snow Banshee. The "Bloodthirsty Royal Family" with a team of 200 people, the "Barbarian Tribe" with a team of 200 people, and the "Nation of Angels" with a team of 200 people.

According to the US ranking at this time, the "Bloodthirsty Royal Family" gang is now ranked eighth. "Savage Tribes" came in at No. 8, while "Nation of Angels" only came in at No. 6.

Yao Ruoxi hid behind the snowdrift, and couldn't help muttering: "It's strange, why didn't you see the Palace of Kings? Their largest gang should also be here, after all, it is rumored that the boss will issue a 'village building order'."

"It must be hidden around here. To be honest, with such a wild boss, 80% of the gangs who attack and kill the boss first will not finally defeat the boss. When the boss's health is below half, those hidden gangs will all kill the boss." Jumped out." The rampant Brick said.

"Yes, for example, we also think the same way." Qin Haonan laughed.

"Life is like a dream, what plan do you have, share it with us! If you don't say anything, I don't know what to do next." Brick who ran away suddenly asked.

Qin Haonan smiled, pretending to be mysterious and said: "Don't worry, I'll tell you later. Let's see how other gangs fight first, and learn about the fighting power and skills of the boss in advance, so that we can be prepared later."


On the white snow, many players have already fallen by this time.

It is said that priests above level 100 can use [Resurrection] to revive players in situ.I saw that the deputy leader of "Kingdom of Angels" was a priest, and he was level 100 just now. The ID is displayed as "Imagination of the Wind".

"Imagination of the Wind" waved the priest's scepter in his hand, and quickly revived several players from the guild beside him.

However, "Bloodthirsty Royal Family" and "Savage Tribe" are not so lucky. Neither of them has a level 100 priest, so they can only resurrect a few people by other methods, and the effect is far less than ideal with [Resurrection]. .

The "Bloodthirsty Royal Family" team occupation distribution is relatively even, using the most commonly used tactics.Shield knights block monsters in front, while berserkers, sword knights, and swordsmen charge.Archers shoot in the middle, and mages, summoners, and priests cast spells and assist behind.

And the "Savage Tribe" team is just like the name of their gang, very barbaric.This is a team with 8 priests and more than 100 berserkers.This gang was indeed similar to the rumors. It was a gang of berserkers who liked to use absolute violence to crush their opponents.

The last thing I want to talk about is the "Kingdom of Angels", which is a gang with a lot of priests and singers.In the team of 200 people, mages, priests, and bards accounted for more than half of the positions.

Qin Haonan watched their battle from afar and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Ruomeng, what's the matter?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously when she saw Qin Haonan shaking his head.

"These three gangs are about to lose their hold. Today's field boss has a strong magic attack." Qin Haonan analyzed, "And you can see that the snowdrift over there seems to be moving."

"Could it be someone from the Palace of Kings?" Brick, who ran away violently, was also surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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