game master

Chapter 392 – Snatch

Chapter 392 – Snatch
"Don't be suspicious, it's someone from the palace of the king." Yao Ruoxi directly gave a conclusion, at this time Mu Jin just got out of the ground, and Qin Haonan realized that Yao Ruoxi had already let Mu Jin sneak into the ground to investigate.

"The three gangs that are fighting against the boss now are all ranked below the fifth. The truly powerful gangs must be waiting for the opportunity to grab the boss in one fell swoop." Qin Haonan analyzed.

At this moment, the health of the "Ice Banshee" has dropped to 45%.As for the three gangs that were fighting fiercely, there were less than a hundred players left in each team.

At this moment, the first one to rush out from behind the rock was not the Alliance of Kings, but the "Alliance of Knights" not far away. A team of 200 people quickly and orderly occupied the favorable terrain and wanted to surround the "Ice Banshee".

The Ice and Snow Banshee was furious. It didn't expect that another group of minions would come out to make trouble at this time.Hearing the Ice and Snow Banshee's low growl, her figure suddenly rose into the air.

"Archers get ready, shoot at high altitude!" The captain of the unknown team shouted, and the archers of several gangs all started shooting at the sky.The goal is to hit the BOSS that flies into the sky.

In mid-air, the Ice Banshee smiled contemptuously.A light blue light suddenly shone all over his body. This light became whiter and whiter, and it struck the players underground with a bone-chilling chill.

"It's so cold, what kind of skill is this?"

"The BOSS is not going to amplify the move, is it? This posture is wrong!"


Players from several guilds were discussing one after another, but they were all ready to defend.At this moment, with the Ice Banshee at the center, a cold wind suddenly blew up.The force of the wind is huge, like a wind blade, it hurts when it blows on the face.The strong wind drove the ice and snow, raging in this area.

[Blizzard] is the name of this skill, all players within a radius of 15 meters are attacked by magic.

Under this round of attacks, the "Nation of Angels", which was originally a small number, was wiped out by the regiment.If you think about it, a large group of priests and mages have weak health and defense.Originally, he lost a lot of health in the fierce battle, but with such a big move, he lost everything.

"The skills of this boss are so powerful. It's useless to hide them all the time. If you use them now, it will be a group of people who will suffer." Yao Ruoxi said lightly.

"It's a good thing we're far away, we're close to being rescued, and we're within the attack range." Brick, who was running away, was still a little gloating at this time, pointing to the snowy ground ahead that had been ravaged by the wind and snow.

This time the attack area was very large, not only the players attacking around the boss in the battle experienced the baptism of the wind and snow, but even many gangs who had just been hiding not far away to wait and see also suffered together.

There was a sudden riot at the snowdrift. Players, holding shields and spears, suddenly emerged from the snowdrift.

"We're all under attack, let's not wait, let's fight!" A guild leader shouted, leading his team of 200 players to rush out from the hidden area.

With such a gang taking the lead, other gangs also joined the battle.

However, the melee scene is not all used to fight the boss, there has been a melee between the gang and the gang before.The scene was very chaotic for a while, and the players couldn't even tell which guilds they had.

"I'm going, isn't this too messy? It's like looting a vegetable market." The violent brick commented contemptuously, clenched the long sword in his hand, and wanted to walk out of the snowdrift, "Life is like a dream, Sir, I want to cause some trouble for the bloodthirsty royal family."

"Well, yes! But it's so chaotic now, you may be wiped out by players from other guilds before you can rush over. The most important thing is that the health of the boss is almost below 20%. At that time, the boss must It will be a big move." Qin Haonan reminded him kindly, and waved his hand to let him do whatever he wanted.

The runaway brick had no choice but to stop.

At this time, the Ice Banshee's health had dropped to 24%, so many gangs rushed up at once, causing the boss's health to drop rapidly.

This time the boss grabbing event, the top ten gangs in the United States actually came.There were also a few mediocre middle-level gangs mixed in. In this round of melee, many gangs were collectively eliminated.It is estimated that at this moment, the resurrection circle in the main city will suddenly increase a lot of players.

"Ruomeng, when will we act?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously, "If it's too late, not only will we not be able to snatch a hair, but we will also be unable to destroy it."

"Wait a minute, I'm going to do it when the BOSS's health is below 20% and the big move has exploded once." Qin Haonan smiled, "By the way, are you two afraid of being famous?"

"It's better not to have a red name or not to have a red name, otherwise we won't even be able to go back to the city. We are not like you, who have a ring that hides a red name." The runaway brick hurriedly said.

"Okay, I'm going to quit the team for a while. You stare at the boss, and I'll make trouble later." Qin Haonan directly assigned the captain to Yao Ruoxi, and quit the team himself.

Yao Ruoxi seemed to understand Qin Haonan's thoughts, and couldn't help but say, "You don't want to attack those guild players by yourself, let us grab the boss?"

"Yeah, that's what I mean." Qin Haonan replied solemnly, and moved towards the battle field while speaking.

Qin Haonan calculated the time correctly. As soon as the Ice Banshee's HP reached 20%, he summoned a contracted beast to stand by, ready to sneak attack at any time.

The Ice and Snow Banshee was besieged by so many families, and she had already entered a state of rampage at this time.When the HP is lower than 20%, the damage of the magic attack doubles instantly.

It seems that the first boss in the United States that can explode the "village building order" is not very easy to deal with!

Qin Haonan carefully followed the movements of the Ice Banshee. At this time, the boss flew into the air again, and the staff in his hand was raised high.While chanting words in his mouth, his whole body exuded a gorgeous light.The strong wind blew again, and the Ice Banshee seemed to be covered in ice all over her body, and the cold air was several times stronger than last time.

Linglong frowned suddenly, and said sternly, "Master, we should retreat a bit more, I always feel that the attack range will be wider this time."

Hearing Linglong's reminder, Qin Haonan immediately told Yao Ruoxi and the rampaging brick that he had already taken the lead in retreating with the contracted beast.

In this area, Qin Haonan and the three of them are probably the farthest from the battle site.

The magic had condensed, and a huge magic circle appeared on the soles of the Ice Banshee's feet.Flying dragons imitated by ice and snow rushed out of the magic circle. They were very fast, driving the surrounding wind and ice and snow, covering the entire area within a radius of 25 meters under the control of ice and snow.

(End of this chapter)

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