game master

Chapter 393 - Chaos among gangs

Chapter 393 - Chaos among gangs
The wind was raging, and the wind and snow were flying all over the sky. The flying dragon simulated by ice and snow flew for a while, and all of them turned into frost.This magic attack is continuous, and the health of the players within the attack range is continuously declining.

The wind and snow were too heavy, and several players wanted to take a bottle of medicine but failed to do so.The potion bottle that was just taken out was blown away by the strong wind.A few players didn't take the medicine because of the heavy wind and snow, and were almost choked to death by the wind and snow.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were also slightly scratched by this attack. Fortunately, Linglong reminded them in time, otherwise the three of them would also be attacked by this skill.

Brick's original escape position could be a little farther away, and his escape speed was really fast, so he escaped death.Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi drank a bottle of potion, and felt relieved when they saw that their health had recovered.

"This attack area is beyond the sky. Since playing this game, the attack range of this boss is the farthest I have ever seen." Yao Ruoxi couldn't help but sighed.

"Both of you, get ready, move forward later, I will sneak attack first." Qin Haonan said, and quickly returned to the battle field.

After this baptism of magic, a large number of players have fallen, the resurrected ones, and those who took medicine.Many wise gangs saw the huge gap in strength, and the whole group chose to quickly retreat back to the city.

At this time, the remaining guilds are only 188 members from the "Palace of Kings", 130 members from the "Knights Alliance", and 102 members from the "Frost Mercenary Group".There are also 56 people from the "Savage Tribe" and 61 people from the "Bloodthirsty Royal Family"...

Qin Haonan had already rushed to the edge of the platform at this time, and after crossing the last snowdrift, he could rush up and fight these gangs.He stopped in his tracks and carefully observed the current battle situation.

The top three gangs in the United States are all here, the Palace of Kings, the Knights Alliance, and the Frost Mercenary Group. The ultimate ownership of BOSS will basically be born in these three gangs.The "Savage Tribe" and "Bloodthirsty Royal Family" were completely unwilling to fight the boss from the beginning to the end and be robbed, so they struggled to support it.

Now the ownership of the Ice Banshee is still in the hands of the "Bloodthirsty Royal Family", so it seems that their risk factor is the highest at this time.The three major gangs will definitely give priority to attacking them and snatching the ownership of the boss.

Qin Haonan didn't hesitate, he understood the situation, and directly added [Concealment] and [Xuantian Shield] to himself.Then he quickly rushed into the crowd closest to him.

Qin Haonan hasn't made a move here yet, the three major gangs headed by the "Palace of Kings" have already launched a crazy attack on the "Bloodthirsty Royal Family". The players of "Savage Tribe" had a hard time being mixed in this chaotic attack, and 20 players were killed in a short time.

The leader of the "Savage Tribe" saw that he had less than 40% health, and he was also a sensible person, so he immediately ordered the rest of the gang to withdraw from this battle.

However, if the "savage tribe" wants to withdraw, other gangs may not necessarily agree.How could this fat meat be escaped like this?The three guilds joined forces at this time, and within 30 seconds, the "Barbarian Tribe" and "Bloodthirsty Royal Family" were wiped out.

Qin Haonan rushed into the crowd, and when he found the player in the Palace of Kings, he took the lead in attacking.

At this time, it was originally in the melee, and the players could see the system constantly displaying "so and so from your **XX gang attacked", but no one bothered to take a closer look.

After the three gangs worked together to wipe out the "Barbarian Tribe" and the "Bloodthirsty Royal Family", they also started fighting among themselves because they didn't like each other.

At this time, only the guild leaders, deputy guild leaders, and individual elites of the three guilds were focused on the important task of robbing the boss.Those other players who followed the team were fighting to destroy the other two gangs.

Yao Ruoxi also added skills to herself, and her speed, defense and other attributes were greatly improved.The hands in his hands were flapping, and he had already rowed down the hillside.

The long sword in the hand of the runaway brick flew up, and he hit the boss immediately with a move of [Royal Sword Art].The Ice Banshee who had just lost her owner immediately belonged to the two-man team led by Yao Ruoxi.

"I'll go, at this time, that daring bastard dares to snatch the boss under the eyes of the three major gangs?" The deputy gang leader "Ice God" of the Frost Mercenary Group was furious.

The three major gangs who were thinking about snatching a boss, felt as awkward as eating flies for a while.

The leader of the Hall of Kings, "Top of Kings", had an obviously unpleasant expression on his face. He had already seen Yao Ruoxi who was robbing the boss. "Top of the King" has blond hair, and the weapon in his hand has already been shot. As the number one player in the United States with a hidden professional dragon knight, "Top of the King" has never been as angry as he is now.

"Xiaoluo, is it interesting for you to fight against me like this?" King Zhiding let out a low growl, and the spear in his hand had already attacked Yao Ruoxi.

Yao Ruoxi was very calm and didn't answer, she winked at the runaway brick, and the two were ready to retreat.But the attack from the top of the king had arrived, so Yao Ruoxi had no choice but to wave the fan with both hands, and [Qianying Luoyue Dance] was activated immediately.

The pink petals are fluttering, driving the wind and snow on this mountain range, and the moves are full of beauty.

The runaway brick also cooperated with Yao Ruoxi to activate several skills in a row. When the two saw that the ownership of the boss had been taken, they turned and ran away without wanting to fight.The two of them were not stupid, they knew that they would not be able to hold out for a few seconds against the three gangs with hundreds of people.So he put oil on his feet and fled quickly.

Yao Ruoxi and Brick had already used the spells of acceleration and defense in their backpacks before grabbing the boss, plus individual skill blessings, it was because of their high defense and high speed in a short period of time that they dared to run amok like this .

Qin Haonan went invisible all the way and killed several players.But regardless of gangs, all three gangs have been implicated.Qin Haonan saw Yao Ruoxi and the others being attacked, so he rushed over.

"Apex of Kings" originally wanted to catch up with these two, but didn't want to be attacked suddenly from behind.

The system shows that the malicious attacker is "Life is like a dream".At that moment, "Apex of Kings" only felt that the veins on his head were bulging one by one.

"In our team, there is an invisible player attacking." At this time, the players in the Hall of Kings also noticed the system display.Everyone was extremely angry for a moment, and felt that this **** bastard was simply trying to die.

For a while, the scuffle started, and the players of the Hall of Kings wanted to find Qin Haonan who was hiding in the team.Because they couldn't see, as soon as a player was attacked, they collectively started bombing attacks in which direction.

In this way, there is nothing wrong with his own gang, but players from the other two gangs will always be accidentally injured.

In this way, the original plan to attack Qin Haonan turned into a real melee among the three gangs.

"I'm going, I was also attacked by Floating Life Ruomeng. What the hell, what are you attacking Floating Life Ruomeng in the Palace of Kings for attacking our Cavaliers Alliance?"

"Evil Frost Mercenary Group, what are you attacking us for?"

"We were also attacked by Floating Life Ruomeng, is it useful for you to beat us?"


For a while, the three gangs were in a mess, and the Ice Banshee boss over there was not very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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